Shidu also came online, "Third brother, can I exchange green light mung beans for a filter element?"

Zhang San refused, "I can't eat so many mung beans, is there any water celery?"

"Yes!" Shidu responded quickly, "We planted them in the greenhouse, but they are too small and can only be eaten next month. Third brother, can we reserve one with you?"

Zhang San responded lazily, "Your dad is not in good health, so take it and use it first, and then send it to me when the water celery grows."

"Okay, thank you, Third Brother!" Shidu thanked him happily. He nominally exchanged the green light food for the filter element, but it was actually the medicine contained in the filter element to treat his father's illness.

This is the exchange method proposed by Xia Qing. Shi Du really feels that Xia Qing is getting more and more powerful.

After everyone passed the clear road, Xin Yu came online, "Third brother, can I exchange the green light peanut for one?"


It’s over!

Zhang San's tone did not change at all, "Okay."

After hearing that Zhang San agreed to trade with Xin Yu, the members of the Lords Alliance realized that Zhang San had really developed a filter element with a filtration effect of 10‰ against the elements.

Third brother, awesome!

They can form an alliance with the third brother, and they will follow the bullish attitude!

After Xin Yu exchanged, Tang Zhengbo also went online to exchange one.

Xia Qing pressed the button and discussed with Zhang San, "Third brother, I would like to take a few people to the No. 50 burning area tomorrow to check the burning situation of tree roots and estimate how many pine trees need to be planted. Do you think this is okay?"

"Okay." Zhang San responded lazily, "You are the manager of No. 50 Mountain. Just manage it according to the employment agreement I signed with you. Don't bother me with such trivial matters in the future."

"Yes." Xia Qing responded immediately.

The next day, Xia Qing took Qi Fu and his wife, Zhao Ze, Kuang Qingwei, Shi Du and Yue Haiying to report the reason for the trip, the number of people, the destination and the approximate time of return to the investigation team, and then led the team to No. 50 Mountain.

Multiple cameras have been installed in the burned high-risk area of ​​No. 50 Mountain. Xia Qing can use her mobile phone to check whether anyone has broken into the monitored area.

Of course, the bear caves and mountain cracks located halfway up the mountain are also within the scope of monitoring. After entering the surveillance area, Xia Qing checked to confirm that there were no reconnaissance birds or reconnaissance equipment in the air, then used the key to open the iron door of the Bear Cave and led the alliance members into the Bear Cave office.

The disaster relief command work has ended. Yang Jin evacuated the bear cave with equipment, but did not dismantle the hardware facilities here. Because these hardware were transferred from disaster relief to fund allocation, they did not go out of Yang Jin's pocket.

After entering the bear cave, Qi Fu was happy, "Xia Qing, can we stay here while we guard the rice seedlings?"

Xia Qing nodded, "You can live here or in the valley."

Zhao Ze looked at such a large cave and couldn't help but feel scared, "It turns out that the evolved bears used to live so close to us. Didn't the Territory Management Department say that there are no large beasts within two hundred miles of our territory?"

Kuang Qingwei chuckled, "If they didn't say that, would you dare to come out to farm? Xia Qing, the evolved bear living here won't come back, right?"

Xia Qing explained, "Wild animals have a very keen sense of danger. The evolved bears occupied this mountain before because there was food they needed. Therefore, the evolved bears should not come back before the ecological environment of this mountain is restored. In order Insurance, I brought the bear repellent medicine made by my third brother. Bears hate the smell of this medicine and will not come close if they smell it."

Xia Qing handed the medicine to Qi Fu, "I'll spray it on later. As long as it doesn't rain, just spray it once every half a month."

Zhao Ze felt reassured, "It's okay to come back. Evolution Bear can't open such a thick iron door."

"It can be opened." Yue Haiying fought against the evolved bear and reminded all allies, "The power of the evolved brown bear is very terrifying. With the strength and equipment of a few of us, there is only one result for angering the evolved bear."

Xia Qing also reminded all allies, "This evolutionary forest was cleared by poison gas bombs, so it looks similar to the buffer forest in our territory. But when the snow melts, there will be dangers everywhere."

Yue Haiying took out his watch and took a look at it, "It took us one hour and eight minutes to get here from the isolation zone. If we come back after the snow melts, it will take longer."

When the snow melts, it means that winter is over and spring is coming. The place will be covered with weeds and other plants. With plants, there will be animals and microorganisms, which will be dangerous. It will take longer to come from the territory.

"So we need to install the facilities in the valley as soon as possible and lay all the planting soil layers." After Xia Qing finished speaking, he easily pushed away the boulder blocking the entrance and led the alliance members into the hidden valley.

After entering the valley, we saw the densely growing plants in the valley, the light beams that penetrated the valley through the mountain peaks, and the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the mountain top, which caused the water vapor in the valley to condense near the gaps on the top of the mountain to form icicles that kept dripping water. The members of the Lords Alliance were shocked.

"Wonderland, this is a fairyland on earth. If it weren't for a natural disaster, this place would definitely be developed into a tourist attraction." Yuan Yan, who is calm and few words, is rarely emotional for once.

Kuang Qingwei's eyes flashed with gold, "It should be a hot spring resort. Even if you queue for a year, you may not be able to get a hot spring resort to enter the valley."

Qi Fu lamented, "The amount of work required to dig this valley is too great..."

Shi Du stepped on the stone hard, "I don't know how deep the cracks in the mountain are, and whether they have been filled with stones."

Zhao Ze was concentrating on studying the ammunition holes in the stone wall and calculating how much ammunition was used to blast the mountain and open the valley.

Yue Haiying asked Xia Qing in a low voice, "There are a lot of poisonous insects and evolutionary bacteria in this valley, right?"

Xia Qing nodded, "There used to be a lot, but I have cleaned it up four times and sprayed it with medicine. There are not many now."

The poisonous insects and harmful bacteria in the valley have been killed by Xia Qing. The evolutionary bacteria and small animals in the area below the bear cave that were not cleared by the poison gas bombs were also burned to death. Later, the only ones who could enter this valley were small animals or birds running from afar.

Yue Haiying nodded and pointed to the bulge on the westernmost side that was pressed down by plastic cloth, "Is that bear feces?"

"Yes, I added compost powder, and it can be used to cultivate rice seedlings after fermentation." After introducing the situation in front of him, Xia Qing led everyone to the spring in the center of the narrow valley.

Seeing the steaming spring, everyone's eyes were wet.

Shi Du was excited, "This water is so clear, there must be no bugs."

"This is mountain spring water gushing out from underground, otherwise the temperature wouldn't be so high." Qi Fu bent down and touched the edge of the pool and said, "The person who built this pool is an expert, you can see how smooth the cement surface is."

"Yesterday when I heard that Director Tang and Xin Yu exchanged filters with the third brother at a high price, I was calculating the value of this spring." Kuang Qingwei's eyes were shining, "After a few years when our strength becomes stronger, we can make a lot of money without doing anything else and just selling this water." (End of this chapter)

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