Chapter 1279 Dog Biting Dog

The scene was out of control again, and everyone did not expect that the situation would develop in this direction. After a long while, everyone was vigilant, armed with a gun and aimed at Mu Lianju!

Mu Lianjue’s lips twitched a bloodthirsty arc. He slammed the throat of Mu Linfeng, and the knuckles tightened. The muzzle became more and more tightly attached to the temple of Mu Linfeng, ready to go!

"Let them put the guns down!"

Mu Lianju threatened.

Mu Lin was silent, and the whole face was suffocated and turned into pig liver color. However, even so, the lips are still tight, and they are not loose!

"You really don't dare to kill you, are you?!"

The sound of Mu Lianjue is getting colder and harder. "Big big, if I die, pull you down to hell, be a companion! Let them put the gun down, hear no!? Hear no!"

"Mu Si, you are crazy... is it!?"

Mu Linfeng struggling to escape a few characters, a pair of bloodthirsty eyes blushing at him, like a fierce beast that was completely irritated.

Mu Lian sneered a sneer: "Mu Er, you have less nonsense! I asked you to order them, the guns were collected, I heard no! I have no patience, let them take the gun! Take the gun!"

Between the voices, he screwed his throat tighter, his harder fingers, and he wanted to insert his throat!

Mu Linfeng sighed a few times, and then earned a lot, and then he slammed his voice: "Put the guns!"

As soon as he issued a command, the people under his hand glared at each other. However, there were orders from Mu Linfeng, no one dared to follow, so they collected the guns!

"Give me a car!"

Mu Lianju once again issued a second instruction, but it was like a beast that was dying.

Mu Linfeng gnawed his teeth and angered him, but he hated himself and looked away!

Youyou saw this scene, "噗嗤" and laughed.

The scene of a dog biting a dog is rare.

Today, he told him to see, what is the real dog biting the dog, fighting in the nest!

Dashui rushed to the Dragon King Temple and fought his family from his family!

What did Mu Lianju get lost?

Does he think that, in this way, he will be able to retreat? !


You You just had to reach out and push the door off. Lisa, who was sitting on the side, suddenly took his hand and shook his head at him.


She escaped two words.

Youyou smiled, but the cloud was light and windy: "I am afraid of what, you protect me."

Lisa made a slight glimpse, and Yuyou had pushed the door and crossed the car.

In the scene, it was once in a stalemate and the air solidified.

Mu Lianjue squatted in Mu Linfeng, holding it, and kept yelling: "Give me a car! Hear no?! Give me a car!"

When the voice just fell, he could see the blessing from the car.

He tipped his foot to the ground and stood, and then a lovely face of Xue Yu came into his eyes.

Youyou backed his hands, like an elegant gentleman, standing in front of him, cleverly squinting his head and looking at the innocent and gentle smile: "Si Bogong, we only meet, you are anxious to leave, not to sit Come down, have a cup of tea?"

His voice is tender and tender, and the milk is not taken off. However, in the tender voice, there is a chilly chill, and the heart is frozen.

You You’s eyes slowly fell on the body of Mu Lianjue, and the pink lips were clearly outlined: “Si Bogong, don’t forget, I remember, we still have a few accounts that are not clear. Um?”

(End of this chapter)

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