The high-quality green light corn of Red Eleven is as famous as the high-quality green light rice of Baiqi Base. Xia Qing has heard the introduction on the radio, but because the taste of corn is not as good as rice, it is not popular.

but! From the knowledge hard drive sent by Yang Jin, Xia Qing learned that Red Eleven's Y-3 green light corn is an evolved variety. The corn kernels contain a large amount of lutein. Research has confirmed that this lutein is very beneficial to protecting the eyes. .

Xia Qing needs this corn very much because she wants to become a top visually evolved sniper. Eating Y-3 corn will increase the possibility of her wish coming true. Tan Junjie is really good at selecting seeds. He must have paid a heavy price in exchange for these seeds.

After properly preserving the green light corn, Xia Qing opened the bag of yellow light wheat seeds sent by Tan Junjie.

That's right, this kind of seed is the same as the yellow light wheat seed that the idol exchanged for her. In other words, Tan Junjie took a helicopter and flew thousands of miles across the vast evolutionary forest. At the Red Eleven base, he exchanged the yellow light wheat M-14 cultivated in the Huisan No. 7 territory. Then he flew thousands of miles and got it a few miles away from the No. 7 territory. Far away in Territory 3, exchange advanced evolved python meat with her.

Xia Qing smiled and put away the wheat seeds. She knew Tan Junjie's intention of exchanging yellow light wheat. Because the wheat seedlings in Xia Qing's territory suffered serious losses in the snow, and wheat was the main food crop, he chose to exchange wheat.

Xia Qing put the green garlic brought by Tan Junjie into the vegetable storage room downstairs. In addition to the garlic she grew herself and the garlic she exchanged with Xin Yu, Xia Qing now has 71 green garlics. These garlics will be planted and harvested next spring, which is enough for her to eat.

Xia Qing hummed a little tune and returned to the ground, asked Hu Xiufeng, and after learning that there was a training camp for speed evolvers on Mount 49 this afternoon, he signed up. After lunch, I ran to Hill 49 to participate in training as a sniper.

In the platoon dormitory located in the eastern part of the territory, bright-eyed Tan Qi hummed children's songs and walked around her father who was making a wooden bed for her.

After the Lords Alliance meeting in the morning of the next day was successfully concluded, the "exchange" began in the Lords channel in the afternoon.

Kuang Qingwei started shouting, "Are you guys here? I have something to discuss with you."

"Say." The first person to come online was Tang Huai, who was recovering from his injuries in Territory No. 12.

Kuang Qingwei laughed happily, "Brother Huai, your voice sounds much better."

"Not yet, we have to keep it up." Tang Huai responded weakly, "What's going on?"

"I want to bring back a batch of high-end filter elements and ask everyone if they want it." Kuang Qingwei explained seriously, "Everyone knows the benefits of drinking water filtered by high-end filter elements to the body, so I won't say more. Anyone who wants it No, my batch of goods is lower than the public price in the safe zone, 495 points per filter element.”

Tang Huai snorted coldly, "It's just five points lower, and you have the nerve to say that? What? Have you become rich recently?"

Kuang Qingwei explained, "It's not that I'm getting rich, it's that my wife has been feeling unwell these days, and she hasn't gotten better after taking medicine, so I want to get a filter element back. If you guys need it, I'll get it together."

Mother Zhao went online to help, "Is Zhu Li tired because she went to work at No. 50 Mountain some time ago?"

"I can't figure it out." Kuang Qingwei sighed, "I have worked so hard for so many days, and I have to spend all the points I earned."

Shi Mu went online to comfort her, "Just go in and earn more points. If your body collapses, it will be in trouble. High-end filter elements are too expensive. We have trouble eating now, so we won't make up for it."

After Zhao's mother and Qi Fu also stated that they would not get involved, Xia Qing also went online. "My sister-in-law is still young. She will definitely be able to recover after drinking high-quality water for a while. I have been nervous about points recently, so I won't join in the fun this time."

"It's okay, it's okay." Kuang Qingwei said in a flattering tone, "When I buy it, filter out high-quality water, and send a few bottles to the girl. If you guys want to drink, you can exchange with me. We are all acquaintances and want to drink. You can exchange it with me, 10 points per liter, the quantity is limited, if you want to exchange, you can sign up now. ”

Tang Huai, who was in Territory No. 12, yawned and snorted coldly, "Isn't it just that I think the filter element is too expensive, and I want to find someone to share part of the cost, and you say it so nicely."

Tang Heng, who was sitting next to him warming himself by the fire, smiled, "High-end purification filters are indeed too expensive for ordinary people."

Tang Zhengbo also spoke, "Kuang Qingwei is not only a qualified businessman who knows how to calculate his budget, but also a good husband."

As soon as their father brought the topic to this aspect, Tang Huai and Tang Heng immediately shrank their necks and became honest.

In the lord channel, Kuang Qingwei was still selling hard, but no one said anything.

Zhang San, the boss of Territory No. 7 who was co-acting with the show, came online, "How much can the advanced filter element in the safe zone reduce the pollution element?"

Kuang Qingwei quickly replied, "Reduced by 8‰. The normal content of chlorine in our river is between 14-17‰. If a high-grade filter element is used, the chlorine content can be reduced to a quality close to that of green light drinking water."

Zhang San was very serious, "It's close, it's not green light drinking water."

The elemental content of 5‰ is the dividing line between safe food and optional food. So even if it is close to 5‰, it is not considered green drinking water.

Kuang Qingwei explained in a good voice, "Third brother, you know better than me. Removing pyrocyanates is a very complex technology. The lower the content of pyrocyanates in water or air, the more difficult it is to remove. If you want to achieve green light quality , you can only use filtration and distillation, and that equipment is more expensive.”

Zhang San yawned, "If you need green light drinking water, you can exchange with me. The filter element I made can filter out 10‰ of the harmful elements in our river. Each filter element can filter 60 liters of water."

Wrong! The other lords of the Lord Alliance heard Zhang San's words and silently corrected him at the same time: It's not 60 liters, it should be 50 liters.

"Brother San, you are so awesome!" Zhao Ze immediately went online to express his respect for Zhang San, one step faster than his fan Xia Qing.

Kuang Qingwei continued to act, "Third brother, can I exchange your filter element?"

"Yes, 700 points." Zhang San quoted the price and added, "Only green light food."

"This price is not cheap." Tang Heng in the No. 12 territory whispered, "I guess Kuang Qingwei will not exchange, it is more appropriate for him to buy the safe zone."

"He will exchange with green light mung beans." Tang Zhengbo made a judgment, "Because every territory has green light mung beans, the price of mung beans will drop next year."

"Third brother, can I exchange a filter element with you with green light mung beans?" Sure enough, Tang Zhengbo guessed it right, and Kuang Qingwei proposed to exchange.

"Yes." Zhang San agreed.

Tang Zhengbo took the opportunity to educate his two sons, "Kuang Qingwei is very good to his wife."

Tang Huai...

Tang Heng... (End of this chapter)

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