On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 535 The inspection team enters Territory No. 3

Tan Junjie responded, "Yes, people sent by the Territory Management Department will not conduct inspections in areas that have not been approved by the lord."

"Okay, Territory No. 1 approves."

Zhou Xun responded, "Territory No. 2 is approved."

Xia Qing pressed the button, "Territory No. 3 approved."

Arriving at Territory No. 7, Ji Li pressed the button, "Territory No. 7 does not approve."

Zhou Zhaoping, assistant to Territory No. 8, also pressed the button, "Territorial No. 8 does not approve it."

There is no one in Territory Nine, so Territory Ten takes over, "Territory Ten approves."

Tan Junjie continued to ask, "If entry is not approved for Territory No. 7 and Territory 8, the Territory Management Department will not be able to confirm the true situation of crop losses and will not be able to include the crop losses in the two territories within the scope of compensation. Please consider the two territories carefully."

"Territory No. 7 understands and does not approve."

"Territory No. 8 understands and does not approve."

Territory No. 7 does not allow people from the Territory Management Department to inspect crop losses. First, because the greenhouses in Territory No. 7 are equipped with air filtration systems, and snow removal will have no impact on the crops in the greenhouses. Second, because Territory No. 7 belongs to the P3 laboratory. Plants with very high maintenance requirements may be planted in the greenhouse, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

The reason why Territory No. 8 disagrees...

Xia Qing put the combed wool and wolf hair into bags respectively. She felt that the reason why Xin Yu disagreed was that the crops grown in Territory No. 8 had a small area, and she didn't want people from the Territory Management Department to disturb her. birds, as well as disrupting normal production in factories.

Speaking of which, after the helicopter in Territory No. 2 was bombed and Xu Pin was killed, Sufeng only sent people to check once, and there was no further movement. Yang Jin stayed in the territory for so long, but Tang Lu didn't catch up with him.

Looking at these two things together, it means that something must have happened to the Tang family or the Sufeng team recently, making them too busy to get out.

Xia Qing decided to pay close attention to the construction team and the working group sent by the Territory Management Department tomorrow to see if they would reveal any valuable information during their chat.

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Tan Junjie issued an announcement on the Lord's channel, "Territory No. 3, the verification team will arrive at the south gate of Territory No. 3 in fifteen minutes. Please open the door on time."


Xia Qing arrived at the south gate of the territory on time and found that in addition to the investigation team, there were seven other people.

Although Xia Qing, four of them, could not name them, he knew that they were all members of Sufeng Team. These four people all carried guns and seemed to be responsible for protecting the safety of the verification team.

There are two other women and one man. The man standing in the middle with a straight waist and a calm face is named Zhou Qianpeng.

When Xia Qing was in the safe zone, she often saw Zhou Qianpeng nodding and hunched beside deputy base director Tang Zhengrong, looking at ordinary people with stern eyes. The last time she returned to the safe zone to attend the agricultural products fair, she found Zhou Qianpeng nodding and hunched, following the territorial management department. Next to Minister Jiang Quan.

There is no doubt that Zhou Qianpeng is a gang of Tang Zhengrong and Jiang Quan. I wasn't with the leader today, but this guy actually put on the airs of a leader and pretended to be decent.

The other two female members of the verification team were wearing airtight protective suits and both looked unfamiliar.

Xia Qing pointed at the armed Sufeng quartet through the iron gate with an expressionless expression, "The four of them are not allowed to enter my territory. Others, please show valid documents. I need to confirm your identities."

Sufeng's foursome came in with guns and could attack the evolved wolves and evolved sheep in her territory for any reason. Xia Qing would never allow this risk to exist.

Zhou Qianpeng nodded slightly to Xia Qing and explained gently, "Because there are evolved wolves in Miss Xia's territory, we need special protection."

Zhou Qianpeng's speaking tone was learned from Tang Zhengrong, and it was full of official accent.

Xia Qing also nodded slightly to him and explained calmly, "The evolved animals in my territory have been locked up. If you are worried, you can ask the investigation team to follow you in to protect your safety. If this doesn't work, I can only cancel the entry. With permission, I won’t bother you.”

Zhou Qianpeng failed to pretend, and the flash of anger in his eyes failed to escape Xia Qing's sharp eyes, "If Miss Xia doesn't let us enter for inspection, we won't be able to confirm your crop losses, and we won't be able to compensate for the losses in the future. "

Tan Junjie, who looked serious, asked in a routine manner, "Team Leader Zhou, do you agree to the request made by Lord No. 3? If not, let's go to the next territory now."

Zhou Qianpeng forced a smile and nodded slightly, "We agree, please ask Captain Tan to send someone to protect the safety of the three of us."

Tan Junjie stretched out his hand and said, "Please show your valid ID and accept inspection."

Zhou Qianpeng's anger became even more obvious, "You will also inspect the female team members?"

There were no female soldiers in the platoon, so Tan Junjie discussed with Xia Qing, "Miss Xia, can you inspect the female team members?"

Xia Qing nodded, "Okay."

Xia Qing checked the verification team's valid IDs and took photos, searched the bodies of the two female team members, checked what they carried, and allowed the inspection team to protect the three-person team from entering the territory, and then locked the iron door.

"Oh, this woman started shaking after being near Hu Feng and Zhang San. What should we do?"

"The poor suddenly become rich, and the salted fish turns over. She feels uncomfortable all over without shaking a few times. Report the situation and stand by where she is."

Not far after entering the territory, Xia Qing heard the whispers of the Sufeng quartet standing outside the subway gate of Territory 3. She pretended not to hear and led the verification team towards the farmland.

The team member following Xia Qing asked coldly, "How many acres of farmland have been cultivated in Territory 3?"

This woman's name is Li Chang. Xia Qing just removed a miniature camera from the button on the chest of her protective suit. At that time, she also used this tone to tell Xia Qing that it was worn according to regulations.

Xia Qing calmly responded, "7.6 acres."

Another female team member asked, "Does it include the terraced fields on the hillside?"

The woman with this voice is named Chai Shuling. She looks a few years older than Li Chang. After Xia Qing found that she had a camera on her, she took the initiative to remove the camera and handed it to the Sufeng four-member team.

Xia Qing responded, "Including terraced fields, greenhouses and greenhouses."

Zhou Qianpeng asked with concern, "Miss Xia leads the largest territory, but there are not many cultivated farmlands. Is it because of insufficient manpower? Do you need coordination personnel from the Territory Management Department?"

Xia Qing looked back at him and said, "No."

Zhou Qianpeng smiled and nodded, but cursed in his heart: It's true what is written in the information. This woman is a lonely and violent lunatic. She lacks trust in her own kind and would rather raise two beasts than let people enter her territory to work.

How did this woman get close to Zhang San? Could it be that Zhang San is also a person who depends on appearance?

Xia Qing first took the three people to the greenhouse covered with rainproof cloth to check the damage of green light wheat, yellow light wheat and yellow light rapeseed in the greenhouse.

Thanks to the book friend I love handsome wolf brother for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support.

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