One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1255: The accidental discovery of Miyazaki!

Chapter 1255 The unexpected discovery of Miyazaki!

Undoubtedly, she has given birth to a child without getting married.

However, Miyazaki is more concerned about why she did not get married and gave birth to a child.

How could this be! ?

Gong Yi’s heart is not good guess.

A girl, what she experienced at the age of eighteen, was unmarried.

She is only twenty-four years old!

The children are seven years old!

This is not a woman's normal life track, isn't it?

"This, it is complicated, there is time to change the day, I will explain it to you slowly, will you?" Yun Shishi did not know for a while, how to tell him.

In fact, for this past event, no matter how many years in the past, Yun Shishi is still somewhat shy.

At the age of eighteen, she committed herself to the crisis of saving the cloud family on the verge of bankruptcy. She immediately took a slant and signed a paper/pregnancy contract with Mu.

This is undoubtedly a behavior of selling the body.

Although, she did not regret, even fortunately, it was because of this incident that she was born and wrong.

This child is probably the happiest gift she has given her in her long life.

Yuyou is the best gift God has given her!

She always felt that this gift is precious.

However, she still feels that it is indeed a difficult thing to do for generations/pregnancy.

At least, in front of Gong Gong, she is still not mentally prepared to let him know about it, so she intends to linger.

Miyazaki's face was stagnant, but he smiled: "Tomorrow, okay?"


"Tomorrow, about a time, and location, sister, we have been so long, I really want to know, how have you been through these ten years!"

Miyazaki looked at her for a full 15 years and could not participate in her life.

He hopes to make up for this regret in a short time.

Yun Shishi nodded.

The car was parked at the entrance of the camphor, and Yunshi Shi got off the bus, closed the door and waved at him: "I am home, and you will go back soon."

"it is good."

"Oh, what are you living now?"

Yun Shishi suddenly asked.

Miyazaki smiled and said: "There are palaces in all parts of the world. This time I came to see a person, because the matter came to an end, so I will stay in the country for a while."

"Okay, then, see you tomorrow!" Yun Shishi smiled and waved at him. He stepped back and entered the door.

Miyazaki was obsessed with her back, until her figure disappeared at the end, only reluctantly regained her gaze.

However, when he turned around, Yu Guang saw a black wallet that fell from his seat.

It seems that she was too hurried to fall into the seat.

He was curious in his heart, picked up his wallet, and his wallet was wallet-style. He opened it and a photo came into his eyes.

Miyazaki couldn't help but notice the photo, and the line of sight was fixed. However, when he saw the photo, Yun Shishi and a small milk bag intimately took a photo, stunned!

In the photo, Yun Shishi stood at the gate of the school, holding a small beanie in her arms.

The glutinous rice dumplings seem to be only five years old, but the eyebrows are beautiful and lovely, the cheeks are tender and tender, and they are nestled in the poetry of Yunshi poetry, and they smile very sweetly.

Gong Yi suddenly recognized the child in the photo.

Yun Tianyou -!

How could it be him! ?

Gong Yi once again messed up in the wind!

what on earth is it! ?

How can Yuyou appear in this photo?

(End of this chapter)

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