Chapter 1712 sprayed a blessing

"Unless, Mommy is willing to go back to the palace, if so, then I will be willing to see him!"

Miyazaki slowly licked a cup of dry red, and the long fingers gently swayed the cup, but it was thoughtful.

Youyou licked his lips, but he was helpless.

In any case, he always kept the same line with Mummy.

If he does not care about Mommy and returns to the palace with Miyazaki, then the father of Miyazaki sees him at first sight, and he can recognize his identity by virtue of his facial features.

At that time, find out the basics of Mommy, if it is a problem for Mommy, it is not what he wants to see!

Gong Miao looked at him up and down, but suddenly thought that Yun Shishi actually wanted to admire the ya, and he did not want to recognize the palace, he felt aggrieved.

He asked: "Youyou, you said, why can women sacrifice everything for love?"

Yu You stunned, and his eyes twitched, then he silently spit out and said, "Hey, I am your nephew, not an encyclopedia! You don't have to ask me anything?"

"Because I feel that my little nephew is knowing geography under the astronomy, then I am smart enough to give me the answer." Gong Yu lazy and asked, watching him silently.

Blessed the silence, then he stirred the cola in the cup faintly, biting the straw for a while, until there was a "squeaky" bubble inside, he took a sip, and then ambiguously said: "Because love The view is different! Love, for men, may be only a part of a man, but for a woman, it may be all of a woman."

Miyazaki heard the words, but he was shocked and shocked. Then he said with emotion: "Youyou, are you an emotional expert? You can tell the essence of it!"

You You looked at him with a disappointment, and then he said indifferently: "Emotional experts can't talk, these are all seen in the book."

Miyazaki's lips and a smile, I feel that this milk is not off, but the words are sharp and the foreigner is really cute!

"I still can't understand women who regard love as all!"

Youyou gave him a squint and asked with a fluttering question: "Hey, have you ever talked about love?"

Miyazaki tweeted: "What do you ask for this?"

"Ask the history of love!? Why, can't ask."

"I don't have a history of love."

Gong Gong returned.

Youyou "snapped" for a moment, and then it was very frivolous; "No wonder! I have never talked about love! Then, have you ever had a woman?"

"What do you mean?"

"That is... the relationship between men and women without a relationship, such as a spiritual partner or a physical partner..."

"puff"--! ! !

Miyazaki is so cold that he can't help but squirt a squirting face.

Yuyou suddenly closed his eyes, and the pink face was baptized by dry red. It suddenly seemed awkward, especially his long and thick eyelashes, which were contaminated with alcohol. His delicate eyebrows were slightly stunned. Unhappy, but in the constant calm mood, after all, it is endurance, no outbreak.

The palace looked at him blankly and immediately apologized: "Yousuke, sorry, I didn't mean it..."

"..." Youyou didn't want to care for him. He took the soft handkerchief and wiped his face clean.

"Hey, trouble you to pay attention to your manners, okay? What is it so worth making a fuss!"

(End of this chapter)

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