Chapter 1713, Children Against the Sky

There was a mess in the palace.

Please, not that he does not pay attention to his manners, he is forbearing! Do not! live! Okay! ?

What is a physical relationship? !

Has anyone seen this words from the mouth of a seven-year-old child? !

Has anyone seen it? !

So he didn't have any precautions and was caught off guard!

This child is really a big kid!

Miyazaki held back the laughter, but it was a little bit of laughter and laughter: "What is the physical relationship!? You can't move these little words to mean these four words?"

"The physical relationship is a relationship between men and women that is purely physiological, because of physiological needs, if you want to use a more straightforward word to describe it - bed partner."

The palace is stunned.

Yuyou elegantly licked his head and asked him all the way. "What? Is it wrong?"

"You have a small head all day thinking about something!! How come this... cough, you know!?"

The palace was once again in the middle of the wind, and it felt like a bit of a night.

Youyou smiled and said: "I have been studying psychology and sociology recently. Well, it is also what I have learned recently."

Miyazaki seriously educated: "You are paying attention to this now, too early!"

"I have been so advanced."

“It’s usually a bit of work in learning!”

Miyazaki smiled and said: "Don't look at these messy psychology. Have you reviewed your homework?"

You are blessing your lips and understatement: "My class has already advanced to the third year of science in high school. So, I am really bored..."

Miyazaki continued to stunned.

"you're lying……!"

how is this possible? !

At this age, he only went to elementary school!

Can he understand the profound knowledge of high school?

It has already been previewed! ?

So against the sky? !

Miyazaki took a deep breath and felt unbelievable.

Youyou stunned: "These topics are very simple. I will go over the book again! As for the liberal arts, I am not interested. Anyway, it is a rote thing, and I am not interested in previewing."

Gong Yi, "..."

It is no wonder that this child's emotional intelligence is so terrible that the extra time is spent on research psychology.


When my sister gave birth to him, wasn't the genetic variation, it was such a shocking genius...

"I guess, you should have never talked about love or touched a woman, so you are puzzled by Mommy's actions. In fact, women are more emotional creatures, and most of them are insecure! Therefore, the importance attached to the family may not be understandable by men. In fact, I understand Mommy very much! Mommy is actually a family-oriented person. In her mind, women should be family-oriented while being independent. In order to protect the family, she does not hesitate to pay for everything."

Yuyou’s voice suddenly stopped, and it was a disgusting look at the palace, and impatiently said: “Forget it! You can’t understand it! You don’t understand women.”

"It seems that you understand the same." Gong Yi is not convinced.

"I have been with Mommy since I was a child. The one who knows Mommy best is me. Is it that I have no say?"

Gong Yu language plug.

"Playing the cow on the piano, you are so old, not even a woman, and you can't understand it!"

Youyou taunted.

Summer insects can't speak ice.

(End of this chapter)

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