Chapter 1263 Showdown (1)

Is he really hiding, is this robbery?

"I can go back with you! But you have to make sure that you can't hurt my life!"

Mu Lianju made such a request with shame and shame.

The man snorted, but in his tone, there was a ridiculous contempt, as if he was mocking his innocence and ignorance!

"Guarantee your life?! You may not be naive! You can, without us, talk about the conditions and qualifications of the conditions! Either, let us go with dignity, or let us take you away, life and death. s!"

This person said without hesitation, but there is no room for it!

Do you want to live or die? !

Mu Lianjue was shocked.

What does it mean.

Is it that he has a little struggle, and it is hard to make a force!

Mu Lianju stood in the same place, apparently not willing to give in.

The man was completely out of patience, and he gave a look to the person behind him and said, "No time, go, take him away!"


A few of the people behind him, Gao Mada’s mercenary immediately stepped forward and encircled the entourage.

Mu Lian glanced at them with a vigilant look, widened his eyes and paled his face: "You... what are you doing!?"

"Mu Siye, I have offended!"

The voice of the man just fell, and several people on the side of the body immediately stepped forward, one left and one right, one after the other, sandwiching him, one person set up one side of his body, three times five divided two, he will be one Hands are behind the back and rubbed with your hands!

The man hurriedly reached out and grabbed his collar: "Four Lord, our time is limited. If you don't cooperate, don't blame us for not feeling good!"

Mu Lianjue struggled a few times: "Let me go! Your attitude is a little polite. I am so arrogant. What do you mean!? Hugh is made in front of us!"

"Mu Siye, you are really interesting! You are the fourth master or a few grandfather, even if you are standing here, there is no room for negotiation! Take away!"

When the man finished speaking, he would not have more nonsense with Mu Lianjue. He waved his hand and the two mercenaries carried Mu Lianjue one by one. They were guarded by several mercenaries with guns and taken away. .

When he left the station, Mu Lian glanced at him and was shocked. The patrolmen and sentinels on the station all fell to the ground. I don’t know if it was dead or alive.

There were not too many traces of fierce battles on the scene. Obviously, it was within a single stroke and was put down to the ground.

Mu Lianjue had no time to look at it more, his eyes were blindfolded, and he was blindfolded with his mouth and was pushed onto an armed escort.

He was caught off guard, and the darkness in front of him was pushed unceremoniously. He fell to the cold seat at once, and his face was affixed to the underside of the chilly car, almost smashing a tooth.

Suddenly he felt chilling in his heart, thinking about the scene that he saw in the station, his heart seemed to crack a bottomless pit, and fell into endless despair!

What kind of skill does Mu Yazhe have, he can take his people away from the hands of Mu Linfeng! ?

Here is the military/department, a strategic fortress, and a very defensive training ground. In normal times, it is a secret station and is rarely known.

Therefore, the defense is extremely strict, and the troops of the Kyoto Army/District are stationed here, and there are many warnings.

The name of Mu Linfeng, looking at the capital, is famous, only to cover the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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