There are many people to work with, and it only took three days to complete the cleaning and soil filling of the valley. The valley, which is more than 70 meters long and 20 meters wide, has more than 2 acres of arable land after clearing. The hot spring water flows slowly through the cultivated land along the repaired canals, seeping into the stone gaps on the left and right sides of the valley. The entire valley is warm and peaceful.

The members of the Lords Alliance stood on the big rock together, with tears of excitement in their eyes.

After the valley cleaning work is completed, the next step is daily maintenance, installation of fill lights and water collection activities. Yue Haiying and Qi Fu are responsible for these trivial matters, and Xia Qing does not need to worry about them.

Members of the Lords Alliance would form teams every now and then and enter the evolutionary forest for the reasons of hunting, searching for edible dried fruits, roots of medicinal plants, or collecting animal dung.

Territory No. 15, which has a large demand for drinking water, is the leader and protector of every mission team that goes into the mountains. Although they are all disabled, they possess guns and a certain degree of combat power, which are enough to protect the safety of the mission team and teach Qi Fu and others the skills necessary for activities in the evolutionary forest.

When Xia Qing is not going to Mount No. 49 for training, he will team up with his allies and take them to hunt at the fourth peak of Mount No. 50.

Unlike the other three peaks of Mount No. 50, the fourth peak was not affected by gas bombs. This is the most primitive evolutionary forest.

Here, Qi Fu, Zhao Ze and others witnessed the ferocity of evolved wolves, cheetahs, foxes, wild boars and other large animals, and also experienced the powerful attack power of evolved plants.

So this winter, not only did Xia Qing grow rapidly in group training and individual training, but the members of the Lords Alliance were also growing.

"Attention, all lords: Tomorrow the safety zone will send a construction team to install the ground signal base station. The installation location of territories 1-10 is determined to be at the edge of the passage north of territories 2 and 10. Please ask the lords of the two territories and temporary The agent approved the construction team to enter the installation." After the evening news broadcast on January 15, Tan Junjie made an announcement on the Lord Channel.

Shi Mu in Territory No. 10 waited for a few seconds, but when she couldn't hear the response from Territory No. 2, she pressed the intercom, "Territory No. 10 approves."

"Received." Tan Junjie responded and asked again, "Temporary Agent of Territory No. 2, please reply."

Zhou Xun then came online, "Team Tan, I'm asking the lord for instructions, please wait a moment."

Tang Huai came online, "Team Tan, how many G base stations are installed in our territory? How many are installed in total?"

Tan Junjie replied, "Because our territory has the largest cultivated farmland area, we installed 4G base stations, a total of 12."

"Wow!" Tang Huai exclaimed, "Thank you, Team Tan!"

12? ! Xia Qing also patted Boss Sheep's big head with gleaming eyes, "Boss! We're going to have a signal!"

The sheep boss shook his head and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"Sorry, sorry." Xia Qing happily rubbed the small curls on the top of the sheep's head and continued to comb it.

"Cough, cough." Zhou Xun coughed twice and began to ask, "Captain Tan, if the signal base station is installed in Territory No. 2, who is responsible for the maintenance of the base station?"

Tan Junjie corrected his statement, "The base station signal tower is not installed in Territory 2, but at the edge of the channel north of Territory 2. The optical cable pipes connecting the base stations need to be in Territories 2 and 9, 10 and 14 The maintenance of ground base station signal towers, optical cable ducts and mobile switching centers is the responsibility of the inspection team in the area.”

Zhou Xun understood, "Received. Entry into Territory No. 2 is approved."

Everyone was excited when they heard that the signal base station was going to be installed. Zhao Ze asked, "Team Tan, after installing the signal tower, will we form a local area network here, or can we achieve communication connections with other places?"

To achieve communication between the territory and the safe zone, if communication satellites are not used, it is necessary to connect the base station optical cable in the territory to the optical cable in the safe zone. This is very difficult.

The difficulty mentioned here does not refer to the technical difficulty or the lack of optical cables, but the lack of maintenance personnel. The territorial area No. 1-26 is 120 kilometers away from the safety zone, separated by a large area of ​​evolutionary forest and town ruins. The large number of evolved animals and plants in the evolutionary forest will pose a threat to the safety of optical cables.

It is very possible that the roots of evolved plants or the teeth of evolved animals spawned by a rain next month can cut off all the optical cables and the pipes surrounding them.

Tan Junjie replied, "Of the 200 territories outside Huisan Base, only territories 1-26 can be connected to the safe zone signal, because our base station here will be equipped with antenna equipment that can communicate with satellites. However, due to hardware conditions, we The signal speed and quality of the connection here will not reach the level in the safe zone in a short period of time.”

"Wow -" Tang Huai started to exclaim again, "The base has been digging and searching, why is it suddenly so generous this time?"

Such questions do not require Tan Junjie to answer.

The lords began a heated discussion. Although everyone's time online has been many times less than before the natural disaster since the natural disaster began, the lords are still very excited to be able to connect to the base's network.

In territory No. 3, Xia Qing, who started grooming the sick wolf, was also pleasantly surprised. She thought that after the cellular network base station was built here, it would be able to realize the communication function within the area, but she did not expect that it could be connected to the outside.

Is this one of the conditions for a long discussion between Yang Jin and the base? Or is it because the boss Zhang San is here that the base has made an exception to upgrade the base station specifications in this territory?

Hu Xiu Feng came online, "Captain Tan, Team Qinglong has applied to install a ground base station on Hill 49 and connect the optical cables in this area. The installation costs will be borne by Team Qinglong."

Tan Junjie responded, "This is beyond my scope of authority. You can apply directly to the base management department."

"Received." Hu Feng responded.

Tang Huai asked, "Madman Hu, why are you installing a transmitting tower on Mountain No. 49? Do you want to do practical training on the mountain, or do you want to play games on the computer?"


Hu Hufeng chuckled, "A signal base station is being installed in the territory. Why are you so excited? Do you want to live broadcast digging for insects?"

Zhou Xun immediately went online to help, "What's wrong with the digging bug? You want to dig it up, but you can't!"

Everyone: This familiar smell is back again.

"Dear lords, the second announcement is now made: Tomorrow morning, the Territory Management Department will send people over to verify the crop losses in each territory during the snow removal period. Only after the losses are approved can the compensation negotiation process be entered, and each territory will be asked to approve the territory. Management enters.”

Hu Huifeng asked, "Captain Tan, when the verification team sent by the Territory Management Department comes into the territory, it will only verify crop losses and will not search other areas of the territory, right?"

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