After everyone had an excited and lively discussion for a while, they took off their heavy cold-proof clothes and started working. It is more than 20 degrees below zero outside the valley, but it can reach 20 degrees inside the valley. This temperature difference is like a joke.

Yue Haiying, Yuan Yan, Zhao Ze and Kuang Qingwei were responsible for razing the collapsed stone houses that had been burned by the fire to the ground, moving the stones to the gravel area that was not covered with soil on the east side of the valley, and paving the gravel area as flat as possible.

Shidu carries a sprayer on his back and sprays sterilization and insecticides in the valley to clear weeds. This work is highly dangerous and can only be done by people with sound limbs and who have performed tasks in the evolutionary forest many times.

Xia Qing and Qi Fu, who are experienced in construction, began to install insect-proof nets along the cracks in the mountain to prevent small animals from entering the valley through the cracks.

Unlike the insect-proof nets in the territory that are made of high-density polyethylene materials and are easily bitten and scratched by rodent-evolved insects, the insect-proof nets used here are made of fine iron wires, which are harder and have better insect-proof effects. .

This kind of barbed wire is a military material and was obtained from Yue Haiying.

Xia Qing and Qi Fu both brought professional tools and climbing ropes, and installed the insect-proof net in less than half a day.

After installing the insect-proof net, everyone got into the special tent in the evolutionary forest set up next to the hot spring, took off their protective masks and gloves, started having lunch, and drank the filtered hot spring water.

When he came here today, Qi Fu brought an intermediate filter element and a bucket for filtering water. In half a day, he had already filtered three buckets of water.

Sure enough, as everyone speculated, using an intermediate filter element can reduce the chlorine content in hot springs from 17‰ to 4‰.

Water with a purine content of 4‰ and no radioactive substances and other toxins is considered high quality in Green Lantern Water!

"If a high-end filter element is used, the water quality of this spring will exceed that of distilled water with added minerals, and it will have less Ni elements than unpolluted spring water. If the news is revealed, all the forces in Huisan will definitely have their heads broken. Flow." Yue Haiying couldn't help but have red circles in his eyes, and his eyes became firmer.

It was right not to tell Tan Junjie about this valley and this hot spring. If Tan Junjie knew about his responsibility, he would definitely report it to the Territory Management Department. By then, no matter how good Zhang San is, he will not be able to compete with the entire base. The proportion of spring water distribution that the Lords Alliance can grab is estimated to be less than 1%.

The base has two pollution-free springs. Without this spring, distilled mineral water is available. The 32 brothers in Territory No. 15 who were disabled and sick in order to protect the base and ordinary people needed this spring water to heal their injuries and prolong their lives. The Alliance of Lords also needs to use this hot spring and this cave to develop and grow.

Yue Haiying raised his head and poured every drop of the spring water in the cup into his mouth.

Zhao Ze cried again while drinking, "I really think this water tastes better than the bottled mountain spring water before the natural disaster. I feel like I am in a dream today... It would be great if I were a few years younger."

Kuang Qingwei also sighed, "Although I am 44 this year, my wife is young. If she drinks more water like this and eats more green light food, she will definitely become an evolver."

Zhao Ze, who was crying, was stunned, and everyone else couldn't help laughing.

Shi Du cheered up the two ordinary people in the team, "Brother Qing, Brother Zhao, don't be discouraged. My mother is 46 this year. She ate the python meat given by Sister Qing. Now her power evolution level has reached two and a half levels. You all It’s possible to evolve.”

Zhao Ze was immediately comforted, and Kuang Qingwei's eyes were shining. Although he said that he was out of luck, how could ordinary people living on this cruel planet not want to become more capable and longer-lived evolvers?

Whenever there is a little bit of hope, try your best.

But Xia Qing, who has been frantically absorbing knowledge these days, is not as optimistic as Shi Du. After surveying a large number of samples, researchers came to a result that makes most ordinary people despair:

The probability of an ordinary person over 35 years old evolving multiple abilities and becoming an evolver is less than one in 100,000.

The reason why in recent years it is often found that ordinary people over 35 years old are promoted to become evolutionaries is because these people are originally evolutionaries, but due to poor living conditions and insufficient energy absorbed by the body, their abilities are not outstanding and they have no ability. be noticed or detected.

For example, Shi Du's mother was stronger than ordinary people before she ate the meat of an advanced evolved python. When she went to the safety zone testing department for testing, she was not recognized as an evolver because she did not meet the standards for a second-level power evolver. Before Yuan Yan came to the territory, This is also the case.

Zhao Ze and Kuang Qingwei, who are over 35 years old, unless they have not been detected evolutionaries before, no matter how much high-quality food they eat and how much high-quality water they drink, the probability of becoming evolutionaries is only one in 100,000, which is quite a lot. at "0".

The reason why the country did not make this news public is that it did not want ordinary people over the age of 35, who account for the vast majority of the population, to lose hope. Human beings live too hard today. If we lose hope again, suffer emotional breakdown or take extreme actions to plunder resources, the number of people will be several times more than it is now.

Xia Qing could not confirm whether Zhao Ze and Kuang Qingwei were undetected evolvers, and she did not want to tell them the cruel truth. Instead, she changed directions to boost everyone's morale:

"Drinking more such high-quality water can improve everyone's resistance and physical fitness even if it does not stimulate evolutionary abilities. Shidu, your father's condition will definitely be better controlled."

"We cultivate high-quality rice seedlings in the valley, and we will be able to harvest hundreds, thousands or even thousands of kilograms of high-quality rice next June. By then, everyone will have points in their hands, and Aunt Zhao and Brother Yue can be equipped with bionic prostheses and live a healthy life. It’s much more convenient to farm.”

After listening to Xia Qing's words, Yue Haiying smiled, and Zhao Ze's eyes were lit up by Xia Qing's words, "Yes! I want to equip my mother with a bionic prosthesis with movable fingers!"

Shi Du stuffed the last bite of dried meat into his mouth, "Fuck, let's keep doing it! Sister Qing, what do we plan for the next half day?"

Xia Qing looked at Qi Fu, "Brother Qi, what do you think?"

Qi Fu suggested, "The stones on the eastern half are almost sorted. In the afternoon, why not divide it into three groups? One group of people will carry soil from the outside into the valley, and the other group of people will stay in the valley to clean up the western half of the land, leaving us with little time to raise rice seedlings." It's been more than a month. It's a pity that more than an acre of land in the west has been empty. Let's clear the land and water it today, fertilize it and plant rapeseed tomorrow. Even if it's not sold, we can eat it ourselves or send it to No. 7 It’s okay to add food to the third brother’s territory, what do you think?”

Everyone agreed to divide into two groups to work in the afternoon.

Xia Qing, Shi Du, Qi Fu and Yuan Yan, the four of them were very strong, so they went out to find suitable soil and carried soil into the valley, while the rest stayed in the valley to clean up the cultivated land in the west.

Thank you book friends for letting me rest for a while and thank you for your subscription and voting support. Today’s second update is here.

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