One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 1262: It’s coming, after all, it’s coming.

Chapter 1262, the coming, is coming.

As if there was something, it suddenly exploded in the head, after a glaring white light, leaving a flaw!

"Four Lord, let's take a trip with us!"

The person’s tone is cold, giving a very weird feeling!

It’s like an ancient jailer who came to the death row and went to the execution ground!

Mu Lianju’s lips screamed fiercely because of fear: “Who are you? Where are you going to take me?!”

"Mu Siye, hey, let us go! We are also ordered by the master, come and take you back!"

The man said this, Mu Lianjue was heart falling into the hail, frightened and helpless!

I don’t have to think about it, what is the sacredness of the “master” in this population!

However, here is the site of Mu Linfeng, the surrounding area is a hundred miles away. It is the military/depot of Kyoto. As a guarding fortress, it is surrounded by heavy defenses and is not airtight!

In an ordinary time, this is a secret exercise base for important national military/deal exercises. The degree of rigor can be seen.

How did these people get in! ?

The man ignored him and looked at his horrified look on his face. His eyes were cold and cold, like a machine without emotions, cold and ruthless.

"Mu Siye, don't waste each other's time! If you know each other, you will go with us, don't go to the last moment, and you have to be so embarrassed!"

The implication is that if he is uneasy and goes with them, they will use force against him.

The warning in the words, combined with the cold breath of this person's face, is chilling.

"What do you want to do!?"

Mu Lianju did not dare to move, and even more reluctant to go with them.

His heart is dark, the soldiers stationed here? Where have you been? !

What is Mu Linfeng doing?

It’s not that this is a hundred miles, it’s all heavily guarded! ?

Now how to let the people of Mujazhe come in, or what is quiet!

He didn't know what he would be if he left with these people and waited for him!

Is it dead?

Listening to Mu Linfeng said that the kid seems to be killing him, and he will kill the killer!

Is it really a little uncle's sentiment, don't care?

Really so cruel, must be forced to die!

"I won't go with you!"

Mu Lianjue is not stupid, knowing to go back with them, waiting for him will be the "final trial", at that time, he still has a way to live?

"Mu Siye, I want to remind you that you are not qualified to talk about conditions now!"

The man’s face, obviously with some ridiculous meaning, looked at him coldly and ironically: “Whether you are reluctant, you must take a walk with us! As for whether you are walking like a decent or not decent, I have chosen it by myself! My master has asked me to give you some feelings, so before we have a tough attitude, you still have the right to maintain a decent!"

This is the last bit of love that Mu Yazhe left for him!

That is to see, they have the same blood in their bodies!

Mu Lianju’s heart was as if it was being pressed by a heavy stone.

He stepped back a few steps and panicked and looked out the window, but he listened to the person coldly and said: "Don't watch! The garrison outside the house has been solved!"


Mu Lianju was anxiously ruthless.

It’s here, at this moment, it’s coming!

Is he really hiding, is this robbery?

(End of this chapter)

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