Xia Qing gently fanned the wind to pollinate the sedge flowers. The sun rose and the temperature rose. After she opened the rainproof cloth of the low-slope greenhouse, she opened the rainproof cloth of the large greenhouses and the vents of the greenhouse, so that the crops and animals in the territory could breathe fresh air for a while.

The temperature this winter is 8-10 degrees lower than last winter. Xia Qing's only requirement now is that the winter wheat will not be frozen to death.

The wheat seedlings that have experienced the snow and cold winter will experience the first rain in the eleventh year of the natural disaster in a month. Only the wheat seedlings that survive the rain will have the possibility of turning green and growing taller.

The difficulty of planting winter wheat is really too great. Xia Qing now regrets that she should not have sown all the wheat seeds in the farmland after listening to the repeated broadcasts of farming knowledge and knowing that the taste and nutritional value of winter wheat is better than spring-sown wheat. She should have kept some seeds and waited until the first rain before sowing.

Because spring-sown wheat only needs to experience one rainstorm during its growth, the yield of spring-sown wheat is much higher than that of winter wheat.

Now she has no wheat seeds, but she can find a channel to exchange a batch, but this is not the most important thing at the moment and can be done later.

The most important thing at present is how to deal with the possible beast tide and the No. 2 territory that suddenly responded positively to the call of the investigation team.

In Xia Qing's opinion, the harm caused by the latter is likely to be greater than the former.

She first went home to get the python skin protective suit, took it to the breeding greenhouse, put it on the sick wolf who was staring at the rabbit, and then pointed to the photo of the broken waist wolf on the phone and discussed with the sick wolf, "Can Lao Er go to the No. 60 mountain and call the broken waist over? I have something important to discuss with it."

The sick wolf understood, circled Xia Qing, ran up the high slope to scan his face to leave the No. 3 territory, and crossed the isolation belt to enter the No. 49 mountain area 3.

Xia Qing reported to Hu Zifeng through the intercom, "Captain Hu, the sick wolves will pass through other areas of Mountain No. 49 and rush to Mountain No. 60. At least two wolves will return to the territory later."

"Received." Hu Zifeng asked curiously, "I haven't seen any wolves entering your territory from the northern evolution forest in the past two days. Are the wolves that caused the beast tide in the western evolution forest related to the group you know?"

"It shouldn't be related. The wolves in Mountain No. 60 have no shortage of food. They haven't eaten all the wild boars raised in the valley of District 3." After answering Hu Zifeng's question, Xia Qing asked for information, "Captain Hu, are there any unusual personnel changes in the safe zone? Territory No. 2 actively participated in the defense mission of the investigation team this time. I think it's very wrong."

Hu Zifeng did not hide it from Xia Qing, "I just received a notice from Captain Xie. There are three abnormalities now: First, among the task teams that have not returned to the safe zone, five are composed of refugees from Guisan Base. It has been confirmed that there are spies planted by the Fiery Team. Do you still remember the Level 3 auditory evolver who was pulled over by a truck last October and took the initiative to request to enter your territory, claiming to be a chef? "

Xia Qing nodded, "I remember, Gu Hong, a member of the Silver Snake Team of the former Guisan Base."

"Yes, that's her." Hu Zifeng continued, "She is also in the team that has not returned to the safe zone. Captain Xie said that she is related to the invaders who broke into the 158 and 159 territories last time, killed the lord and the inspection team, and robbed the food. It's just that there is no sufficient evidence, so the base management department can't arrest her. "

Xia Qing's heart is heavy, "That is to say, they are very likely to take advantage of the chaos to invade the territory and rob the food this time."

Hu Zifeng replied, "Yes. But don't worry, these people will not regard your territory as an invasion target. "

Because on the surface, Xia Qing and other members of the Territory Alliance have all their food stored in the food storage warehouse of Territory No. 1.

Xia Qing guessed, "Will they invade Territory No. 1?"

"It's possible, and we've made preparations." Hu Zifeng finished talking about the first anomaly and mentioned the second one, "There is another anomaly in the safe zone, which is related to our territory: Tang Zhengbo returned to the safe zone and just entered the inner city, he was invited by Tang Zhengrong and Tang Zhengsu, and he hasn't come out yet."

Xia Qing nodded, "They should want to win over Tang Zhengbo and his son again."

"Definitely. If the two brothers of the Tang family could tolerate others and let Tang Zhengbo enter the senior management of Sufeng, the first team of Huisan Base would definitely not be like this now." Hu Zifeng continued to talk about personnel anomalies, "The third anomaly is the senior management of the Territory Management Department. The head of the Territory Management Department, Jiang Quan, indulged his nephew Jiang Yansheng to snatch the earthworm manure business of Territory No. 48. It was exposed that Jiang Quan is running around to make a living."

Xia Qing asked, "Who has set his eyes on Jiang Quan's position?"

It has been several months since Jiang Yansheng snatched Sun Zhe's earthworm manure business. Sun Zhe's parents are still in Territory No. 1. If someone didn't want to get Jiang Quan, this matter would never be exposed.

Hu Zifeng replied, "I haven't heard of this. I'll tell you when there's new information."

After the conversation ended, Xia Qing looked at the signal tower that had been erected at the north end of Territory No. 2 and sighed.

If the wolves and leopards in the West District Evolution Forest could delay for another two days, the ground signal base station in this territory would be completed and the signal would be connected.

After the signal was connected, she could contact Xu Juan in the safe zone. Xu Juan was an auditory evolver and was very well-informed. She must know who wanted to get Jiang Quan.

Xia Qing went over the current information in her mind, her face solemn.

If before contacting Hu Feng, she thought something might be going on in Territory No. 2, then after contacting her, she was already sure that something was going to happen in Territory No. 2. Moreover, they are likely to join forces with the teams that have not returned to the safe zone to cause trouble and cause big troubles.

More than an hour after the sick wolf left the territory, he appeared in front of Xia Qing together with the broken waist wolf.

The Broken Waist Wolf entered the territory by climbing over the northern iron wall of Territory 3, and did not repeatedly enter and exit its favorite north gate. Moreover, it did not catch a rabbit or pheasant along the way and let Xia Qing roast it, which was abnormal.

After the two wolves drank half of the basin of warm spring water, Xia Qing took off the protective clothing of the sick wolf and let it rest by the fireplace. Then he asked the serious-looking wolf with a broken waist, "The one with a broken waist is in the western evolutionary forest." Are the wolves that are crazy about hunting herbivores your companions?”

The Broken Waist Wolf looked at Xia Qing thoughtfully.

Xia Qing was unable to communicate with a brain-evolved wolf on such a complicated issue, so he had to give up and said why he came to it, "Broken waist, I need your companions to help me guard the third peak of No. 50 Mountain for a few days. .right here."

Xia Qing pulled up a picture of the bear cave on the third peak of No. 50 Mountain, showed it to the Broken Waist Wolf, and proposed to it in exchange, "This is the cave, the one behind the cave has the snake, and I dug the peanut valley." ,is important to me."

"Broken waist, you ask the wolves to help me guard the bear cave on Mount No. 50. Just don't let anyone get close until the moon turns into this shape. I can exchange it with you for a magnifying glass, okay?"

After Xia Qing repeated it several times, the Broken Waist Wolf looked thoughtfully at the magnifying glass and remained silent for a long time. (End of chapter)

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