Chapter 1277 Chapter 剑张弩(5)

If he is really forced to keep people and take them away, it seems that it is even harder than going to heaven.

At the same time, this kind of work is deadlocked. At the moment, he was easily restrained by a child, making him even hot on his face. It is very embarrassing!

"What is your identity?"

Mu Linfeng stared at him, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and forced.

Youyou asked calmly and elegantly: "Why should I tell you?"


Mu Lin was stunned, and then he snorted: "What a arrogant attitude!"

Youyou raised an eyebrow: "My identity, you are not qualified to ask."

Mu Linfeng’s heart is even more embarrassing.

Just listen to Youyou Yan: "Let's hand over people! However, take your people to retreat! Otherwise, you can't go!"

After all, he looked up, his eyes stunned, not clear, but added a bit of darkness. "Don't blame me for not reminding Er Bogong, this person, I have to fix it! If you stop, there is nothing to eat."

"It’s too mad to talk to you later."

Mu Linfeng’s words came out, but it seemed to be somewhat lacking.

Youyou is too lazy to pay attention to him.

Suzaku stood behind him like a stone sculpture, his hair was still moving, the gun in his hand was held, and the cold and dark gunpoint was aimed at him, like an endless abyss, as if he had a little change, he would ruthlessly devour him!

Mu Linfeng glanced at her, but from his point of view, but just can see the shoulders of the Suzaku, the shoulder of the mercenary paradise, suddenly shocked!

The mercenary paradise is famous, and he naturally hears it.

I heard that this organization is a mercenary organization founded by the Hurricane Group. It is a mercenary group from the mercenary paradise. It is extraordinary!

Mu Linfeng looked at the eyes of You You, could not help but deepen a few points.

What is the identity of this child?

After a long period of death, if you have a delay of a century, Mu Linfeng slightly twisted his face, Yu Guang squinted at the Mu Lianjue standing in the distance, the bottom of the eye, after all, there was a struggle!

Mu Lianju also looked at Mu Linfeng. He suddenly saw the hesitation and struggle on Mu Linfeng's face. Obviously, he hesitated. This is obviously in the heart, silently starting to weigh the pros and cons!

"Second brother!"

Mu Lianju excitedly licked his lips, and shouted and shouted to him: "You take me with me! You can't leave me here!"

He is not afraid of death!

Some unknown things are more fearful than death, chilling!

He didn't know, he would fall into the hands of Mu Yazhe, how would it end? He can't think!

Plus, he is not willing!

He was not willing to lose himself.

Mu Linfeng heard his voice, twisted his eyebrows, and felt a sense of irritability!

This dragged the hind legs!

Incompetent bungler!

It seems that Mu Si’s destiny is so, even if Mu Linfeng does not want to admit it, he does not want to put his own life on him!

Although he does not believe that the seven-year-old child in this area can bear with him, but looking at the current situation, and repeatedly in his heart to measure the words that Yu Youfang warned him, Mu Linfeng is ultimately defeated. I dare not easily use my life to make a bet!

He was amazed at why this child has such powerful power and ability, but he is also worried, the deterrent in this child's speech.

He did not believe it, but he did not believe it.

Because he can't afford to lose!

(End of this chapter)

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