Although Xia Qing is not a speed evolver, she is an advanced evolver and has a strong overall physical fitness. After half a year of hard work, she has increased her running speed to the level of a third-level evolver.

However, because she took the Yi element stimulating liquid half a month ago, the Yi element in her body was greatly consumed. Although she worked hard to supplement during this period, her combat power was only restored to 80% of what it was before taking the stimulating liquid.

Five minutes after Yanlong accelerated, Xia Qing felt the difficulty. After Yanlong speeded up again, she couldn't keep up.

When they arrived at the training site at the second peak of Mount No. 50, Xia Qing's lungs were about to explode, but Yanlong didn't stop and asked her and Tan Qi to run back and forth around some big trees at the foot of the hillside.

When Xia Qing's ears were ringing and she was falling over with stars in her eyes, Yanlong finally shouted to stop and asked them to change from running to walking slowly. After walking two laps, they were asked to stop and rest for twenty minutes. .

Nine-year-old Tan Qi, a third-level speed evolver, was in worse condition than Xia Qing, lying motionless on the stone.

Yanlong first talked about Xia Qing's problem, "Your running posture is wrong. Your hind legs are raised too high. You must correct it, otherwise your speed will not increase. To improve this, the key is the timing of lifting the soles of your feet..."

Luo Pei once told Xia Qing about this problem. She thought she had corrected it, but she didn't expect that she still raised her legs too high.

Xia Qing immediately stood up and corrected his wrong actions under Yanlong's demonstration and correction.

Then... continue running until the posture and breathing rate meet Yanlong's requirements.

Tan Qi's running style was taught by Yan Long. There is no problem in this aspect. Her special training event today is fighting. Because her training opponent was Yanlong, the fight turned into being beaten.

After Xia Qing's running event ended, she also started to be beaten.

Yanlong made it very clear: "You are a sniper. Within the shooting range, the sniper is the enemy's god of death and the patron saint of your teammates. Under normal circumstances, you will not be on the front line, but you must be prepared to deal with it." Preparation for special circumstances.”

"If you have no teammates or your teammates have been injured or dead, and the enemy has already rushed in front of you, the sniper rifle will lose its effect. At this time, the comparison is your melee capability."

"Running and reaction speed are your weaknesses. While trying to make up for your weaknesses, you must seize the loopholes in the opponent's attack on you and use your strength to defeat the enemy with one move..."

Xia Qing, who listened carefully, quickly summed up the key points of melee combat that suited him: first, to resist beatings, and second, to quickly find the opponent's loopholes, use strength to advantage, and kill the opponent with one blow.

After being beaten by Yanlong for a day, Xia Qing was still very happy even though her body was bruised and bruised and she walked with a limp, because she had gained a lot.

After entering the territory, Xia Qing suddenly felt weak. She sat on a high slope and called her companions.

"Boss, boss..."

The sheep boss came out of the greenhouse and rushed to the north gate. When he saw Xia Qing sitting in the door in a panic, he bleated anxiously. Sick Wolf was also very worried and wandered around Xia Qing.

Xia Qingqiang held his eyelids that were about to close and discussed with his companion, "Boss, I'm fine, I'm just tired. Can you carry me home? Second brother, can you help me with my backpack?"

After being carried home by the sheep boss, Xia Qing, after taking a hot bath, ate a few snake meat pies prepared last night, collapsed on the lounge chair in front of the fireplace, and told the sheep boss with great heartache, "Boss, second brother , I miss our spinach so much. If I had spinach to eat now, I would definitely feel a lot better..."

Fresh Gaoyi element spinach is very effective in treating body trauma.

Xia Qing has anti-swelling and analgesic medicine, but can’t use it now. Because she had to prepare for soaking the body injury treatment potion, she could not use any medicine during this period.

Fortunately, she also has super nutrient solution.

As he talked, the exhausted Xia Qing fell asleep.

I don't know how long she slept, but Xia Qing was kicked awake by the sheep boss again. She sat up in a daze and asked, "What's wrong, boss? Are you hungry?"

The sheep boss looked unhappy and kicked the stainless steel basin on the ground. Only then did Xia Qing realize that in the stainless steel basin next to her, there was actually half a basin of spinach that had just been pulled out, covered with mud and ice residue, and messy.

Looking at the unhappy sheep boss, the worried sick wolf, and then at the mud on the hooves, claws and mouths of the two companions, Xia Qing was heartbroken and said, "Boss, second child, you brought this back for me to eat." of?"

The sheep boss narrowed his eyes unhappily, and the sick wolf grinned hahaha.

"I'm so touched!" Xia Qing raised his arms and hugged the necks of his two companions. The sheep boss shook his head unhappily, threw Xia Qing's arm away and kicked the pot, causing several spinach plants to spill out.

"Okay, I'll make spinach and the three of us can eat it together."

Xia Qing took the basin into the kitchen and washed the spinach under the watch of two companions. The bitten and chewed parts were chopped into pieces, and half of them were used to mix with the concentrate to feed the sheep. The other half was cooked into spinach and chicken soup to feed to the sick wolf. The intact vegetable leaves were used to scramble eggs, which she ate herself.

The special training events on the second morning were still running and fighting (taking beatings). In the afternoon, Xia Qing's opponent was Tan Qi. Although the nine-year-old girl is not as strong as Xia Qing, she is very fast. Sparring with her can improve Xia Qing's reaction speed.

Although Xia Qing is not as fast as Tan Qi and has received less professional training, the fierce and deadly moves she has honed during the ten years of natural disasters have also enriched Tan Qi's combat experience.

Yanlong stood aside and watched the two rookies pecking each other. He promptly pointed out the weaknesses of their moves and corrected them on the spot. On this day, Xia Qing gained a lot and was not beaten badly. After returning home, she washed clothes and prepared breakfast.

On the third day of the special training event, Tan Qi and Xia Qing teamed up to fight Yanlong. They could not stop until they could leave qualified attack marks on Yanlong.

Because they failed to leave any trace of qualification, the three of them fought for a whole day, and the two who joined forces were beaten very badly. Tan Qi was carried back by Yan Long, while Xia Qing crawled back by herself.

On the fourth, fifth, and sixth days, Xia Qing, the power evolver, and Tan Qi, the speed evolver, cooperated with each other better and better, and they were finally able to leave qualified attack marks on Yanlong.

In order to reward them, Yanlong took them to No. 51 Mountain to hunt and eat barbecue on the seventh day. Unfortunately, the three of them were unlucky and shot eight rabbits and five pheasants, all of which were red lights.

On the eighth day, Xia Qing directly carried a green light pork ribs to participate in the special training.

During the lunch break, the three of them made a fire and barbecued meat in the evolutionary forest. This made the little girl Tan Qi extremely happy. "Sister Qing, can I exchange my points for two pounds of meat?"

Tan Qi was born in the second year of the natural disaster when supplies and food were extremely scarce. Her growth experience and education were completely different from those before the natural disaster. Seeing Xia Qing take out the precious green light meat, her first thought was: if she wants to eat meat, she must exchange it with materials or points.

Xia Qing didn't say anything that she didn't need to pay points for the treat, and directly set the price, "I can exchange it for you two kilograms of green light pork at the price of 150 points per kilogram, but I don't want the points. You need to use the green light or green light harvested in your territory next year. Exchange yellow light wheat with me."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Qing."

Tan Qi jumped up happily with stars in her eyes. This is precious green light meat. She only takes a small bite and divides the rest into two portions, one for her father and one for Aunt Yan. (End of chapter)

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