Xia Qing originally thought that the Broken Waist Wolf would be so jealous when he saw that she could fly. But it turned out that the Broken Waist Wolf felt that Xia Qing without wings would fly in the sky, which was a very dangerous thing. It was so dangerous that it was worried about letting Xia Qing take the precious pills.

It’s no wonder that Broken Waist Wolf thinks so. Because Xia Qing was not skilled in flying, she staggered several times before she could stand upright when she first took off. After she stood firm, she kept flying forward in the same position, not daring to move for fear that she would fall headfirst into the snow.

Mobility and flexibility are important factors in improving survival rates in evolutionary forests. Xia Qing flies in the air and loses these two factors. If an evolved raptor attacks or a human attacks her with a weapon, the possibility of her escaping is very small.

From the Broken Waist Wolf's perspective, Xia Qing, who had lost the cover of the trees in the evolutionary forest and was flying at low altitude, might be a living target.

Xia Qing actually wanted to seize this rare opportunity to practice her flying ability, so she asked Broken Waist Wolf and Sick Wolf to carry fuel for her to fly back.

But the Broken Waist Wolf was afraid that something might happen to her, so he found a "mount" to send her back. Xia Qing didn't want to brush off its kindness and sincerely thanked him, "I'm weak now, and it's really risky to walk or fly through dangerous sections. Broken Waist Wolf" Yao, you are so considerate. You are the warm wolf of the wolf pack. Because of your presence, the winter becomes warmer. Thank you. "

The broken-waisted wolf showed the tips of its fangs and smiled happily.

Xia Qing also laughed, "As you can see on the laptop, after taking the insecticide tablets, the wolves will excrete the parasites in the body in the next two or three days. Watch carefully if you have a broken waist, don't let the broken legs The wolves are covered in parasites as they play around the excrement.”

The broken-legged wolf that was fighting with other wolves nearby heard Xia Qing calling it, and immediately jumped over and jumped around Xia Qing.

Xia Qing took out a piece of dried meat and handed it to it, and gave dried meat to a few familiar wolves before climbing on the back of the gray-black giant wolf and saying goodbye to the wolves he knew one by one, "My Lady Queen, the one with a broken waist, the giant one." Brother Lang, you have a broken leg...I'm leaving. If you have anything, go to Territory Three to find me."

After saying goodbye, Xia Qing sincerely discussed with the king of the wolves, "My Queen, if you meet humans in the evolutionary forest, as long as humans do not initiate provocation, you should not fight or harm humans. Is that okay?"

After taking the medicine once, Xia Qing clearly saw the strength of this pack of wolves. Counting the second sick wolf, they have a total of 73 members, including 9 sick and weak wolves, 19 half-grown wolves born this year, and 45 wolves with fighting ability. Among these 45 wolves, there are 18 giant wolves and 27 evolved wolves that are about the same height as the alpha wolf.

Evolved wolves are beasts with very strong teamwork capabilities. When wolves cooperate with each other, they can definitely explode into a combat power that is greater than two plus one plus one. Wolves are very vengeful animals. When humans enter the evolutionary forest to provoke, capture and kill wolves that go out to hunt, they are tantamount to offending the entire wolf pack.

Provoking a pack of 45 powerful evolved wolves is tantamount to seeking death. But unfortunately, there are still many people seeking death.

The golden eyes of the alpha wolf, the local tyrant, were fixed on Xia Qing and he did not speak, but Xia Qing felt that he could understand. He said goodbye to the alpha wolf with a smile, "You can deal with the humans who provoke the Queen and your subordinates however you want, but Please, Queen, please do not harm other people in human territory. They are ordinary people who come out to farm and will not pose a threat to the wolves.”

Those who seek death deserve to die, but ordinary people cannot become victims of fighting.

After saying that, Xia Qing patted the gray-black giant wolf's neck gently, "Big man, thank you for sending me back. Second brother, you lead the way, let's go home."

The straight-line distance from Territory No. 3 to Mountain No. 60 is 60 miles. Thick snow has submerged the lower animal trails. Now we have to walk along the winding animal trails to return to the territory, which requires at least 70 miles of mountain roads.

Riding a wolf is not as comfortable as flying in the air on an aircraft, but walking through the forest is indeed much safer than flying at low altitude. Xia Qing hugged the giant wolf's neck tightly, lowered her body and looked forward, seizing the opportunity to exercise her magnetic sense, trying hard to capture the mysterious and mysterious feeling that could not be expressed in words.

Suddenly, Xia Qing heard movement behind her, and when she looked back, she realized that the waist-broken wolf and the broken-leg wolf were coming to see her off.

The two wolves followed behind the giant wolf, one on the left and the other on the right, forming a triangle with the sick wolf in front, protecting Xia Qing and the gray-black giant wolf in the middle.

Xia Qing smiled, raised his hand to say hello to the two wolves, continued to hold the giant wolf's neck, and carefully felt the strange plants around him.

While walking through the dangerous forest covered by heavy snow, the changes in the magnetic field of the trees were like small needles piercing Xia Qing's brain, reminding her how dangerous this seemingly peaceful and ordinary forest was.

Xia Qing tried to remember the route the wolves took. This road should be the safest.

After passing through the crocodile pond and crossing deep ditches, we entered the range of Mountain No. 55, and the speed of the giant wolf slowed down. Mountain No. 55 can be regarded as a dividing line. To the north of this mountain is the dangerous depth of the evolutionary forest, and to the south is the relatively low-risk evolutionary forest zone.

Once here, there are far fewer creatures in the evolutionary forest that can threaten Xia Qing's safety.

The broken-back wolf left the team first, and when he returned ten minutes later, he had two fat hares in his mouth. Then, the broken-leg wolf also left the group. When he returned to the group more than 20 minutes later, he actually had a deer in his mouth, weighing 20 to 30 kilograms!

During this period, the giant wolf carried Xia Qing through Mountain No. 55 and entered Mountain No. 52. Then, the giant wolf showed its fatigue.

Xia Qing got off the wolf's back, fed it some spring water, and started walking. To the south of Mountain 52 is Mountain 49. After entering the range of Mountain 49, she was safe. Xia Qing planned to walk this section by herself and hunt a few wild rabbits.

"Broken waist, broken legs, give me the prey and I'll carry it back." Although Xia Qing only recovered 60% to 70% of her combat power, carrying dozens of kilograms of supplies was a piece of cake for her.

After taking the prey from the two wolves, Xia Qing directly sealed it with a packaging bag, stuffed it into her backpack and continued to move forward.

When they reached the edge of the 49th Mountain, Xia Qing pushed up her backpack, which had become twice as heavy, and asked the three wolves who escorted her back, "Broken waist, broken leg, big guy, I'll be safe once I enter the 49th Mountain. Do you three want to return to the Wolf Mountain now, or go back with me for barbecue?"

When crossing the 52nd Mountain, Xia Qing hunted two rabbits, and the four wolves caught a wild boar, three rabbits and two pheasants. These prey were enough for each of the four wolves to eat.

The broken waist wolf looked back at the broken leg wolf and the giant wolf. The two wolves stopped moving forward, and only the broken waist wolf followed Xia Qing and the sick wolf and continued to move forward.

Jing Kuan in the monitoring room looked at Xia Qing's bulging backpack and the two wolves around him with envy. The tabby cat Xiao Laowu, wearing white boots, squatted on the table, staring at the screen and licking his pink and tender little paws.

Thanks to the book friends Mu Yan and Dayuer for their rewards, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support. The first update is here today.

I'm really sorry that I was not feeling well last night and couldn't write, so the first update today is late.

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