Chapter 1179 Midnight Escape (1)

"Let's go! It's late, let's go back to dinner!?"


You can't help feeling in your heart. Time flies really long. I really want to hurry up tomorrow, contact his people, and go home as soon as possible!

If you can insert your wings, just fine!

He can fly back to Mommy's side!

So lamented, Youyou and Lingling returned to the Zhao family.

The dinner is ready. Youyou looked at the table and it was a simple dish of some farmhouses. However, it was all 100% of the vegetables and rice grown by the family.

In fact, sometimes, I am envious of such a calm and simple day.

Yuyou once again said with a sigh of relief. After thanking Zhao Xiangjun and Li Ru, he took up the bowl. His attitude of eating was extremely elegant and it was really stunned.

Li Ru could not help but praise: "A military, you see, the children in the city really are different! You look at the manner of eating, like a little son, elegant and polite!"

After that, she still did not forget to count down Lingling and Peas: "Look at the two of you and learn more from others!"

Lingling spit out her tongue and ate her head.

After you have finished eating, put down the tableware and thank you again: "Thank you, uncle and aunt, give me such a delicious dinner! When I get home, I will remember your kindness."

"Hey, your child, you are so polite?!"

Li Ru listened sweetly and smiled.

Yun Tianyou’s words are serious.

Mommy educated him from a young age, the grace of dripping, but also keep in mind, when he returns home, he will find a way to reward this family!


There are only a few small rooms in the Zhao family. When I was in normal times, Peas and Lingling slept in a bed. Now that Yuyou is here, they can only be wronged, and the three children are squeezed.

Yuyou admitted the bed, Zhao’s bed was particularly hard, so he slept uncomfortably and turned to the opposite side until he was deeper in the middle of the night before falling asleep.

In the middle of the night, between the half-awake and the half-awake, I suddenly heard a messy movement outside the door.

Yuyou was awakened by this voice, but he saw Li Ru suddenly ran in with a slap in the face, not to mention more, one hand picked up one, woke up Lingling, and lowered the voice: "Ling Ling, wake up! Come with Ama!" ”

Lingling looked ignorant, and seemed to wake up, but she listened to Li Ru’s words subconsciously and ran behind her.

Li Ru held one hand, and Yu You and Peas were held in his arms. Lingling followed behind. She took three children and ran out of the back door and ran to the mountain.

"Ama? What happened?"

Lingling followed Li Ru and ran out of breath, with her eyes squinting in her hand. Obviously, she was confused.

"Hey! Don't talk!"

Li Ru looked flustered.

In the middle of the night, she suddenly heard the door of the yard outside the house being kicked open.

She immediately got up from the bed and rushed to the door with Zhao Xiangjun, but saw a few men in black came in.

The first sentence of Zhangkou is: "Children!?"


Li Ru did not understand: "What children? Who are you?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid! Hand over the children you saved today!"

They followed the trail all the way to the place. When they first came to the village, they heard that the family rescued a child from the mountain today. They were covered in blood. At the age of seven or eight, they decided that this child was the one they were looking for!

Zhao Xiangjun suddenly realized that this group of people was not good, so he quickly told Li Ru to take the child from the back door and leave him alone to stand up.

Li Ru was in a panic and quickly listened to it.

The cervical vertebra is sore... It is said that the muscles are stiff, swollen what to do... If the date of the 9 is even more, everyone good night!

(End of this chapter)

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