Chapter 1278 Chapter 剑张弩(6)

Mu Linfeng took a deep breath, and it was almost a very embarrassing voice: "Good! I take people away!"


Mu Linfeng’s voice just fell, and Mu Lianjue screamed: “Second brother, do you really believe this child’s words?! He is just a seven-year-old child and can scare you!” He is just a child. If you say something, do you believe it?!"

Mu Linfeng replied: "Shut up!"


Mu Linfeng did not talk nonsense with him. He felt very embarrassed when he was wandering. He was very embarrassed at the moment, but he even asked him to have no light on his face, and he had to touch a gray nose again and again. Especially the seven-year-old child, there is no place on the table, he has no face!

A few words of Mu Lianjue, but it is the only remaining table that he left, and he won’t leave it completely!

So, he said coldly: "Receive the team, retreat!"

Mu Linfeng’s voice just fell, and the soldiers on the scene received their postures. Mu Lin turned and walked to the car. Mu Lianju immediately ran to him, blocking himself in front of him and grasping him. The shoulders.

"Second brother, you are so unrequited!? Just because of the child's words, are you going to leave me here?"

Mu Linfeng is sneer and asks: "Oh! But it is a child, what are you doing so flustered?!"

Mu Lianjue stunned and was hit by a slap in the face.

In fact, although he is faced with a seven-year-old child, from the bottom of his heart, he is also inexplicably afraid.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to admit it!

He even jealous of a child!

For a seven-year-old child, I am chilling!

Mu Linfeng opened his hand and was about to leave. Mu Lian saw that he really didn't care about him. His heart was even more disgusting, and his face was filled with sullen and dark anger!

He suddenly turned and rushed forward, slamming the shoulders of Mu Linfeng from behind, turning around and sticking behind him, his left hand **** his throat, and his right hand quickly taking the waist from Mu Linfeng. Passing the pistol, it resisted the position of the Mu Linfeng temple, but in a few seconds, it was the anti-customer!

"Second brother, since you are so unrequited, you can blame me for not knowing the six parents!"

Mu Lianju screwed his throat in one hand and held his hand against his temple with a gun. His eyes screamed: "Give me back! Go back!"

Mu Linfeng was so great that he did not expect that this Mu Lianjue dared to do this. Do you want to take him to be a hostage, thinking that this would be able to retreat all over the body!

His heart was cold for a while!

The heart is even more roaring, this wolf heart dog thing! He cares about the feelings of his hands and feet for decades, pays tribute to his brothers, and makes suggestions for him to retreat. He even does not hesitate to turn against Mu Yazhe. In the end, he exchanges his enmity and enthusiasm!

"Globe! What are you doing?!"

Mu Linfeng was shocked and screamed: "Not let go! Idiot!"

"Two brothers! Oh! To die, let's die together!"

Mu Lianjue is crazy, the whole face has risen into pig liver color, especially a pair of eyes, like blood filled, red-hot.

The sound is so fierce.

"If you let me go, I don't care about my brother's years of love, I can't help you! So even if I want to go to hell, you have to bury me! I can't go, you can't go!"

Today, the apartment building was shut down for power outages. At 9:30, the caller yelled and continued! There is one more to be after 12 o'clock. (In other words, this year is particularly unsatisfactory, fractured in April, inflammation of the tonsils in June, hospitalization of father's tuberculosis in July, and face-to-face in October... This year, my birth year, I did not wear red pants in accordance with customs. Is it true that there are red pants and evil spirits? Do you understand this little partner? This year is too evil, I don’t believe it.)

(End of this chapter)

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