After waiting for more than ten seconds, Xia Qing still didn't respond, and Xia Qing's "boyfriend" Hu Zifeng directly retorted, "Xia Qing is busy, and has no time to care about you."

Xia Qing is indeed very busy. She is busy pollinating the sedge flowers according to the "Sedge Cultivation Guide" secretly given to her by her idol.

When idol Zhang San heard that Xia Qing had sedge, his expression and voice dripped water kindly. He got the cultivation technology of sedge in two days and reserved 6 sedge leaves at a price of 45,000 points per leaf.

The reason for not trading directly is that sedge is in the flowering period, and cutting the leaves now will affect pollination and seed quality.

The "Cultivation Guide" introduces that sedge is a wind-pollinated flower and does not require artificial pollination, but sedge cultivated in an artificial closed cultivation environment requires artificial pollination.

Although Xia Qing did not cultivate the scutellaria in a closed environment, the air flow in the spring cave was slow, so artificial pollination was also required.

Tang Huai ignored Hu Zifeng and continued to send a team application to Xia Qing in the lord channel.

"Xia Qing, how about we team up to hunt edible animals in the beast tide in the south? With your shooting skills and my hearing, we can definitely get the green light prey. After bringing it back, we will use my family's secret recipe to process it into easy-to-store and easy-to-carry five-spice dried meat. I will provide the seasoning, and you will pay 70% and I will pay 30% for the dried meat. This opportunity is too rare, you will definitely not let it go, right?"

Dried meat, haha.

Xia Qing held her breath and fanned the scutellaria carefully. This little thing is extremely delicate, with male and female flowers on the same plant. If the female flowers are contaminated with too many impurities during the pollination period, pollination will fail and seeds cannot be produced. This is also one of the reasons why wild scutellaria are rare.

In order to avoid impurities, the cautious Xia Qing did not use a wool brush to pollinate the sedge flower, but only used a fan to gently fan the air, so that the pollen of the male flower fell on the stamen of the female flower with the wind to complete the pollination.

"Xia Qing, no way! You dare not say anything when the madman says no?" Tang Huai shouted in the lord channel, "You are a high-level evolver, you are not afraid of him! I want to ask you what you like about him, you don't have a fetish for ugliness, do you?"

The people who were on the intercom were speechless for a while, and Tan Qi in the No. 4 territory also pricked up his ears.

Zhao's mother, who was giving a lecture, turned around and opened the curtain, yelling at her son who was sitting by the stove and listening to the intercom, "What time is it and you are still dawdling at home? Go to the greenhouse to pull weeds!"

In the No. 3 territory, Xia Qing, whose upper body was in the cave, was too lazy to pay attention to Tang Huai, holding her breath and carefully fanning the sedge grass.

Hu Zifeng chuckled, "No matter what I look like, I have a girlfriend, and you are a bachelor that no one wants. Xia Qing is certainly not afraid of me. Even if she wants to form a team, she will not want a lame auditory evolver."

"You are the one who is lame, your whole family is lame!"

Zhang San came online lazily, "Tang Huai."

Tang Huai, who was cursing, immediately changed his tone and asked respectfully, "Brother San, I'm here, you can tell me if you have anything."

Zhang San asked, "Has your father returned to the safe zone?"

Tang Huai said with a smile, "Yes, he just left this morning. My father said that when he comes back, he will bring you fresh green light abalone from Lancheng. What flavor do you like? I will make it and send it to you?"

No one could hear Zhang San's response, and everyone knew that Zhang San's petty-mindedness had recurred.

Zhang San still remembered the piece of rotten meat that Tang Huai exchanged for Territory No. 7 last year.

Tang Huai went offline, and his younger brother Tang Heng came online and repeated the words again.

Zhang San asked, "What are the methods?"

Tang Heng immediately read out the menu, "Fresh abalone with Sichuan sauce, baked abalone with lemon in a fire, roasted pepper abalone, braised fresh abalone with soybeans, and braised fresh abalone with crab roe and autumn eggplant, we can make them all."

People from all territories were drooling after hearing this. Xia Qing, who was fanning Qiang Wuhua, suddenly felt that if she could eat roasted pepper abalone, it would not be impossible to team up with Tang Huai.

Zhang San ordered dishes with great interest, "Since it is fresh abalone, let's stew it with soybeans. When the abalone is delivered, let me know, and I will ask Ji Li to send the green light soybeans over. If you want to exchange abalone for any supplies, just tell Ji Li directly."

Tang Heng happily agreed, "Okay, Third Brother, thank you very much."

The precious green light soybeans were actually used by Zhang San to stew abalone? ! Wen Nengjie in Territory No. 17 once again refreshed his understanding of Territory No. 7.

"I don't know how many soybeans Third Brother has. Can we exchange a dozen of them as seeds?" In the No. 10 territory, Shi Du, who was smashing kudzu root, was very tempted.

His father was also very tempted, but "Ask Xia Qing first, don't ask directly in the Lord Channel, so as not to ruin Third Brother's mood."

If Third Brother's mood is ruined, it will be troublesome if he holds a grudge against him.

After Zhang San went offline, because his father left the territory, Tang Huai, who was left alone, continued to have fun in the Lord Channel.

"Xia Qing, what are you doing?"

"Xia Qing, is the intercom broken?"



This sound was too annoying for the sheep, and the sheep boss who was chewing the cud shouted unhappily.

Tang Huai could ignore it, but Xia Qing couldn't ignore the sheep boss's emotions. Because the sheep boss was anxious, he might jump over and fight with Xia Qing.

Xia Qing was not afraid of fighting, but was afraid of hurting the weeds, which were worth tens of thousands of dollars for a single leaf.

She exited the cave and pressed the intercom button, responding coldly, "Brother Feng is right."

Hui Feng, hehe.

Tang Huai was not shocked at all, and continued, "Xia Qing, do you mean you don't want to form a team, or do you not want to form a team with me?"

Before Xia Qing could answer, Tan Junjie issued a notice in the Lord Channel, "Attention, all territories, attention, all territories, the base has just issued a notice: Because of the beast tide composed of large beasts in the evolution forest west of the base, for safety reasons, from now until the beast tide recedes, no team or individual may leave the safe zone and territory without permission and enter the evolution forest. Please receive a reply from all territories."

"Territory No. 1 received it."

"Territory No. 2 received it."

Xia Qing, who was about to enter the spring cave, pressed the button again, "Territory No. 3 received it. ”

After all the territories answered, Tan Junjie issued another call-up notice, "According to the notice issued by the base office and the territory management department, we are now publicly recruiting evolvers from various territories who can participate in the guarding mission of Territories 1-26 to assist the inspection team in guarding the territory of the northern area. ”

"After the mission is completed, the Territory Management Department will give rewards according to the evolvers' mission contribution. Applicants can register in the lord channel or with the inspection team patrolling the territory. ”

Half a minute after Tan Junjie issued the announcement, the first to register was Territory No. 2.

Zhou Xun shouted enthusiastically, "Captain Tan, 25 evolvers from Territory No. 2 have signed up. I will give you the specific list of personnel and their abilities when you patrol past."

"Received." Tan Junjie's voice was still serious.

Zhou Xun from Territory No. 2 began to call out, "The beast tide is coming, Territory No. 1 and Territory No. 3, you won't hide in the territory and not come out to help, right?"

Everyone... felt that Zhou Xun was possessed by Tang Huai.

Hearing Zhou Xun's annoying shout, Tang Huai in Territory No. 12 frowned, "Zhou Xun must have received an order from above to say that. Tang Zhengsu is not going to take advantage of the beast tide to cause chaos in the territory? Who kicked his head again?"

Tang Heng raised his head, "Brother, we have to tell our dad about this."

Tang Huai nodded, "Just mention it, don't say it's too serious, let our dad spend a peaceful year in the safe zone. Go and call the heads of various departments to hold a meeting. The number and frequency of territory patrols must be increased. If the people in Territory No. 2 take the opportunity to cause trouble, the greenhouses and sheds in our territory will definitely be their primary targets for destruction." (End of this chapter)

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