After dinner, Xia Qing took the sick wolf to run a few laps in the territory. After returning home and completing the physical training, she began to carefully watch the Power Evolver training video given to her by Yan Long.

What Yanlong gave her was not a video, but a series of videos that included strength training techniques, things that power evolvers should pay attention to, nutritional supplements, etc.

Yang Jin also found some of this information, but what Yanlong gave her was military special training information, so it was more professional and comprehensive.

The sick wolf lay obediently next to Xia Qing, looked at it for a while and then closed his eyes. Boss Sheep didn't want to watch either, but Xia Qing forced him to study, "Boss, you are also a power evolver, and you have to learn too. We must have the research spirit like the Broken Waist Wolf and constantly improve ourselves..."

For the sake of the delicious leaves tonight, although the sheep boss was unhappy, he did not forcefully throw away Xia Qing's arm. He reluctantly endured the noise and lay beside Xia Qing with squinted eyes, chewing the cud.

"High-quality protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, high-quality water..."

Xia Qing read through the four types of nutrients that power evolvers should focus on supplementing mentioned in the video. She had high-quality water, but what kind of food should they get the other three types from? Xia Qing opened the information package Yang Jin sold her.

Magnetic sense is a newly discovered ability, and related research is still in its infancy. There is no information on this aspect yet. The other three abilities will soon be found.

After reading, Xia Qing came to the conclusion: she should raise chickens, rabbits, and fish; collect more green light nuts and hunt advanced evolved green light prey; and farm well. These foods are important sources of nutrients she needs to maintain her power evolution ability level.

Among grain crops, the four green light grains of soybeans, peanuts, rice, wheat and corn are very critical. They are important sources of high-quality protein and carbohydrates.

She has half an acre of green light wheat planted in her field. If everything goes well, she will be able to eat green light wheat flour ground from the wheat she grew in the second half of the year.

There are 6.8 kilograms of green light rice seeds and 40 kilograms of high-quality yellow light rice seeds stored in the grain storage room. By next month, these seeds can be sent to the hidden valley for seedling cultivation.

Xia Qing has 3950 green light soybean seeds. Some of these seeds were traded by Xia Qing with Li Si using eggs, and some were domesticated beasts from Territory No. 9. After they broke into Territory No. 3 and were captured by Xia Qing, Zhang San came forward to confront Territory No. 9. Need compensation. There are nearly four thousand seeds, and even if only one third survives to bloom and produce seeds, Xia Qing will still be able to eat green soybeans in the fall.

As for green light corn, in addition to the six kilograms of Y-3 green light corn seeds that Xia Qing got in exchange with Tan Junjie, she also had 9 cultivable and optimized corn plants that she detected in the yellow light corn field this year, and produced 6 green light corn plants. Corn on the cob. If the weather is good this year, the food produced after planting these seeds will be enough for her to eat.

As for nuts. There are green chestnut trees, green torreya trees in her third area, and green pine trees on Hill No. 50, all of which are very stable sources of nuts.

According to Yang Jin, there is also a large walnut tree in the territory of the No. 60 Mountain Wolf Pack, but there are wolves guarding the place, so he cannot test the quality.

Although Yang Jin couldn't detect it, Xia Qing guessed that it might be a yellow light. Because the walnuts that Broken Waist Wolf occasionally brought to Xia Qing as "souvenirs" were from Yellow Lantern.

After she went through the inventory in the two underground storage rooms and the green and yellow food that could be collected in her mountain area, Xia Qing felt very at ease.

When she stretched and turned around to look, she realized that her two companions had fallen asleep.

Xia Qing went upstairs and took out the precious medicine that she had just exchanged from her idol today from the refrigerator. After drinking 1 ml, she immediately drank a glass of water.

This medicine must be extracted from Coptis chinensis, it is terribly bitter!

Xia Qing took another 1 ml from another bottle, went downstairs and prepared a drinking basin, then opened the sick wolf's mouth and fed it the liquid with a syringe, "Drink water quickly, second brother."

The sick wolf had long been accustomed to Xia Qing feeding it medicine and showed no resistance at all. After taking the medicine, Xia Qing asked him to drink water, and he obediently lowered his head and took two sips.

Xia Qing wondered, "Lao Er, isn't your medicine bitter?"

The sick wolf with drops of water on his lips looked at Xia Qing and grinned happily.

Xia Qing also smiled and wiped its mouth, "It's okay, go to sleep. Listen to the noise in the territory at night and wake me up if there is anything wrong."

Then, Xia Qing explained to the sheep boss who was looking at her with his eyes open, "This is a medicine to repair internal organ damage. The second child's internal organs have been damaged by parasites and need to be repaired; I also used to eat randomly and need to be repaired." Boss, you don’t need to take medicine because there is nothing wrong with your body.”

This guy grew up in the evolutionary forest, lost control once in the rain, and still maintained his green light quality. His good health made Xia Qing envious.

After Xia Qing finished explaining, the sheep boss might not understand, but it understood that Xia Qing would not feed it, so it closed its eyes and fell asleep again.

Xia Qing added firewood to the fireplace, and checked the cameras in the territory and No. 50 Mountain on his mobile phone. After confirming that everything was normal, he told the sick wolf to watch the territory and go upstairs to sleep.

Lying in the warm bed, Xia Qing felt very comfortable, not knowing whether it was a psychological effect, as if the medicine she drank was slowly healing her internal organs, which had been badly damaged by natural disasters in the past ten years.


The fist-sized sedge can actually extend two flower swords more than ten centimeters long from the clustered leaves, and seven white flowers bloom on the top of each flower sword. Because the leaves and stems of the sedge are colorless and transparent, at first glance, it seems that these fourteen small flowers are floating and blooming.

Yang Jin shone the flashlight on these small flowers and couldn't help but exclaim again, "Xia Qing, you are really amazing."

Xia Qing, who was squatting next to him, raised her chin slightly. You don't need to tell me that my sister is amazing!

Yang Jin carefully observed the growth environment of the sedge and found something different, "Did you just add these gravels under the sedge?"

"Well, that is the nutrient soil made by mixing Yishi particles and high Yi element soil." Yishi particles are not only made of Yishi fished out from the hidden valley pool, but also the expired Yishi worn by Xia Qing, Sheep Boss, and Sick Wolf in the food storage room, refrigerator, and sick wolf.

Yang Jin understood, "I'll send the used Yishi here to make the nutrient soil for this batch of Liangwucao seeds."

What does it mean to understand what people say? What does it mean to be sensible? This is it!

Xia Qing nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, Captain Yang."

"It's not hard, this is our common industry." Yang Jin's face began to heat up again, and he didn't dare to turn his eyes from the Liangwucao to Xia Qing's face.

Xia Qing's focus was all on the Liangwucao, and he didn't notice that Yang Jin's ears were red again, "Captain Yang, there is something I want to discuss with you."

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