On the tenth year after the natural disaster, I went to farm with me

Chapter 550 The Most Suitable Mountain Guarding Wolf Selection

Xia Qing and the Broken Waist Wolf looked at each other for a few seconds and realized clearly: this smart, brain-evolved wolf didn't look at the magnifying glass.

So what supplies will she exchange with the waist-breaking wolf?

Seeing the serious look on the Broken-Waist Wolf's face, Xia Qing put away the magnifying glass and asked thoughtfully, "Broken-Waisted Wolf, what do you want?"

The Broken Waist Wolf still looked at Xia Qing with a serious face, without any expression.

Xia Qing pondered for a few seconds, then gestured to discuss with the Broken Waist Wolf, "You have something important to do now? How about this? You send a wolf to help me guard the valley first, and then follow me after you think of what to exchange. Tell me, can you?”

The Broken Waist Wolf seemed to understand, and showed the tips of its fangs at Xia Qing meaningfully, turned around and left Xia Qing's home, ran up to the north buffer forest, jumped over the iron fence, and left. Territory No. 3.

It looks like it's really busy. Is the Queen about to give birth, or has the abnormal behavior of the wolves in the Western Evolutionary Forest attracted the attention of the No. 60 Mountain Wolf Pack?

The Broken Waist Wolf was so busy that he even followed the Sick Wolf here, which moved Xia Qing very much. After watching it leave, Xia Qing asked his companions, "Boss, Second Brother, do you understand what I mean when you say you broke your waist?"

The sheep boss chewed the cud expressionlessly without any reaction. The sick wolf seemed to feel Xia Qing's emotional fluctuations, and rubbed her with his body, grinning happily at her.

Xia Qing also smiled, "Well, it should understand. Let's see what it does next. If it doesn't send the wolf, I will go to Xin Yu and borrow the bird from her."

After rubbing the heads of the sheep boss and the sick wolf, Xia Qing took his two companions home, "Let's go home and cook! The second brother has worked hard today. I will cook meat porridge and eggs for you. The boss will also generate electricity today. Thanks for your hard work, I’ll make new toon sprouts for you.”

Hearing the toon buds, the sheep boss immediately opened Kazilan's big sheep eyes and leaned next to Xia Qing, "Hey~~~"

Xia Qing hadn't heard the long-lost clipping sound of Boss Yang for a long time. She flicked the greedy sheep's head and said, "Let's go back and cook for you."


"Aww-" The sick wolf also imitated the sheep boss and let out a low, happy and gentle cry.

"Beep, beep, beep."

Before the rice was cooked, Xia Qing heard a beep from her phone. She took out her phone and found that it was an early warning from the surveillance camera of No. 50 Mountain.

Turning on the surveillance camera of No. 50 Mountain, Xia Qing stared at the phone for a few seconds before asking through the surveillance camera, "With a broken waist, you let the hair-pluckers guard the valley?"

The broken-backed wolf stood under the camera in front of the bear cave door, grinning with the tips of its fangs exposed, and behind it was the cowering weasel.

Xia Qing also smiled, "Broken waist, you are really good at choosing wolves. It is so appropriate to let the pluckers guard the valley! Broken waist, you are the smartest evolved wolf in the entire Blue Star. You are the best person to stand on Blue Star." The evolved wolf at the top of the pyramid, you have worked hard these days.”

The plucked weasel has a trembling beard. It is not big in size and courage, but its fighting ability is absolutely top-notch. It is the most suitable wolf to guard the mountain. With pluckers guarding the valley, Xia Qing doesn't have to ask Xin Yu to borrow birds.

After Xia Qing said goodbye to the Broken Waist Wolf, he happily told his two animal companions squatting at the door of the kitchen, "The Broken Waist Wolf has sent pluckers to guard the valley. We don't have to take out the precious Green Lantern Dried Fruits to trade with Xin Yu."

"What do you think I should prepare as a thank you gift for the one who broke his waist? How about using the remaining cotton to make a pink wolf nest for him? How many pearls should I decorate the side of the nest?"

"The largest beast tide last winter was caused by a group of wild boars, right?" Kuang Qingwei asked about the beast tide in the lord channel.

Qi Fu replied, "The wild boar outbreak probably happened in late January or early February. I remember it wasn't that cold at that time."

"It seems so." Shi Zhong also replied.

When the beast tide came, the base sent evolvers and troops to deal with it. It had little impact on the lives of ordinary people in the safe zone, so the lords who were still living in the safe zone at that time did not remember the specific time.

Xia Qing, who participated in the safe zone wall defense mission, remembered that she pressed the button, "The beast tide Brother Qing mentioned happened on February 3, the tenth year of the natural disaster. It was caused by a group of out-of-control beasts in the evolutionary forest in the southern part of the safe zone. Caused by wild boar.”

The evolutionary forest close to the safe zone has been searched countless times by the evolution collection team, and all the edible green light plants in the evolutionary forest have been dug up. The herbivores living in the evolutionary forest near the safe zone cannot find high-quality food and can only eat red plants, causing the levels of the chemical element in their bodies to rise out of control.

When herbivores get out of control, it will directly cause the carnivores in the area to get out of control. Therefore, the end of January and the beginning of February every year is the time when large animal tides occur most frequently. This kind of beast tide is ultimately caused by human over-exploitation.

Therefore, the base management called on the teams that went out to collect, not to dig up all the green plants in the evolutionary forest, and to leave some food for the herbivores. But there are very few collection teams that actually follow the call.

Because the evolutionary forest is public, if you don’t dig it out, others will take it away.

"Then this time it was only eleven days early, which is not too early. However, how could so many wolves and leopards in the deep western evolutionary forest suddenly become out of control? There couldn't be any major changes in that area, right? ?" Kuang Qingwei was very worried and asked, "How are the vegetables in your greenhouse doing?"

"It's not that good. I only cut one crop of leeks here. It's too cold this year." Qi Fu sighed.

Shi Zhong also sighed, "My leeks don't grow well here. I was planning to make some money by selling vegetables and buy fertilizers and fungicides in the spring."

The members of the territory alliance specifically mentioned leek greens, which is the alliance's codeword, meaning to hold an alliance meeting. This time it was Qi Fu who proposed it. Xia Qing happened to have the same plan, so she pressed the intercom button, "My leek greens are also not enough for me to eat."

Hearing Xia Qing's voice, Qi Fu immediately felt at ease, "I still have some here, Xia Qing, if you want to eat, come and cut it."

"Okay." Xia Qing agreed.

Zhao Ze, who was anxious in the No. 10 territory, jumped up immediately. The meeting was finally going to start!

Before the time for the alliance meeting, Tan Junjie took the initiative to contact Xia Qing on his mobile phone and asked her to discuss things at the north gate of the No. 3 territory.

To Xia Qing's surprise, the first thing Tan Junjie talked to her about was the compensation from the Liehuo Team. "Liehuo promised to give 2 million points to repair the ecological environment of the 50th Mountain. These points will be deposited into Zhang San's account."

Xia Qing was surprised, "So much?!"

Tan Junjie explained, "Yang Jin talked to the captain of Liehuo."

Xia Qing nodded. The feeling of standing on the same side with the stingy guy was much better than negotiating business with him! (End of this chapter)

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