On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 547 Can Territory No. 1 join the Territory Alliance?

"Okay." Yang Jin turned off the flashlight, turned around and sat opposite Xia Qing, steadying his tone, "You tell me."

It was dark inside the low-slope planting greenhouse where the compost was being composted, and the air was still filled with the smell of fermented plant stems and leaves. This smell made Xia Qing feel very relaxed, "We haven't gotten the cultivation guide for weeds yet, so we don't We need to know whether artificial pollination is required, and whether the foil should be cut off after it blooms and sets seeds, and whether the small leaves growing on the foil can be cut off to propagate new plants. "

Xia Qing first listed out the current problems that need to be solved in the cultivation of weed grass, and then proposed the solutions he thought of. "In order to solve these problems, I want to tell my third brother about the weed grass grown in the territory and ask him for advice." Cultivation techniques of weed.”

After saying that, Xia Qing added, "Third brother already knows whether there are polluted springs in my territory."

Yang Jin nodded, "After Third Brother applied for No. 50 Mountain as a test area and appointed you as the manager, I knew you told him about this. Did Third Brother also tell you his identity? "

"I told you." Xia Qing tried to keep his voice calm, without any hint of embarrassment, "Third brother has joined the Territory Alliance and now we have a stable cooperative relationship with me."

"Congratulations, you have another powerful and trustworthy ally. The third brother already knows about the spring water, and of course we can tell him about Zhanwucao. If he is willing to buy Zhanwucao, we can give him a 10% discount." Yang Jin congratulated Xia Qing, and then asked, "Can Territory No. 1 join the Territory Alliance?"

"Sorry, the No. 1 territory belongs to the Qinglong team, and the Qinglong team has already joined the team alliance. It is inconsistent with the interests of our territory alliance, so it cannot join." If he quits the Azure Dragon Team, I will immediately invite him to join the Territory Alliance."

Yang Jin laughed out loud, "Okay, I will discuss this with Brother Luo when he comes back. Leader Xia, no two groups or even two people have completely consistent interests."

"I understand that as long as there are common interests, we can cooperate." Xia Qing has already considered the overall situation. The territory alliance can cooperate with the team alliance or the Qinglong team.

However, no team can be allowed to join the territorial alliance, otherwise the relationship between her alliance and the team alliance will become complicated. She must ensure the independence of the territorial alliance and her absolute right to speak in the alliance.

Yang Jin understood Xia Qing's meaning immediately, "Are you planning to use the hidden valley to cultivate rice seedlings? Will the rice fields in the Territory Alliance need to be guarded by someone next year?"

There are hundreds of acres of rice fields, and it is definitely not enough to rely on a few people from the inspection team to protect them.

Xia Qing nodded, "Yes, I will discuss specific cooperation matters with you then. I remember you said before that you wanted Sufeng to be kicked out of the team alliance?"

Xia Qing paid close attention to the construction team that came to install the signal base station for a day, but did not get any valuable information about Su Feng, so he simply took advantage of Yang Jin's arrival to deliver information to ask him.

Yang Jin explained, "After Xu Pin's death, Bao Zhengchao replaced Xu Pin as a member of the team alliance. This person also has a sense of the overall situation and can cooperate. Another point is that the teams in the Hui 4th and Hui 5th bases are not responsible for the evolution of our base. The resources within the forest are covetous, so Qinglong and Sufeng are currently in agreement, and the grievances between the teams have been put aside for the time being. "

It turns out that there was a quarrel between the three base teams. No wonder Sufeng has been so quiet recently, "Team Yang, isn't Bao Zhengchao Tang Zhengsu's best friend?"

Yang Jie introduced Bao Zhengchao to Xia Qing in detail, "Bao Zhengchao and Sufeng's Hu Shaojiang, Kou Fanming, and Xu Li had been hanging out with Tang Zhengsu before the natural disaster, and they were all veterans of the Sufeng team. Xu Pin joined. In the past few years after joining the Sufeng team, two of the four were killed and one was injured. Bao Zhengchao, the only one who was not injured, was also excluded from the Sufeng senior management. Bao Zhengchao blamed Xu for the deaths of Hu Shaojiang, Xu Li and Kou Fanming's injuries. Hire the head.”

"In the plan to kill Xu Pin, although I did not discuss cooperation with Bao Zhengchaoming, we still reached a tacit understanding. Although his evolutionary ability is not as good as that of Tang Zhengsu, he is more ruthless and wiser than Tang Zhengsu. Sufeng’s high-level leadership is beneficial to the overall situation.”

Could the unknown number that sent him the message belong to Bao Zhengchao? Xia Qing suppressed the suspicion first and then asked, "Will Sufeng still send people to investigate the bombing of the helicopter?"

Yang Jin had no choice but to explain, "Tang Zhengsu directly blamed me for this matter and will not send anyone over to investigate again."

Xia Qing grinned and laughed silently.

After Yang Jin handed the hard drive loaded with knowledge to Xia Qing, he left the territory early the next morning and returned to the safe zone. Because another beast tide has formed in the evolutionary forest in the west of the territory, the team alliance urgently summoned the main forces of each team to resist the beast tide.

The scale of the animal tide this time is very large. Looking at the direction in which the animals are fleeing, the areas affected are Territory No. 150-200 to the west of the safety zone and Territory No. 27-50 in the northern second zone.

The territory has no solid walls and the defense task is heavy. The base commander personally ordered that one-third of the troops from Territory 1-26 be deployed to assist in guarding Territory Nos. 27-50 in the Western Second District.

Although the danger has not yet spread to Territory No. 1-26 in the northern area, the lords in this area are beginning to become nervous.

The well-informed Tang Huai posted the latest news on the Lord Channel, "Everyone, we are in trouble this time. What animal do you think is the main force of the beast tide formed in the western evolutionary forest?"

Xia Qing stopped what he was doing and listened carefully.

Lord No. 17 Wen Nengjie quickly asked, "Brother Huai, isn't it a large carnivorous beast?"

"You really guessed it right!" Tang Huai continued, "No less than 30 evolved wolves and evolved leopards were killing herbivores crazily in the western evolutionary forest, causing a large number of animals in the forest to flee."


Wen Nengjie took a breath of air, "Brother Huai, what are you going to do? Do you want to withdraw to the safe area as soon as possible?"

Tang Huai snorted coldly, "Am I the kind of person who has no courage?"

"Of course not! If Brother Huai was timid, he wouldn't have taken the mission to manage the territory." Wen Nengjie was very good at taking photos. "But aren't you still injured now? Isn't it safer to go back to the safe area to recuperate?"

Huzi Feng in Territory No. 1 complained, "People from Territory No. 12 and Territory No. 17, can you go back to your own lord channel to argue?"

There are 26 territories in the northern area of ​​Huisan Base. In order to facilitate management and protection, these territories are divided into three groups: Territories 1-10 are in the same group and are protected by the Sixth Investigation Team; Territories 11-18 are one The group is under the protection of the fifth investigation team; No. 19-26 is a group and is under the protection of the fourth investigation team.

Therefore, there are three lord channels in this territory. That's why Hu Xiu Feng said that the two people from territories 12 and 17 should go to their lord channel to fight.

Tang Huai sneered, "I love you wherever I go. You can't control it."

Wen Nengjie even had to fawn over Tang Huai, and he didn't dare to offend Qinglong Team's main squad leader Huo Feng, so he didn't follow suit this time.

Hu Xiufeng replied, "I really can't control it, but I can make reasonable demands to Captain Tan and kick you out of the lord channel."

"You mention it, you mention it now because I am afraid of you." Tang Huaiheng finished and added: "You are not using an encrypted channel. Kick me out and I will rejoin your channel in two seconds." Do not believe?"


"Xia Qing, are you there?" After quarreling with Hu Feng, Tang Huai called Xia Qing with a pleasant look. (End of chapter)

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