Chapter 1548 Offensive of the relatives

During the cold, the meals are presented one by one.

Everyone eats while talking.

However, I don't know why, Yun Shi poetry inexplicably feels that the topic on the table has been carried out around Mu Yazhe.

Although Mu Yazhe is reluctant to pay attention to it, on the surface, it still maintains a polite manner.

Inlaid jade: "Little ad, how old are you this year?"

Mu Yazhe: "28 years old."

Inlaid jade: "Oh! I can't see it at all! I thought that you should be only twenty-two years old today. So, you have a little thought when you set foot on the society."

Mu Yazhe: "I started working when I was twenty."

Inlaid jade listened, and regretted: "So, the university has not read it?"

Yunqin Lidao: "Hey! I didn't go to college! I was admitted to the exam, but the tuition fee was not enough, so I was delayed."

Saying, I still remembered to secretly sneak a look at Yunye Cheng and Yun Shishi, quite complaining.

Yun Shishi only cares about the cloud industry, and she is not aware of Yunqin Li’s eyes.

Mu Yazhe: "University read, but at the age of 19, all the studies were completed."

Inlaid with jade, he opened his eyes: "Which university are you?"

Mu Yazhe: "Stanford."

Jade small eyes and big eyes: "What kind of blanket to tear?!"

Mu Yazhe patiently said: "Stanford University."

Inlaid with jade, Emei: "I have never heard of this university."

Aside, Yun Qinli felt a little shameful and immediately came out to the round and said, "Mom! He is talking about Stanford, a very famous university in the United States! Stanford University!"

"Oh... that's it." The jade was awkwardly smashed, and it seemed to be a bit shameful.

The cloud industry suddenly said: "Poetry, you are today, the twenty-three!"

Yun Shishi looked up and said with a smile: "Uncle, are you mistaken? I am twenty-four years old this year."

"24 years old?!"

Yunye took a forehead and said, "Oh! I remember your birthday!"

Yunye Cheng said to the side: "Have you forgotten? When you came over, the poetry has not yet been admitted to the university!"

The cloud industry is thick, "So, poetry poetry is still one year older than Qinli! Qin Li should call you a sister!"

Yun Qinli was surprised: "Poetry, you are one year older than me! Oh, this is an oolong! Poetry, I will call you a sister later!"

Soon, the topic is back on track.

However, Yun Qingmiao and Yunqin Li still pay more attention to Mu Yazhe. From time to time, ask, for example, "Is there a house in Beijing?" "Do you have brothers and sisters at home?" "What is the job of parents?" .

Mu Yazhe answered one by one.

Just, there is no answer so detailed.

Yunqingmiao is quietly calculating in her heart: Jiashi is good, there is a house in Beijing, and the work is stable and the income is high. It is a very good man!

Maybe it’s still a little open.

After all, the watch on the wrist can't be fake.

Can afford to wear millions of watches, the home should be very rich.

Yun Qingmiao took another look at Yunshi poetry, and secretly looked at it. It’s no wonder that he could find such a good man. He was born with a standard sweetness and a sultry person. This kind of personality is the most appealing man!

Yun Shishi only feels that the clouds and young crops are like needles that fall on themselves. For a time, some discomfort.

The mind is also secretly calculating, it seems that you have to arrange accommodation for them!

Relatives or something, or don’t bring it to your home for the time being!

(End of this chapter)

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