After returning to the territory, Xia Qing excitedly took out a live hare from her backpack, whose hind legs were broken by her and whose neck skin was bitten by a sick wolf.

This was the first live hare she had caught, and the sick wolf helped her catch it and bring it back. In order to prevent the hare from dying from excessive blood loss, Xia Qing had already given it emergency treatment and wrapped it with a hypothermic emergency blanket before putting it in her backpack.

Now, it was time to test her luck. Xia Qing took out the toxic element detector, and when the red light on the detector came on, her excitement turned into disappointment.

This rabbit was a red light and could not be eaten.

In the past six months, thanks to the wolf pack, she had eaten more rabbits than in the past ten years combined, but it was really not easy for her to catch a live, edible rabbit. One reason was that the evolved rabbits ran too fast, and the other was that the proportion of edible rabbits in the evolutionary forest was relatively low.

Now that it was confirmed that it was a red light, Xia Qing still didn't want to give up. She took a few drops of blood from the rabbit and used the toxic element detector to detect the specific content of its toxic element II. If the level of toxic elements is not too high, Xia Qing decided to feed it one or two drops of toxic elements reducer to lower the level of toxic elements in its body.

This investment is worthwhile because this is a female rabbit, which can form a pair with the male rabbit in the greenhouse. Rabbits reproduce very quickly. If they can form a pair, she will have a steady supply of rabbits to eat.

During the time when she used the nutrient detector to detect blood quality, Xia Qing tested the toxic elements of the remaining six rabbits, two pheasants, a wild boar and a deer.

The two rabbits she hunted, one dead and one alive, were all red lights; among the deer, two rabbits and a pheasant hunted by the broken-legged wolf, only one pheasant was yellow light; the wild boar, a pheasant and two rabbits caught by the broken-waisted wolf were either yellow lights or green lights.

What does this mean? It means that the broken-legged wolf brought back all the prey it hunted, and the broken-waisted wolf brought back the edible animals it hunted.

The deer skin, pig skin and rabbit skin were all peeled off and processed, and they were still useful. Xia Qing placed the inedible red lantern meat outside and froze it into ice cubes, and then put it in the storage room of the shelf building, waiting to be exchanged when Zhong Tao came next time.

Xia Qing placed the edible ones in front of the broken waist wolf and asked, "What do you want to eat tonight, Broken Waist, pick it yourself."

The Broken Waist Wolf came over and pressed down a yellow lantern pheasant and a green lantern pheasant with his claws.

"Okay." The prey was caught by the Broken Waist Wolf. Xia Qing had no opinion and began to process the prey. The two chickens belonged to the Broken Waist Wolf. In addition to snake meatballs, she and the sick wolf also improved their meals tonight and ate green lantern pigs!

After putting the pheasants in a basin and scalding them with hot water, Xia Qing rolled up her sleeves and began to pluck their hair.

The sick wolf was tired after running a trip to the No. 60 mountain, and fell asleep on the straw mat by the fireplace. The sheep boss was also resting, because he chased Chen Zheng and Chen Cheng for a long time in the afternoon and was also tired. The Broken Waist Wolf was holding the kitchen windowsill with its front legs, studying the window grilles on the window.

"Broken-waisted wolf, the plucked weasel should also take some insecticide, right?" Xia Qing, who was plucking hair, suddenly remembered his companions. The evolved wolves on Hill No. 60 had taken medicine, but the plucked weasel had not yet taken it.

The Broken-waisted wolf, who was curiously studying the window paper that was quickly condensed on the kitchen glass window, turned around and looked at Xia Qing.

Xia Qing thought it didn't understand, so he repeated it again, "There are still some pills left. Don't you need to give the plucked weasel companion medicine? It may also have parasites in its stomach, right?"

The Broken-waisted wolf didn't look at the window paper, ran to the cabinet on the second floor that belonged to it, took out its laptop, and came to Xia Qing.

Xia Qing didn't know what it was thinking, but still wiped his hands and opened the laptop for it. After connecting the power supply, he continued to play the popular science video on evolutionary microorganisms that it had watched several times according to the Broken-waisted wolf's request.

After Xia Qing finished cooking dinner, he invited the Broken-waisted wolf and the sheep boss who had watched the video twice to eat.

Sick wolf? Without being called, it followed Xia Qing around after resting.

Xia Qing took out the roasted pheasant and was about to tear it apart and put it in the rice bowl when she saw the broken waist wolf holding a packaging bag and putting it in front of Xia Qing.

Xia Qing's first reaction was: "Broken waist, you even found the place to put the packaging bag?"

The second reaction was: "You want me to pack these two chickens and take them back for the queen to eat?"

The broken waist wolf tilted its head slightly, revealing two small white fangs, and smiled handsomely and cutely.

Xia Qing...



"Okay, I'll pack it for you. Do you want to wrap it with thermal film? This way, when you take it back, the queen can still eat it warm."

When Xia Qing packed the chicken, this smart brain-evolved wolf actually put away its notebook and put it in its own cabinet in the storage room on the second floor, then left overnight with the takeaway food for the alpha wolf.

Xia Qing watched it leave, thinking that the wind tonight would definitely be more than minus 25 degrees, it was too damn cold. She had lived long enough to encounter anything.

Today, she was fed a mouthful of wolf food by a wolf!

After closing the door to block the cold wind outside the house, Xia Qing brought the food to the fireplace and ate warmly with her two companions. Green light pork belly stewed with potatoes, green light rice with green light snake meat and chopped green onion soup, and green light pecans after the meal, Xia Qing was very satisfied.

But the weather forecast after the news broadcast brought her back to the present: "From tonight to the day after tomorrow, Huisan Base will usher in a snowfall, the content of toxic elements is normal, and some areas will face heavy snowfall..."

After listening to the weather forecast, Lord No. 6 Kuang Qingwei asked on the Lord Channel, "It's snowing normally at this time. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

There was a pause for a few seconds and no one answered. Everyone suddenly thought of Li Si. If she were here, she would definitely give a very professional answer, covering both the good and bad aspects.

Although after she answered, everyone still couldn't figure out whether normal snowfall at this time was a good thing or a bad thing, but they could get a lot of professional information.

Zhang San?

Of course he knows that, but he may be in a bad mood now, and it has something to do with his mood.

He is not talking now because he is in a bad mood. His bad mood must be related to not eating well. Xia Qing sent a message to his idol, asking him if he wanted wild boar meat. Then he pressed the intercom and asked, "Brother Zhao, will the snow have a big impact on the construction of the No. 50 Mountain Isolation Zone?"

Zhao Ze replied, "It depends on how thick the snow is. If it exceeds fifteen centimeters, it is best to add two people to clear the snow. Otherwise, the progress of the project will be delayed and the project will not be completed on schedule."

After taking a sip of snake meatball soup, Xia Qing pressed the intercom and said, "If the snow accumulation exceeds fifteen centimeters, I will join the snow clearing team tomorrow. My combat power has been restored to 70%, so clearing the snow will not be a problem."

The allies were all excited when they heard that Xia Qing was also going. Although they would not be in danger if they followed the investigation team and Qinglong Team on missions, following Xia Qing would make them feel more at ease.

This is not only related to Xia Qing's combat power, but the main reason is because Xia Qing belongs to the same alliance as them and is "one of their own".

Thanks to book friend Jewelmay for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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