Chapter 1790 hides the eyes and ears

The cloud industry was unbelievable until the police officers came up with some relevant evidence and gave him the testimony of the relevant certification. The whole person was numb and fell in the chair, and his face was distressed!

Do not teach, the father has passed!

How can he be able to teach such a shameless daughter?

Sitting in front of the police officer, he looked extremely urgent, sitting like a needle, especially when he heard the guilt of Yunna, the old face did not know where to put it!

Li Qin also knows these things, but she did not say so.

Can the mother and daughter fall to such a point, they can only blame them for their own!

If Yunna is not greedy, selfishness is because of his own benefit, it is to derogate others, and Li Qin, poorly dragged by this unfilial woman, but also fallen to death.

For a time, Yunye did not know what it was.

Have a heartache, have a loss, have a solution, hate!

The more I hate the ugliness of Yunna.

This case has been here, even if it is closed.

Li Qin’s body has been found, but Yunna’s body is probably still sinking into the sea!

The police officer said to Yunyecheng: "The East China Sea is very big. I want to salvage the body in a carpet. I am afraid it is a needle in a haystack! I don't know if the body has been decomposed, whether it has been cleaned up by the fish, and it is only a good price. Salvage costs are hard to estimate. It is a coincidence to salvage your wife's body. We can only say that we do our best. But we cannot assure you that you will be able to salvage your daughter's body!"

"What about the suspect?"

Yunye’s voice was hoarse and low. “When did the murderer of my wife and daughter murder, when did you take it and bring him to justice?”

The police replied: "The suspect has already suffered the same vendetta before we sent someone to fight, and the dozen or so young brothers involved in the case died and fought!"

"The same vendetta?"


The police officer explained that Li Dongqiang and the gang in the gang had a very good exchange of fire.

The police officers took some photos taken on the spot and showed them to them one by one.

"Li Dongqiang, male, 35 years old, was gambling in the underground the night before, and was attacked by a group of unidentified people. When we arrived, the scene was full of blood, the blood flowed into the river, and the casualties were heavy and there was no living!"

"There is such a thing?!"

Yunye is even more shocked.

"Mr. Yun, I can only ask you to change your mind!" The policeman comforted a few words and got up and went.

The cloud industry stalls sit on the stools and can't be recovered for a long time.

When Yun Shishi was still in the crew, he received a call from Yunyecheng. After learning that the incident passed, people had been stunned for a long time.

The case was so tight as soon as possible. She thought it would take a long time. I didn't expect to close the case so soon!

After the case is closed, you will need to go through the formalities and claim the body back.

After Yunye passed the formalities, Li Qin’s body was taken back and cremation was buried.

There was no decent funeral, and even this incident, Yunye did not have any voices, so quietly, the body was cremated.

Although, for Li Qin, he has a lot of resentment in his heart.

You can have a couple of days in a day.

Although Li Qin was not alive before, but people have passed away, many evils should also be dispersed with the wind!

Yunshi Shi bought a cemetery in Wulanshan. On the site of such a large amount of gold in Beijing, he was able to buy a decent cemetery, which is usually expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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