One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2372: He doesn't care about his flesh

Chapter 2372, he does not care about his flesh

Mujia and Songjia are famous in the capital, in ancient times, like the prince level, such a large portal to hold a wedding, how can you chill, naturally it is to be decent!

Mu brothers have ordered more than a dozen wedding dresses for Yun Shishi? !

Did she mention five wedding dresses too much? ?

Excessive! ?

To put it bluntly, this Mu Yuchen did not put her in the heart!

Song Enya's grievances just wanted to cry, she desperately wanted to be forbearing, but the tears still could not be contained down!

Although she did not have too much fantasies about the wedding itself, since she decided to marry Mu Yuchen, marriage is not a temporary idea to finish, and marry this man, the next life, they must be tied together.

Instead of being an enemy, it is better to approach the distance slowly, even if it is like a father and a mother, it is not a real name, and it is a false feeling, at least, in the eyes of outsiders, it must be respectful!

She thought about it carefully.

It is impossible to force yourself to like Mu Chenchen, but it is feasible to treat him as a real husband.

After all, marriage is so long in life, and perfunctory is not acceptable.

However, once the two people get along with each other in private, it is such a gunpowder.

At first, she also tried to communicate with him calmly, but it did not work at all.

Mu Yuchen even listened to her most basic words. It seems that she seems very impatient. This time, he came out for the wedding, how to make the wedding decent, propose a kiss, hire, gift, wedding, wedding...

These need to be discussed.

Mu Muchen not only did not have patience, but instead disagreed with the points she asked.

Song Enya was full of anger and grievances. She picked up the spoon and stirred up the coffee in her hand. When she was about to take a sip, she suddenly woke up and pushed the coffee aside, and her anger was abnormal!

In response, pregnant women can not drink coffee!

This coffee is still ordered by Mu Yuchen.

He really doesn't care at all!

The flesh in her stomach is his, no matter what way, at least his blood, he doesn't care at all!

coffee! ?

Pregnant women can't drink coffee, he doesn't know! ?

Song Enya was anxious and aphasia, clutching the tablecloth, and the two lines of tears hurried down.

In these few days, she was exhausted.

Although, in the circle of girlfriends, it is still the appearance of the former high, several good sisters learned that she wants to marry into the family, don’t mention how envious, those sly eyes fall on her, but let her I am not happy.

Although the face is satisfied, but the mood is low at the end.

Because she knows in her heart that even a stunning marriage is not happy!

She is confused and worried about her future.

When Song Enya came home, Jiang Yan dreamed that she had come back with a lost soul. She hurried up and blamed. "Where did you go alone? Why didn't I call you?"

She saw Song Enya going out in the afternoon, and even after making several phone calls, no one was connected, and she was very worried.


Song Enya was upset and confused. Seeing Jiang Yan’s face in a panic, he asked curiously, “Mom, what's wrong with you? The face is so ugly!”

"Sweet things, do you know? You are a good sister with her, she has an accident, you should know?!"

(End of this chapter)

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