Chapter 2369 Have you investigated me?

"Since this is your ultimate dream, then I decided. In the future, if there is no way to marry you, I will also send you a wedding dress, specifically asking famous designers to customize one for you. How?"

Meng Qingxue listened, and his expression was awkward. He didn’t immediately answer the words, but his face was full of a heart-rending loss!

The expression was deeply engraved in his mind, and I still can’t help feeling it.

About her ultimate dream, probably not a so-called wedding dress, but the object of marriage as long as he is.

"If I am really married to you, at the wedding scene, I will definitely cry out excitedly?"

She once said so desolately.

Mu Yuchen returned to God from his thoughts and suddenly mocked, "Five sets of wedding dresses? Song Enya, you are really interesting."

He looked up. "You know that we are married because of marriage, wedding ceremony, and a good procedure. It is a confession to the Song family. As for the custom wedding dresses you said, if you want, you can get it yourself. It is good to customize the wedding money directly in the account of Mu's."

Song Enya is cold and cold. "You seem to be very perfunctory about the marriage between us."


Mu Yuchen picked up his eyebrows and was equally cold. "You seem to be very upset, and even make me have an illusion. You really want to marry me, and use the means of the next three!"


Song Enya language plugged, stalemate for a while, she hated the earth, "You don't have a dream! I want to marry you?! Oh! Mu Yuchen, this joke is not funny at all! I just don't want to lower myself. Identity, grievances! With the status of the Song family and the Mu family, the wedding between us, naturally can not be casual, it must be a huge momentum, decent and decent! But you are not at all heart, so perfunctory, from beginning to end You are in a state of being out of the way, and there is no awareness of being a fiancé!"

Mu Yuchen took the corner of the lips, smiled and smiled indifferently, "Song Enya, I am right to you, it is already benevolent!"

His voice is not too big, but it is powerful enough, even gnashing his teeth to say this.

When Song Enya slammed the ground, he listened to him and said, "You marry me unscrupulously. I look at the face of the Song family and eat such a loss. You are still talking to me about decent and talking about scenery? Song Enya, you want I know, I am married to you, giving you a name. For you, it is already a great blessing! At this level, you are not qualified to ask me too much!? Marriage is gone, the process is just enough, talk There are many more conditions, but I will be impatient!"

"Impatient? Are you so impatient with me? Or do you have the same attitude towards all women?!"

"What attitude do I have, it doesn't matter to you!"

Song Enya suddenly glared, "So, what about Meng Qingxue?!"

Mu Yichen stunned and screamed at her with some surprise.

She then questioned: "Are you so impatient with Meng Qingxue?!"

Mu Yuchen was shocked, and then, very nervously asked, "How do you know her?!"

"Leave me alone?!"

"I asked you, how did you know her name?!"

Daddy, he suddenly thought of a possibility, asked in disbelief, "Have you investigated me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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