"Yes, thank you, Third Brother!" Xia Qing's eyes gleamed, almost the same color as this bottle of potion.

Zhang San pointed to the brown-red bottle again and said feebly, "This is for the sick wolf in your territory to repair its internal damage. The cost of these two bottles of medicine will be paid with herbal medicine. I will send the herbal medicine video later. for you."

Hardcore fan Xia Qing took the medicine from Sick Wolf with sparkling eyes, and was about to express her effusive admiration to the idol who was tired after dispensing the medicine, but was suppressed by Zhang San impatiently, "Let's go, don't be here." It’s an eyesore here.”

"Yes, Third Brother, you are busy, please call me anytime if you need anything." Xia Qing carefully put the potion into her backpack, happily left Zhang San's office, walked along the corridor for a while, stopped in front of Yanlong, and handed her a potion. A small package of green lantern kudzu worm pupae, "Sister Yan, this is the green lantern kudzu worm I collected today, you can try it."

Yanlong was not polite to Xia Qing, took the chrysalis and handed her a USB flash drive, "This is a video of advanced power evolver training."

Xia Qing took it with both hands. The raging admiration she had just suppressed at her idol wanted to be poured out on Yanlong, but she was suppressed by Yanlong's powerful aura and she didn't dare.

"Thank you very much, Sister Yan, for helping me find this video. I won't say much more if you want to thank me. When you are not busy, why don't you come to my property and eat dumplings stuffed with pork and chives? I can't do anything else well, but making dumplings good."

After Xia Qing left, Yanlong returned to the monitoring room. Huo Zhun looked at the small bag she was carrying and said, "Yanlong, two of us?"

Yanlong bumped the small bag in his hand and said, "I will give you three in a competition."

Huo Zhun...

Xia Qing returned to the territory humming a little tune and gave twenty yellow lantern insect pupae to Er Yong, who was guarding the territory for her.

Er Yong immediately took it, pointed to the spices on the small table with a smile and said, "This is the green light five-spice powder that my dad got. It was sent from Lancheng. I brought a bottle for you, Sister Qing."

A bottle of green light five-spice powder cannot be exchanged for twenty yellow light insect pupae. Xia Qing took out fifteen more green light kudzu pupae from his backpack, "This is the green light's."

Xia Qing wanted the rest of the green-light kudzu bugs harvested this time, except those sent to Territory No. 7. She also took some yellow-light kudzu bugs as a reward for her participation in this mission.

She didn't ask for the yellow-light wild boar because she didn't lack yellow-light wild boar, so the wild boar she hunted today was divided among other territories.

As for whether she got too much or too little, she will have to wait until the harvest is discounted or sold to know.

"Thank you, Sister Qing. You go back and have a rest first. We'll start dinner when the rabbit meat is roasted." As a member of Qinglong's main combat team, Er Yong often participates in gathering and hunting missions. If he is lucky, he can also get a green light. supplies. But he was still very happy to be able to exchange for delicious green lantern kudzu bugs.

Xia Qing went to the greenhouse and fed a few yellow lantern bugs to the fish in the water tank and the chickens in the chicken coop. Then he took the sheep boss and the sick wolf home, and put a few yellow lantern worms to the little swallows under the eaves. insect. As for which of the more than twenty little swallows can only grab the insect, it depends on their ability.

Xia Qing went into the room and opened the fireplace, took out the last few green light insect pupae and roasted them by the fire. After she finished washing, she went downstairs, cracked open the pupae, and put a few fragrant kudzu worms into the Sick Wolf rice bowl. "Try it, second. It's the meat pulled out of the green lightworm's pupa. You must have eaten it before, but it tastes better when grilled."

The sick wolf first sniffed the roasted meat worms with his nose, then quickly rolled them up with his tongue and put them into his mouth.

Boss Sheep?

It was eating the green light kudzu leaves that Xia Qing brought back for it. Judging from its expression, the kudzu leaves seemed to taste pretty good.

In the evening, Xia Qing, Er Yong and Xiao Jiang had dinner together. Er Yong's cooking skills were much better than Xia Qing's. She was very satisfied with her meal, and Er Yong became more and more pleasing to her eyes.

Tonight, all the territories of the Lords Alliance are filled with the mouth-watering smell of meat.

In Territory No. 4, Zhao Ze and his son ate delicious steamed buns stuffed with pork and wild vegetables. While Zhao Ze was eating, he told his mother how brave he was today.

In Territory No. 5, the wealthy Qi couple, who had worked hard all day, had no energy to cook exquisite food and just ate stew.

In Territory No. 6, Kuang Qingwei, who was hanging by one arm, was holding dumplings with chopsticks and feeding his wife. Not only were Zhu Li's hands bruised with blood blisters, but after walking for more than an hour carrying hundreds of kilograms of supplies, her shoulders and legs could no longer move.

In Territory No. 10, the three members of the Shi family had finished eating the stew. Shi Mu and Shi Du, who had been tired for a day, went to bed first. Shi Quan was sitting by the fireplace, studying how to use the existing tools in the territory by the fire. The kudzu dug today is made into kudzu powder.

Making kudzu powder and selling it is much more expensive than selling kudzu directly. Therefore, after the lords' alliance negotiated, they agreed to grind the kudzu root into powder first, and then Qi Fu would find a channel to sell it.

In the canteen of Territory No. 15, 32 veterans were eating shabu-shabu, and the cheers and noises were directly transmitted to the platoon dormitory not far to the north of the territory.

Tan Junjie was eating the dumplings filled with pork and chives made by his daughter. Looking at her bright smile, he also smiled kindly, "The mother of No. 4 Lord Zhao Ze was teaching in high school before the natural disaster. Starting from tomorrow, you will teach in high school every morning. Come and study math and Chinese with her from 9 to 11 o’clock. There are no evolvers in Territory 4, so safety is not a problem.”

Tan Qi obediently agreed, "Dad, does Grandma Zhao only teach me?"

Tan Junjie nodded, "I'm only teaching you one thing at the moment. You study with Grandma Zhao seriously. Although you won't go back to the safe zone to take classes, you have to go back to take the exam at the end of each semester. Only when you pass the exam can you get a diploma. Mathematics and Chinese are taught by Zhao Grandma will teach you, and I will teach you the two courses of physical fitness and evolutionary forest biology.”

"Okay." Tan Qi picked up a dumpling for her father and discussed with him seriously, "Dad, I want to go to the Evolution Forest with Sister Qing and the others, is that okay? Uncle Zhao and Sister Li are both ordinary people, so they can still go. ”

Tan Junjie is also thinking about this matter, "I'm preparing weapons for you. When the guns and knives are ready, and you pass my assessment, you can apply to Xia Qing to join the team. If she doesn't agree, you can continue to improve your combat skills." force."

"Yes!" Tan Qi jumped up and saluted her father, cheering, "Does dad really want to buy me a gun?"

Tan Junjie nodded seriously, "The territory is more dangerous than the safe zone, and dad can't take you with him all the time. You need weapons to protect your own safety. But guns can't..."

"Wow -" Tan Qi jumped up happily, rushed to her father's side, hugged him and cheered, "Dad, you are so good!!! I love you, Dad! Don't worry, Dad, I will train hard and join the team as soon as possible. , earn points to buy delicious food for dad!”

Tan Junjie, who hadn't finished speaking yet, showed a silly smile.

Thanks to book friends Qing Ping Diao and Chen Xi Xiao for their tips, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support. Happy weekend to everyone.

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