After the individual aircraft is filled with fuel, the longest single flight distance is 30 miles. The place where Xia Qing landed was probably more than ten miles away from where the wolves lived. Xia Qing decided to walk through this distance. First, she had limited fuel, and second, she was afraid that flying any closer would disturb the wolves or bears.

Xia Qing had just landed and collected the individual aircraft and waited for a few minutes when Broken Waist Wolf and Sick Wolf caught up.

The sick wolf that caught up laughed and circled Xia Qing happily twice, while the broken-waisted wolf stared thoughtfully at Xia Qing's feet.

Xia Qing rubbed the sick wolf's head, patted the backpack happily, and explained to the Broken Waist Wolf, "Is the Broken Waist Wolf looking for my aircraft? I put it in the backpack. You two rest for a while, and we will move on."

Wolves are very good running animals. Before evolution, they could run at a speed of 120 miles per hour for 20 minutes. Therefore, if it is a long-distance running, the speed of the wolf will even exceed that of the extremely explosive sprint champion-the cheetah.

The evolved wolf ran faster, so Xia Qing flew 30 miles in ten minutes, which was only a few minutes faster than the two wolves.

If it weren't for the sick wolf, the elastically evolved waist-breaking wolf would be moving at full speed, and the time it would take to catch up with Xia Qing would be shorter. If it was the alpha wolf that evolved quickly, he should have arrived before Xia Qing.

But an evolved wolf running 30 miles at high speed will get tired, but humans using flying tools will not. This is the greatness of technological inventions.

When the broken-backed wolf lying on the rock stared at the backpack for the third time, Xia Qing smiled, "You want a flying machine, broken-backed?"

The Broken Waist Wolf stared at Xia Qing thoughtfully for a while, then came over and plucked Xia Qing's backpack with his paws.

Xia Qing thought it was looking for the aircraft, but unexpectedly, the Broken Waist Wolf found the pills it had exchanged for Yishi from its backpack.

After finding the pills, the Broken Waist Wolf turned sideways and motioned to Xia Qing to put the pills into the side pocket of its protective suit.

Xia Qing, who delivered the goods to his door, couldn't understand the brain circuit of the waist-breaking wolf, but he still complied with the boss's request, stuffed the pills into it, and continued to set off.

When they were approaching Hill No. 60, the broken waist wolf accelerated and ran away first. The sick wolf accompanied Xia Qing and moved forward slowly.

For the sick wolf, it was slow, but for Xia Qing, who had not yet fully recovered, this was already her fastest speed in the evolutionary forest covered with snow.

Before one person and one wolf reached the foot of the mountain, Xia Qing heard the long howling of the first wolf:

"Ouch - ow -"

Xia Qing could understand the meaning of this howl. The alpha wolf was summoning the pack of wolves.

Summon them for what? Go home and take medicine!

When Xia Qing arrived at the foot of No. 60 Mountain, she saw dozens of wolves standing on the high and low rocks staring at her. There were even wolves roaring. Xia Qing did not dare to go forward and looked up at the people standing on the mountain. The alpha wolf on the highest rock.

The alpha wolf jumped down, landed firmly in front of Xia Qing, and circled around her. Then Xia Qing found that the roar suddenly became much quieter, but it was not completely silent.

It wasn't until the handsome giant wolf jumped down and stood behind the alpha wolf that the roaring sound on the mountain completely disappeared.

"My Lady Queen, Brother Giant Wolf." Xia Qing said hello and explained the purpose of his visit, "The one with a broken waist asked me to deliver him pills and a mirror."

The alpha wolf took Xia Qing up and entered the cave where Xia Qing treated the wounds of the wolves last time. The broken waist wolf came over and motioned to Xia Qing to take the pills out of the pocket of its protective suit and explained to the alpha wolf, " This is an anthelmintic medicine that sick wolves once took. Taking it can kill several common parasites and eggs in the body and excrete them from the body. Just like what was said in the video last night, a wolf eats one piece. Eat it twice a year.”

The broken waist wolf used his paws to pull at the bag containing the pills, and Xia Qing understood. She took out the small rice bowl she had brought with her from her backpack, opened the pill package, and placed a pill in the rice bowl.

The alpha wolf and Broken Waist Wolf both came forward and sniffed it, and then Broken Waist Wolf took the pills.

Xia Qing put another piece in, this time it was the alpha wolf, and then the handsome giant wolf.

Then, a fantasy scene began: Xia Qing put medicine into pieces, and wolves came in one after another, took the medicine, and then went out.

A wolf walked in and asked to take medicine, but was bitten out by the wolf. Xia Qing was not sure whether the wolf had already taken the medicine or was not qualified to take it.

Before and after, a total of 73 wolves came in to take the medicine, and the last few were obviously the weaklings of the pack. Their hair is sparse, their bodies are thin, their heads are lowered and their tails are tucked between their legs, and they walk slowly. Moreover, these wolves did not come in from outside the cave, but came out from inside the cave.

The sick wolf walked up to a thin wolf and sniffed with it in a very affectionate manner.

The look of this wolf reminded Xia Qing of the scene when she first saw the sick wolf. This was also a sick wolf. Its tail and hind legs were stained with feces, its fur had fallen off badly, and it was shivering from the cold.

It probably won't survive this winter.

After collecting a walnut-sized stone from the pack, Xia Qing, who came to deliver medicine, pointed at the thin wolf and explained the situation to the alpha wolf and the broken-waisted wolf, "It's sick, and it won't be cured by just taking a piece of medicine."

The Broken Waist Wolf stared at Xia Qing thoughtfully for a while, then placed his eyes on the backpack Xia Qing brought over.

"I can try, but I may not be able to cure it." Xia Qing opened his backpack and took out the medicine box, applied medicine to the thin wolf to kill the germs on the body surface and ears, and then took out the medicine he carried with him. He and several other sick wolves drank some of the non-polluted spring water and oral antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

As for whether these wolves can survive this winter after taking the medicine, no one can guarantee it.

Wolves like this definitely cannot hunt. They must have survived until now because the wolf pack gave them food. Giving food to the weak, allowing them to live in relatively warm caves, and also giving them a piece of medicine in exchange for Yishi, all of which are consistent with Xia Qing's understanding of the wolf pack.

Wolves are a very warm group. They do no worse than humans in protecting the old, weak, sick and disabled individuals in the group.

Xia Qing stood up, pointed to the mirror in the long cardboard box, and asked the broken waist wolf, "Broken waist, where do you put this big mirror?"

The broken waist wolf tilted his head and took Xia Qing to walk a long way up the mountain, passing through several caves, before reaching the broken waist wolf's den.

This cave is not big, and there is a layer of soft hay in the cave. Then Xia Qing found her quilt in this cave...

Xia Qing looked at it silently for two seconds, opened the cardboard box, took out the mirror, and fixed it in a position that would definitely not be found from outside the cave, so that a helicopter would not fly over from a high altitude and be attracted by the reflective mirror in the cave and come to check.

After fixing the mirror, Xia Qing pointed at the cardboard box and the EPS foam inside, and said to the broken waist wolf, "Broken waist, let me leave these for you too?"

The broken waist wolf grinned, revealing its snow-white fangs.

Xia Qing also smiled, "I have to go. If I don't leave now, I won't be able to get back before dark."

When Xia Qing followed the broken waist wolf to the bottom of the mountain, she found that the gray-brown giant wolf that had taken a medicinal bath to her house had actually followed her down.

When she got to the bottom of the mountain and figured out that the broken waist wolf wanted the gray-brown giant wolf to carry her back, Xia Qing expressed to the head wolf and the broken waist wolf that she had a flying machine that could fly over the most difficult section, but the broken waist wolf still insisted that Xia Qing go back with the gray-brown giant wolf.

Xia Qing was silent for a while before she understood why the broken waist wolf asked her to hand over the pills on the way here.

Thanks to the house fairy Qitian, the most beloved full treasure, the nature is like jade a heart is constant, the heart is like lotus V, 2705 for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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