Tan Qi thought the No. 6 ration porridge was very delicious, but Xia Qing tasted it far worse than the green light rice porridge. But she still didn't have a drop left and drank it all. Anyone who has ever been hungry knows how precious food is and will never waste it.

Although Xia Qing is currently in the recovery period and only eats green light foods these days, occasionally eating a few mouthfuls of yellow light foods does not have much impact.

What's more, the corn residue in this bowl was probably grown by her through hard work. How difficult the process of growing corn is, how precious this porridge is.

Tan Qi saw that Xia Qing had finished drinking, so she filled another bowl for her, and then carefully discussed with her, "Sister Qing, can I take this egg back to my father?"


Xia Qing clearly refused. For safety reasons, and to comply with her agreement with Zhang San, Xia Qing will not exchange eggs laid by chickens in territory three. But Xia Qing understood the little girl's thoughts very well and explained to her, "This egg is cooked for you. If your father wants to eat it, you can exchange it with me."


Tan Qi peeled the egg open with great piety and was even more surprised to find that the egg white was snow-white.

This egg was of better quality than the one she had for her birthday last year. It would cost at least 150 points to exchange for an egg like this. Tan Qi calculated her points and found that she couldn't afford the exchange.


Tan Qi first invited Xia Qing to eat the steamed buns she brought over, "Sister Qing, try it. It's stuffed with green lantern wild vegetables and added with diced yellow lantern pork. I made it myself."

"It's delicious." Although the buns only add salt, the flavor of wild vegetables and meat go well together, and they taste really good. After Xia Qing ate two in a row, Tan Qicai ate the perilla with the eggs in small bites.

After finishing the meal, Tan Qi rushed ahead of Xia Qing to wash the bowl with filtered water from another bucket, and discussed with Xia Qing, "Sister Qing, will you hatch chicks next spring? If so, I would like to exchange A few are kept in the territory.”

When she raises the chicks, she will have eggs to eat.

Xia Qing explained, "My chickens are exchanged with Territory No. 7. If Territory No. 7 does not hatch chicks next spring and exchange them with others, I can hatch them. Although this is not stipulated by anyone, everyone agrees that Chengdu does this. The same Logically speaking, green alfalfa has been found in Territory No. 4. Although there is alfalfa in my territory now, if you want to exchange, you should choose to exchange with Territory No. 4 first. "

Tan Qi didn't know there were such rules in the territory, so she immediately nodded and remembered. After packing her things, Tan Qi picked up her bag and thanked Xia Qing, "I'll go back and weed. In a few days, when the leeks grow up, I'll cut some and bring them over. Sister Qing will make dumplings stuffed with leeks and eggs to eat."

After Xia Qing nodded in agreement, Tan Qi happily carried her big backpack, followed Xia Qing out of the south gate of Territory No. 3, and quickly ran towards her territory.

After watching her enter Territory No. 15, Xia Qing returned to the territory and took out her mobile phone to report Tan Qi's whereabouts to Yanlong. As soon as the news was sent out, Xia Qing received a message from Tang Huai:

Xia Qing, are you busy? Are your bugs still alive? Can I send you some more?

Xia Qing looked back at the grass wall in Territory No. 2 and replied:

Busy, alive, no need.

After receiving Xia Qing's reply, Tang Huai was excited and sent a bunch of messages in one go. Xia Qing was too lazy to talk to him anymore. She put her mobile phone in her pocket and carried the bamboo pole to replace the bracket in the greenhouse that would creak when blown by the wind.

"What are you guys busy with?" Zhu Li asked in the group, "I seem to hear the sound of cars in the aisle outside the territory. Is it the person who installed the ground base station for us?"

Xia Qing also heard the sound of the car, and through the sound, he accurately determined that it was the sound of the delivery truck in Territory 8. However, her hearing ability was not disclosed to the public, so she remained silent.

Sure enough, Tang Huai came online, "That's the delivery truck from Territory No. 8. Xin Yu, the air filter of the delivery truck is clogged and the engine is making abnormal noise. It's best to have it repaired as soon as possible."

Xin Yu would not answer such nonsense.

Xia Qing waited for a few seconds and then pressed the button. "I am replacing the brackets of the greenhouse. When I checked last night, I found that several brackets were about to break."

Mother Zhao from next door quickly asked, "We are pulling weeds in the greenhouse. Qing, why are the greenhouse supports about to break?"

Xia Qing explained, "If there is a creaking sound when the wind blows or there are cracks on the bamboo poles, it means they are not strong and need to be replaced as soon as possible, otherwise the greenhouse may be damaged by strong winds."

The greenhouse was blown, and the cold air of more than 20 degrees below zero entered the rapeseed or wheat fields, which would frostbite the seedlings.

"Understood, I'll let Zhao Ze take someone to check it out." Zhao's mother responded quickly and asked Zhu Li, "Are Xiaoli's feet feeling better?"

Zhu Li replied, "Auntie, I just smashed a piece of my nail, so I wouldn't have delayed my work long ago."

Shi Zhong asked, "Brother Qi, are you here? How are the leeks in your greenhouse growing?"

Qi Fu replied, "The nutrition is a little low, but it's not sick, and it's almost time to cut the first crop."

After listening to everyone chatting for a while, Xia Qing confirmed that all the members of the Lords Alliance were online, Xia Qing pressed the intercom button, "Brother Qi, I want to exchange half a catty of leeks with you. Do you want corn or wheat?"

This is the secret code set by the lords' alliance. Xia Qing asked Jiuhuang that he was going to have a meeting. Qi Fu immediately replied, "It's okay. Can I cut it and send it to you?"

"No, I'll go get it later." Later, it means 10 o'clock. Xia Qing set the right time and left his territory from the north gate at nine thirty-five, rushing to Territory No. 5.

When she and Zhao Ze arrived, they found that there were many people in Qi Fu's basement. Kuang Qingwei and his wife, Shi Zhong and his wife, and Yue Haiying had all arrived, and there were many dried fruits and homemade snacks on the table.

Seeing Xia Qing coming, Zhu Li immediately greeted her warmly, "Xia Qing, are you cold? Come and try my fried melon seeds."

Shi's mother explained happily, "Today is the 28th, and in three days it will be the eleventh year of the natural disaster. No matter how many things happened, everyone has lived another year, so we want to celebrate together. Qing, why are you wearing so thin? Don't get cold."

"I'm wearing a lot of clothes, I'm not cold at all." Xia Qing smiled and put down her backpack, and took out a 20-liter bucket of water from it. Because of the cold weather, the water in the bucket has begun to freeze, but it hasn't frozen solid yet.

"I brought a bucket of water, please boil it, Brother Qi, so that everyone can taste the water quality."

When everyone heard about tasting the water quality, their eyes lit up.

"I'll do it." Yuan Yan immediately returned to the ground, brought down a small stove and kettle, quickly boiled a kettle, and poured a bowl for everyone.

Kuang Qingwei took a sip and immediately asked, "This water doesn't have a fishy smell. What is it filtered with? Has the filter been updated?"

"Isn't this water from our river? It feels a lot softer." Shi's mother also asked. (End of this chapter)

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