It is now past eight o'clock in the morning. Although the sun has risen, the temperature has not yet risen, so the rainproof cloth of the greenhouse has not been rolled up yet.

However, the greenhouse is not dark at all, because several bright fill lights are installed inside to ensure that the light time and intensity of the wheat seedlings and rapeseed seedlings every day reach a suitable level for growth.

Zhou Qianpeng and Chai Shuling found that the shed was so bright, and their expressions were distorted for a moment.

Xia Qing, who was expressionless, looked at this and laughed in his heart.

how? These people came in early in the morning just to do some tricks in the dark before the temperature rose?

Zhou Qianpeng adjusted his expression, turned back and looked at Xia Qing gently and asked, "Miss Xia, hanging so many fill lights in the shed will consume a lot of electricity, right?"

"Yeah." Xia Qing responded lightly. Other territories are short of electricity, but she is not short of electricity at all, because she has a companion who loves to generate electricity.

Chai Shuling carefully observed the growth of the wheat, opened the mask of her airtight protective suit and asked, "The survival rate and growth of wheat in Miss Xia's field are very good, and it seems not to have been affected by the snow. Miss Xia, can you tell me about your planting experience?" ?"

After speaking, Chai Shuling took the initiative to explain, "If Miss Xia's approach is advisable, we will promote it on the radio channel to improve the wheat survival rate in each territory of our base, and give you corresponding rewards."

Xia Qing explained, "I rented equipment to isolate the elements during the snow removal period, so this field was less affected."

Chai Shuling asked, "Who and what equipment did you rent from?"

"You should know that there are currently only two ways to isolate the elements." Xia Qing said calmly, "I signed a confidentiality agreement with the other party and cannot disclose it to the outside world."

The way to isolate the elements is to install an air filtration device or use stone. Xia Qing's greenhouse is not a glass greenhouse and air leaks everywhere, so he can only use Yishi.

Those who can lease Yishi may be the lords of Territory No. 1, No. 7 or No. 8. These three all own Yishi.

Chai Shuling nodded with a smile. After taking the photo, she took out a tape measure to measure an area of ​​one square meter and counted the number of wheat seedlings within one square meter. Li Chang squatted next to him and took notes in a notebook. Xia Qing stood aside and watched.

Zhou Qianpeng, who was walking back and forth in the greenhouse with his hands behind his back, called Xia Qing over, "Did Miss Xia build the scaffolding of this greenhouse herself?"

When Xia Qing looked at Zhou Qianpeng, he spotted Chai Shuling squatting in the wheat field out of the corner of his eye. He quickly pulled out a wheat seedling and stuffed it into the protective suit.

She thought her movements were fast and stealthy, but she couldn't escape even the observation of level 9 visual evolver Xia Qing or level 3 visual inspection team member Su Ming.

Li Chang, who was lowering his head to take notes next to him, might not have noticed anything.

From this action, Xia Qing could conclude that Chai Shuling, who was wearing an airtight protective suit, was a speed evolver. However, her evolution level is not high, it should be between level 3-4.

Su Ming subconsciously looked at Xia Qing, and Xia Qing signaled with her eyes to keep quiet.

She let the verification team in just to eliminate Sufeng and Liehuo's curiosity and suspicion about Territory Three, so that they would stop staring at her every day. Therefore, whether Chai Shuling was stealing seedlings or soil, Xia Qing would pretend not to see it.

When Xia Qing was trapped by Zhou Qianpeng, Chai Shuling and Li Chang completed the verification of the green light wheat and asked Xia Qing to take them to the next piece of farmland.

Xia Qing's yellow-light wheat and yellow-light rapeseed were not protected with stone, so the lack of seedlings was obvious. After the two people checked and stole the seedlings, Xia Qing took them into the planting greenhouse.

After entering the warm planting greenhouse, Xia Qing keenly noticed that Chai Shuling and Zhou Qianpeng's eyes and breathing rates changed when they saw the sparse green spinach in the vegetable bed of the greenhouse.

It seems that these two people came here for spinach. Was it Deputy Base Director Tang Zhengrong or Team Agni who asked her to check the spinach in each territory? Or are these two groups of people originally working together?

Why are the seedlings among the 6 green light spinach seedlings so sparse? Because the sheep boss and the sick wolf dug up a basket of spinach some time ago and brought it home for Xia Qing to eat.

Zhou Qianpeng continued to trip up Xia Qing, "Ms. Xia's greenhouse actually uses an all-steel frame structure. Are these steel frames exchanged from the safe area?"

Green Lantern Strawberry was moved back home by Xia Qing. Now all the plants in the greenhouse, including Green Lantern Mint, are not afraid of Chai Shuling's sampling.

However, we can't let her steal so smoothly, otherwise it will be too fake.

Xia Qing stared at Chai Shuling and Li Chang, and only looked up at Zhou Qianpeng when he asked, "I didn't buy it from the safe zone. I exchanged it with other people."

Zhou Qianpeng asked again, "Isn't this steel frame cheap?"

Of course. Xia Qing nodded, "I am an evolver. I can go to the evolutionary forest to hunt and collect food in exchange for needed materials. Moreover, these are second-hand building materials, which are much cheaper than brand-new ones."

"Actually, I just wanted to ask, but I felt a little presumptuous." Zhou Qianpeng wore a warm smile and asked like an elder, "Miss Xia is a high-level power evolver. With your age and conditions, you can find a high-level evolver to get married and have children. , it should be much easier to move to the inner city of the safe zone than to farm, right?"

The path Zhou Qianpeng mentioned is the choice of most female evolvers. Public security in the inner city of the safety zone is good, and disinfection measures are in place. Except for the rain and snow periods, life in the inner city is not much different from before the natural disaster.

Moving to the inner city is the goal of most outer city people.

Houses in the inner city can also be "exchanged" with credit points and points. Credit points are easy to deal with, as long as you do not violate the laws of the safe zone, they will not be deducted, but the points required to move to the inner city are astronomical for most people. Therefore, many people choose to take a "shortcut": forming a family and having children.

A couple whose both parties are evolvers, and one of them is a high-level evolver, can exchange the right to live in the inner city house at a price of 20%-40% off and move into the inner city as long as the child is identified as an evolver by testing.

Li Chang, who was taking notes, was also curious about this question and looked up at Xia Qing.

Chai Shuling? She always pays attention to Xia Qing, ready to steal seedlings and soil samples when Xia Qing is not paying attention.

Xia Qing looked at the water beads condensed on the plastic of the greenhouse and calmly replied, "Before I came out to farm, I was only a level 4 power evolver."

General power evolvers are despised by other types of evolvers. Because this level of power evolvers can be replaced by a few ordinary strong laborers.

Therefore, when in the safe zone, it was not easy for Xia Qing, a level 4 power evolver who had everything, to find a high-level evolver to marry, give birth to the next generation with evolutionary abilities, and then move to the inner city to live.

Zhou Qianpeng nodded and continued to inquire, "Miss Xia has been in the territory for a year, and her power evolution level has increased by two levels. What's the reason?"

Xia Qing explained calmly, "It may be because I work every day and often eat safe food."

Li Chang's eyes flashed with envy, and Chai Shuling, who had hidden a spinach plant, also raised her head, "It seems that Miss Xia has good potential."

Zhou Qianpeng asked jokingly, "Now, is Miss Xia interested in meeting young and promising high-level power evolvers? I know a few who are very good in all aspects."

Xia Qing didn't need to answer this question. Su Ming from the investigation team interrupted, "Team Leader Zhou, Miss Xia has a boyfriend."

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