
Xia Qing chopped down a small pine tree as thick as a thigh with a fierce knife, which frightened the two researchers from Territory No. 9 in the high-risk area and made them shiver at the same time.

"There is a hardness-evolved pine tree here, and we need a chainsaw." Xia Qing shouted.

"Here it comes-here it comes!" Wen Nengjie, who was always paying attention to Xia Qing, rushed over in front of Qi Fu with a chainsaw, "Sister Qing, is it this one?"

"Yes." Xia Qing walked to the next small tree with a machete and a blank expression, knocked it down with a knife, and continued to move forward.

The two researchers in the high-risk area watched Xia Qing walk away, and whispered, "She didn't hear it, did she?"

"It's possible, she's not an auditory evolver..."

"If I had known, we would have been closer."

During the two-hour break from work, Xia Qing showed the words on the screen of his mobile phone to Shi Mu, Yuan Yan and Zhu Li:

People in Territory No. 9 want to join other territories and stay, everyone must consider it carefully.

Because there is no base station here, Yuan Yan and Shi's mother did not bring their mobile phones. Zhu Li took out an old mobile phone with a broken screen from her bosom and typed a line of words for Xia Qing to see:

Don't worry, no one will let them enter their territory.

Yuan Yan and Shi's mother also nodded.

The people in the No. 9 Territory can indeed research things, but they either hide hundreds of kilograms of dangerous chemicals or use poison gas bombs to blow up mountains. Letting such people enter their territory is to seek death.

Besides, Zhang San obviously hates the people in the No. 9 Territory. Isn't it obvious that they are making things difficult for Zhang San by accepting these people? Between the No. 9 Territory and Zhang San, even a fool knows who to choose.

Sure enough, after trying Xia Qing to no avail, the two people found Zhao Ze and still used the same rhetoric. Perhaps in their opinion, Zhao Ze, who was appointed as the project leader by Xia Qing, is the most capable and promising one among these ordinary lords.

Not to mention that Zhao Ze has received Xia Qing's reminder, even if he didn't receive it, he wouldn't want it. He was just an ordinary person who came out to work hard and farm to have a full meal. When a group of refugees from other bases came, he was so scared that he didn't dare to sleep without a fence. If the crazy people who played with drugs and explosives in the No. 9 territory entered his territory, he would definitely not dare to eat - for fear of being poisoned to death.

Back in the territory, the exhausted Zhu Li hid in the quilt and secretly told her husband about this matter, "I watched for a whole day. They didn't look for people from the 15th and 17th territories, but they looked for us. Husband, you say we don't agree, they won't do anything tricky, right?"

Kuang Qingwei was unsure, but he still pretended to be nonchalant to comfort his wife, "The fire is powerful, but the strong dragon cannot suppress the local snake. This is the territory of our alliance. Don't forget that we are allies with the third brother and Xia Qing now."

"Yes, yes!" Zhu Li's uneasy heart immediately settled down, and soon she snored.

Kuang Qingwei opened his eyes and thought over and over again how he would deal with it if the people from the No. 9 territory came to him.

As a result, when they went up the mountain again the next day, the two people did not show up again. After asking around, they learned that they were kept in the tent by Xiao Liu, the assistant of the No. 9 territory, for sample testing and were not allowed to come out.

Although he did not ask, Kuang Qingwei felt that this matter must have been handled by Xia Qing, because she was the manager of the No. 50 mountain.

It was indeed Xia Qing who said hello to Xiao Liu about this matter. Now is the critical period of the mission, and Xia Qing does not want to cause any more trouble.

On the third day of Xia Qing's participation in the cleanup mission, the fire-fighting isolation belt was cleaned up, and all the high-risk areas were enclosed within the isolation belt.

On the fourth day, the wind speed of the third peak of the No. 50 mountain was less than level 4, and there was no snowfall, which met the natural conditions for setting fire to the mountain. Disaster relief commander Zhang San ordered to shake off the snow on the trees first and start setting fire to the mountain.

Yang Jin and Xia Qing were in charge of commanding the mountain burning site.

The tree species in the danger zone are mainly pine trees. The branches and leaves of pine trees contain a lot of oil, which will decompose a large amount of volatile flammable gases when burned, resulting in violent combustion and the formation of crown fires. So soon after the mountain burning began, the big pine trees in the high-risk area of ​​the fire-extinguishing isolation zone became veritable fire trees.

After the fire started, the heat in the high-risk area continued to rise, and the snow on the ground quickly melted into sewage. While releasing the toxic elements into the air, the sewage flowed along the dug ditch to the deep pit covered with two layers of thick plastic sheets at the foot of the mountain. The newly established sewage treatment team carried out water treatment work in an orderly manner to completely kill the super-evolved bacteria in the sewage.

After Xia Qing patrolled and confirmed that the fire would not spread beyond the isolation zone, she said hello to Yang Jin, went up the mountain and entered the hidden valley, and set fire to the ruins of the stone house in the valley and the weeds and weeds she had cleared before. This fire completely destroyed all traces left by Shi Jiayi's family in the hidden valley.

The fire burned for two days before it was extinguished. After careful inspection, the team sent by Territory No. 7 confirmed that the danger level had been reduced from high to medium. Commander Zhang San's mission was completed, and the disaster relief team was disbanded. All members of the second echelon of the disaster relief team went down the mountain. Those who needed to be detained continued to be detained, and those who needed to be trained continued to be trained.

At 8:35 am on the second day after the disaster relief, Xia Qing arrived outside the No. 7 territory on time to meet up with Yanlong and Tan Qi and started a ten-day special training.

For this special training, Xia Qing made full preparations.

In terms of weapons, according to Yanlong's request, she only brought a short knife.

But in terms of clothing. She wore a high-level hardness evolution snake skin coat and special protective gear for strength evolutionists. Huo Zhun sent her a message specifically to remind her to wear it.

Food. She had a full meal this morning, and also brought a bottle of premium nutrient solution and a large bag of pork jerky. Although the taste was average, she used green light pork and green light ingredients, and the nutritional value was great.

More importantly, she had made enough mental preparations. Because Ji Li and Huo Zhun both hinted to her that Yanlong's special training was very intense. Yang Jin told her very directly that when he was in military school, he participated in the special training led by Yanlong, but he didn't stick to the end and fainted halfway.

When she saw Yanlong standing quietly outside the No. 7 territory, Xia Qing raised her head and chest and walked over fearlessly.

"Sister Qing." Standing next to Yanlong, Tan Qi, who looked like a bean sprout, raised her hand and happily greeted Xia Qing, who hadn't seen her for several months.

Xia Qing also raised her hand in response, walked over quickly, and greeted happily, "Sister Yan, Qiqi."

Tan Qi was also very happy, and her eyes were bent with laughter because she looked like her father. Looking at the cute little face behind the protective mask, Xia Qing suddenly felt that Tan Junjie, who always had a serious face, would be sunny and handsome when he smiled.

Yanlong spoke calmly, "Line up, destination is the second peak of Mount 50, run forward. Let's go."

"Yes!" Tan Qi responded crisply, standing beside Xia Qing and following her.

"Yes." Xia Qing also responded, followed Yanlong, and ran to the valley between Mount 49 and Mount 50.

After jogging for a few minutes, Yanlong began to speed up, and Xia Qing and Tan Qi also followed suit. (End of this chapter)

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