Chapter 1396, give up, star Ze...

Therefore, he felt unscrupulous.

However, Yun Shi poetry can feel the sword that has been shot from all directions, how many eyes stare at her with hatred!

I feel uncomfortable in my body.

Mu Yazhe ordered: "Open your mouth."

Yun Shishi was forced to open his mouth and was fed a tiramisu cake.

"Oh, sweet."

She raised her eyebrows in some surprises.

Mu Yazhe saw what she seemed to like very much and also tasted it.

"Well, it is very sweet."

Qin Zhou on the side looked straight.


What is the situation of these two people.

Poetry poetry, how do you learn Linzhi? If you are mixed into the VIP area, you will follow the spiral motor and continue to travel in the celebrities of all walks of life.

Look at the two goods again, enter the venue and watch nothing, just patronize the table and taste delicious!

When Qin Zhouyi saw the poems of Yun Shi holding the cake and savoring it, he was particularly angry and hated iron.

The fashion dinner brought together many international celebrities, such as the royal family, the government, the big-name buyers, the big-name buyers, the internationally renowned directors and producers, and they all picked out one of them, all of which are adorned with many shining titles. Unexpected resources!

However, the poetry of Yunshi is the same as that of evil. He is staring at the food, and nothing else is ignored.

Qin Zhou was so angry that he could not help himself.

How is this child a little lacking in heart!

But after thinking about it, forget it, let her go!

Although this child is a bit silly, it is a fool to be a fool.

Although I don’t know how to compete for resources, the person standing next to her is the most incompetent resource!

Mu Yazhe, but whoever said a word, he wants to hold the poetry of Yun, and Yun Shi poetry can definitely be stunned by the various big-name resources that fall from the sky.

Qin Zhou stunned and planned to ignore her, so he went to Gu Xingze at the full venue.

From the beginning of the red carpet, he did not seem to see Gu Xingze.

It won't... The mood is too low, didn't you come?

More than two hours ago, Gu Xingze held a bouquet of lilies and went to the studio of Louis Vuitton. According to the agreement, Yun Shishi should have attended the red carpet as his female companion. Therefore, he arrived as scheduled.

Before that, he deliberately bought a bunch of flowers and intended to give her a surprise.

Poetry likes flowers, he remembers in his heart.

However, when he arrived at the studio, Qin Zhougang was ready to go, but he did not see the shadow of Yun Shishi.

He smelled, but Qin Zhou had some support and said that Yunshi poetry had already left.

Gu Xingze is a little weird. He asked, tonight is not an appointment. She is his companion and walks the red carpet together.

Qin Zhou was concealed and the poetry was taken away by Mu Yazhe.

Tonight, I will go to the red carpet with Mu Yazhe.

At the moment when his voice just fell, Gu Xingze's face suddenly dimmed and his eyes were gray.

It seems that it is very lost.

Qin Zhou is worried.

Gu Xingze asked with a blank expression: "When did Mu Yazhe come?"

"I am not sure as well."

"He took the poem?"


Qin Zhou saw this and couldn’t help but say: "Xing Ze, give up!"

Gu Xingze looked up and looked at him, but he was puzzled: "Give up?"

"I can see that you like poetry very much, right?" Qin Zhou cautiously tried, for fear of hurting him.

Gu Xingze smiled and denied: "No, I am just, I really enjoy the feeling that she is together, very comfortable, very practical."

(End of this chapter)

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