Chapter 1180 Midnight Escape (2)

Zhao Xiangjun suddenly realized that this group of people was not good, so he quickly told Li Ru to take the child from the back door and leave him alone to stand up.

Li Ru was in a panic and quickly listened to it.

She rushed to the room with her hair, and picked up Yuyou in one hand and picked up the peas in one hand, awakening Lingling, and ran with the three children from the back door.

Zhao’s back door has a very hidden mountain road, which goes up the steps.

At this moment, it is the night when the black wind is high, the evening wind between the mountains is especially large, and the screams are like a knife scraping, and the cheeks are so painful!

Li Ru ran in panic, and did not know how far he had run with the children. The women of the farmhouse, because of their farm work from an early age, the physical strength is amazing!

Yuyou and Peas are very thin, and they are in their arms, and there is no heavy weight.

However, Lingling was young, and she ran a few miles behind her, and her footsteps were all awkward. Some of them were unstable.

"Ama...Ah, what happened? What happened?" Lingling ran behind her, shouting in panic, even if her heel was sour, she did not stop.

You You was silent all the way, squatting on Li Ru’s shoulder, looking from time to time in the direction of Zhao’s family, and suddenly there was an unpredictable hunch in his heart.

Is it the man who was sent by Mu Lianjue, first chased it up! ?

His heart was faint, and a pair of small hands clenched into fists, and the palms were full of damp sweat.

Li Ru took people to hide in the secluded temples on the mountain. This temple is old and cold. It has been abandoned for a long time. It has long been left unattended. In normal times, many children occasionally ran to this temple. , play, in addition, this band is rarely left.

Li Ru took the child into a small house, put the child in it, turned and closed the door, locked the lock, and then, through the dilapidated window door, looked at the door from time to time.

Youyou looked around and, through the white moonlight outside the window, you could see the dust condensed in the air.

It’s been abandoned for too long, and the corners of the room are full of spider webs. The table lacks arms and legs, and is twisted and twisted to one side.

A musty smell came from the pavement.

The room was cold and wet, Lingling barefooted, and she was frozen. She went to Li Ru and gently pulled her clothes and said: "Ama! It’s so dark, I am afraid..."

"Hey! Don't say anything!"

Li Ru sternly screamed, and then watched the house with vigilance.

Youyou curled up in the corner, and his thoughts were running fast.

He didn't know what happened. However, during his half-dream, he was faintly heard a gunshot, and a fierce scream!

Then, Li Ru ran out in exaggeration, and said nothing, he picked up him and Peas and ran back in fear.

He guessed that something must have happened!

Yuyou licked his lips, looked up at Li Ru, but saw her face still unsettled, the chest violently undulating, the eyes filled with fear.

He walked over and the little hand gently put it on her shoulder. This little movement seemed to infuse her with a dose of centering. Li Ru’s emotions eased.

"Auntie, what happened?"

Li Ru trembled back and forth, a pair of eyes full of fear condensed on him.

(End of this chapter)

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