"Haha." Zhou Qianpeng laughed heartily, "I didn't understand the situation, so I took the liberty. Have you finished the verification?"

Chai Shuling replied, "The verification is over. Miss Xia, shall we go to the greenhouse next door?"

Xia Qing shook his head, "No need. There is nothing growing in the greenhouse next door."

"Nothing planted?" Zhou Qianpeng asked curiously, "Miss Xia built such a good greenhouse, but she left it empty?"

Xia Qing explained calmly, "I don't have time, so I raised a few small animals."

Zhou Qianpeng glanced at Chai Shuling quickly, and after seeing her nodding slightly, he asked with a smile, "What little animals are there? Can we go over and have a look?"

Xia Qing lifted the plastic sheet on the earthen wall and invited them over, "These animals are timid. You can watch them, but you can't get too close."

Last night, she had moved the chickens sent from Territory No. 7 and the mealworms exchanged with Tang Huai back home. Now there are only seven chickens, three rabbits and a few fish in the water tank in the greenhouse. She is not afraid of anyone. See.

Just keep an eye on Chai Shuling and don't let her get water from the water tank, because the water tank is mixed with a certain proportion of non-polluted spring water.

Zhou Qianpeng and Chai Shuling entered the breeding greenhouse and lost interest after just one glance. The younger Li Chang likes small animals very much. He pointed to the bandaged rabbit in the rabbit cage and asked, "Is this rabbit's leg broken?"

Xia Qing explained, "I just caught it after I broke its hind legs a while ago."

Caught in the evolutionary forest? Li Chang became more interested, "Is it a green light?"

Xia Qing shook his head, "It's a red light. It's not easy to catch a live rabbit, so I plan to feed the green light plant for a period of time to see if I can reduce the level of killing elements in its body."

Hearing that Xia Qing actually fed the red light rabbit and the green light plant, the three of them had looks of disapproval on their faces.

Li Chang reminded Xia Qing, "This rabbit has reached adulthood, and the possibility of a decline in its killing element is very small. It will be difficult to get back the precious green light food you invested."

The reason why it is said that it is difficult to get back the money rather than that there is no return at all is because red light prey can also be exchanged for points. The food processing factories in the safety zone will smash the red-light meat, then use a series of methods to reduce the content of the killing element to the yellow-light range, and then process it into food for sale.

Chai Shuling pointed to the wooden box next to the fish tank and asked, "Are there animals in that wooden box?

Xia Qing replied, "There are more than a dozen snakes in the box, with green and yellow lights."

Hearing that there was a snake inside, Li Chang and Chai Shuling were so frightened that they took a few steps back and did not even dare to approach the fish tank.

After leaving the greenhouse, Zhou Qianpeng pointed to the terraced greenhouse in the low-slope buffer forest and asked, "Miss Xia, is it time to check that greenhouse?"

Xia Qing replied, "All the crops grown in my territory have been verified. The fertilizer in that shed is fermenting and there is no need for verification."

Chai Shuling glanced at Zhou Qianpeng, who immediately asked curiously, "Is it fermented with the compost bacterial powder developed by Lord No. 7? I heard that the quality of this bacterial powder is very good. Can we go over and have a look?"


Xia Qing spoke calmly, pretending to reluctantly agree, and led them across the frozen river and into the low-slope planting greenhouse.

The rainproof cloth of this greenhouse was not pulled up, and there were no lights inside, so it was dark. Xia Qing rolled up the rainproof cloth to create a light-transmitting strip of about 30 centimeters, making it easier for the three people to see.

Chai Shuling opened the terraces covered by plastic sheets and confirmed that they were full of fermenting animal excrement and plant stems and leaves. Then she stood up and patted the rotten leaves on her hands. "The temperature is still low and the fertilizer has not fully fermented."

"It's okay if the temperature is low. It will definitely be used during spring plowing next year. With these fertilizers, the crops will grow better." Zhou Qianpeng walked up with his hands behind his back and praised Xia Qing, "Miss Xia's shed is well built and very stable. "

Li Chang's focus was on the top stone wall of the low-slope planting greenhouse. She walked over and observed carefully, "Why did Miss Xia cover this stone in the greenhouse?"

"The greenhouse supports are connected to the stone wall, which will make it more stable."

Watching Li Chang approach the small cave where the pollution-free spring is located step by step, Xia Qing remained expressionless, and his heartbeat did not even speed up. If Li Chang had come a few days ago, she might have felt nervous, but there was no need for it now, because the pollution-free spring water had entered the dry season and had stopped flowing.

Now let alone the fact that these three people were just watching the stone wall, Xia Qing was not worried even if they pulled away the stone blocking the entrance of the cave and crawled in to take a look.

Kill weeds?

There are two colorless and transparent grasses in the dark greenhouse and the dark cave. If you don't turn on the flashlight and look carefully inside, you can't see them at all. What's there to be afraid of?

Li Chang held the greenhouse bracket fixed on the rocks and shook it slightly. After confirming that it was indeed more stable, his eyes lit up, "There are rocks blocking the wind here. Can the crops grow well?"

Xia Qing explained, "I planted two grapes here and they are growing well."

Only then did Li Chang notice the raised soil ridges under his feet. He took two steps back and asked, "There are so many flat cultivated lands in the territory that are still uncultivated. Why do you want to cultivate terraced fields? Isn't it very laborious to irrigate crops in terraced fields?"

Xia Qing calmly explained, "When I entered the territory, I found that this area was originally terraced fields with relatively fertile soil, so I cleared them out. It is not difficult for me to lift water to irrigate a few terraced fields."

This female lord, who looked to be a few years older than her, was a high-level power evolver. Li Chang's eyes darkened and he didn't ask any more questions.

"Researcher Li, can we go now?" Zhou Qianpeng was not interested in this smelly greenhouse without any plants, and urged Li Chang who kept asking questions.

"Yes." Li Chang quickly packed up the paper and pen and pulled up the mask of the airtight protective suit.

There was no need to go to the high slope greenhouse, because there was nothing planted there, and the rainproof cloth was not put down, which was clear at a glance.

Zhou Qianpeng and Chai Shuling, who had completed the task, did not even want to say a word to Xia Qing.

Li Chang, who was walking at the end, stopped and pulled up the protective mask after others left the No. 3 territory, and whispered to exchange, "Miss Xia, can I exchange the green light vegetables in your territory in the future?"

Li Chang's proposal to trade surprised Xia Qing, but she still agreed calmly, "Yes."

Although people who do research are all called "researchers", researchers are divided into four levels from low to high based on professional knowledge, research experience and research results: intern researcher, assistant researcher, associate researcher and researcher.

The certificate held by Li Chang stated that her occupation was an intern researcher at Huisan Research Institute. Logically speaking, even if Li Chang is the lowest-level intern researcher among the researchers, it would not be difficult for her to exchange green light vegetables from the safe zone planting center.

In this case, why did she exchange vegetables from the territory 120 kilometers away from the safe zone? The vegetables here are picked and transported back all the way, and they are far less fresh than the vegetables in the planting center.

No matter what the reason is for Li Chang to propose the exchange, Xia Qing has no reason to refuse, because she is a lord who relies on growing vegetables and food in exchange for survival resources.

Li Chang was happy, "Can we exchange phone numbers? You will be able to restore mobile phone communications here soon."

Xia Qing told Li Chang the phone number she used in the safe zone. When she watched the seven-member team enter the No. 4 territory, she found that there were also four Su Feng members standing outside the No. 1 territory.

It seems that the No. 1 territory also refused the Su Feng security team to enter. (End of this chapter)

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