Chapter 1791 Mysterious Woman

At the beginning, Yunyecheng couldn’t get the money at all. Finally, Yunshi poetry bought it.

Yunye Cheng is also awkward and grateful. Li Qin’s attitude towards Yunshi poetry was extremely harsh, and this filial child did not care about the suspicion. For her aftermath, Yunye’s heart was not a taste.

Yun Shishi said: "Hate to hate, but people are already dead, why should I care about the people who have passed away. Dad, cherish the people in front of you, you are a little better, just fine."

"Poetry... Thank you! Dad... Dad is sorry for you!"

Yunye Cheng regretted not speaking.


"Cloud has been cleaned up."

On the phone, Li Hanlin’s voice is concealed and deep, and the meaning is self-evident.

Youyou nodded, and it was commendable to praise: "I know this thing. But in two days, you can handle it properly. You have to say that your ability is still very good!"

"I..." Li Hanlin was in a mess.

I don't know if this little guy said that it is a compliment to him.

As if to know what the person at the end of the phone is silently saying, Blessed said faintly: "I am boasting about you."


Does this guy have a very good mind reading?

How can it be so far apart, on the phone, he can guess what is in his heart.

"Li Li, we have been working together for so long, and the tacit understanding between each other is hard to tell. You know me, I know you too, you silently yell at me in my heart, of course I know!" You You guessed him at the moment. The psychological activities are light and authentic.

Li Hanlin has nothing to say.

"Cloud total..."


"You must be a enchanting reincarnation, I feel that you are not a normal creature."

The head was silent for a long while.

At the same time as Li Hanlin was afraid, the words of Yuyou Bingsheng sounded at the other end: "I will celebrate the New Year."


"It seems that someone's year-end award is not wanted."

"Cloud, don't... I just didn't make a joke with you..."

The voice did not fall, but there was an indifferent "beep" sound on the other end.

Li Hanlin is holding a mobile phone, but she is crying.

Wulan Mountain Cemetery.

People are sparsely populated.

After the winter solstice, there was an unusual bleak here.

In the morning, the sky was bright, and a thin figure suddenly appeared at the gate.

The thin back, wearing a hooded black sweater, the collar pulled all the way to the neck, the big hat clasped to the top of the head, and the birth of most of the face, can not see the person's appearance.

However, from the figure, it is a young woman who is not tall.

The woman took her hands in her pocket and walked slowly into the door.

I got up and looked up, but I was surprised.

I saw it over to sweep the tomb, but I have never seen it. The morning was not bright, and the cemetery was just opened. I ran over to sweep the tomb.

So he walked out of the security room and just walked over and wanted to ask.

I haven’t walked to the person yet, but I’m scared back halfway by the strange smell that comes out of that person.

This woman is obviously a living person, how to be like a ghost!

The security shook his head and decided not to take care of it, but returned to the security room to avoid the wind.

The woman suddenly came over to him.

"Help me find a name."

When he raised his head, he saw that the woman did not know when, and appeared silently in the window, and was shocked.

"You...what are you doing? How is it like a ghost, there is no sound when walking."

Guess who is pinching?

(End of this chapter)

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