Chapter 1254, you are a deaf person.

Yun Shishi suddenly angered: "You don't remember, I still remember! Mommy waited for him for so many years, waited for ten years! But in the end, what is waiting for it?!"


The palace was a bit stunned and some stumbled.

Yun Shishi ridiculed a smile: "He is not responsible at all. Now, how can I recognize him as a 'father'?"

"Good... well, sister, you calm down! I don't force you to go back to the palace, don't force you!"

The palace screamed at her.

He used to be cold and cold, and his face showed a rare out of control and panic. He repeatedly comforted: "I will not force you to recognize your father, no! So, sister, don't be excited, huh?"

"Well! Anyway, I won't go back to the palace!"

Yun Shishi repeatedly established his position.

Miyazaki is a little annoyed, but there is nothing to help.

"Sister, let's have dinner together today."

"No... I have to go home."

Yun Shishi thinks of Youyou and Xiao Yuchen, and should still wait for her to go home at home!

She should go home!

Gong Yi’s heart is not at the bottom of his heart. However, for Yun Shi’s poems, he refused to ask for more, so he did not leave her with dinner. He gently asked: “Where is your home, I will send you back!”

Yun Shishi reported to him an address, and Gong Yi told the driver to send her home.

On the way, Yun Tianyou called and the call was made. The sound of Yuyou’s anxious voice rang at that end: “Mummy, where are you now?”

"I am on my way home!"


You You was shocked, and he still had a lingering fear.

He thought that Mommy would be "kidnapped" back to the palace by the palace, and he was rushing to save the car!

Youyou reluctantly sighed and ordered Li Hanlin to turn his direction and prepare to go home!

Since Mommy is going home, he will be relieved!

Moreover, he listened to the tone of Yun Shi's poems, calm and calm, and couldn't hear anything different. It seems that the palace has not revealed his identity for the time being, and Mommy does not know it yet!

Yu You heart settled and sighed.

"What mom, when are you going home?"

He also asked a question cleverly.

"Probably, there are still ten minutes."

Yuyou’s tone suddenly rose up quickly: “Okay, that baby is waiting for the mother to return home!”

Yun Shishi hangs up the phone, and Gong Yi immediately asks: "Who is calling?"

For the question of Gong Yi, Yun Shi poetry is not much concealed, smiled slightly and said: "My son."

The palace is a glimpse, and the shackles are slower than the gods: "You...have a son?!"

"Well! So, let's just say, you are a sly person!"

Miyazaki is still difficult to return to God for a long time!

"You are still so young, how come so early..." The palace was in a mess.

He managed to digest this fact, and the thin lips pulled a little and pulled a complicated arc: "I didn't expect that I already had a small nephew."

Yun Shi poetry smiled and smiled. When I thought of two little guys, my mood became clear.

"How old is a little foreigner?"

"Not long after my birthday, I am seven years old."

"Seven years old?"

Miyazaki was surprised again, and the twilight settled.

"You... you gave birth to a child when you were 18?"

Because of this cognition, Miyazaki's face could not help but be a bit ugly.

At the age of eighteen, according to the laws of this country, it is still at the age of school, and there is no legal condition for legal marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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