Chapter 2370, "Three Chapters of the Law"

Song Enya naturally won't tell her that she was forced to retreat Meng Qingxue as a "positive palace" that night!

She took it for granted that since Mu Yuchen will become her husband sooner or later, she has no way to retreat, so it is necessary to eradicate the messy women around him to consolidate his "positive room" status!

Therefore, she defaulted to his suspicion, and it is natural to say, "You are my fiancé, my future husband, then, as your future wife, it is natural to investigate your past. Otherwise, come to marry, take the risk I’m a little bit embarrassed when I’ve got some cats and dogs, I don’t think it’s embarrassing, I think it’s shameful!”

After that, she stirred the coffee indiscriminately, but she felt guilty.

Almost lost.

For a moment, you can’t say anything!

She is still too impulsive!

"Ha ha!"

Mu Yuchen held a sneer and said with no expression. "Song Enya, do you still have a face to say this? I have not pursued the good things you have done in the past! Just the child in your stomach, I will ignore it selectively." If you are pursuing it, your history, must be very exciting?! I hope that you can be artificially conceived, not to be exposed to the public, otherwise, the Mujia Song family will follow You are shameful behind you!"

After a pause, he admired the face of Song Enya Tieqing, so it was all over the place. "But, when you say it, you really want me to look at it! I am not a woman who has never seen a man, but what you do is true. It’s so eye-catching! In order to smear the accompaniment, you can even do it with the scorpion and go to the United States for artificial teaching/precision! However, it’s really hard for you, you fight so hard, In the end, it fell to such a point, struggling Zhou Zhang, finally married to the Mujia as you wish, now, do not know if you feel satisfied?!"

Song Enya couldn't bear it anymore. Although Mu Yuchen said these words with a smile, it was ridiculously hidden in the knife, and every sentence that was said was awkward.

Her heart was wronged, but on the surface she had to pretend to be calm and sigh. "Mu Yuchen, you shut me up! My business, it’s not enough for you to make irresponsible remarks!"

Mu Yuchen smiled. "Well, I don't make irresponsible remarks about your deeds! But please don't make irresponsible remarks about my affairs! Song Enya, let's talk openly and honestly, after you get married, you manage I can do it myself, I am not allowed to interfere in my private life! No matter what woman I am looking for outside, I can’t turn your fingertips, is it clear?!”

"Looking for a woman!?"

Song Enya was furious and asked, "Do you know what you are talking about??"

Mu Yuchen is cold and cold. "You should understand the tradition of Mujia?! Once I became the official owner of Mujia, then I have the right to enter the door of a few wives. Although there is no formal name, it is not a good time. You are too big to be equal to you, but you can also enter the Mujia, under the same roof as you. If you are determined to marry into the Mujia, then you must be prepared for this kind of mentality! Do you understand?!"


Song Enya was extremely angry and laughed. "Mu Yuchen, you are really amazing! I haven't entered the door yet. You can't wait to start with me's "Three Chapters of Law"??"

(End of this chapter)

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