Chapter 2373 Yucheng

Jiang Yanmeng mentioned Lu Jingtian, Song Enya's face slowed down, and he didn't take it seriously. "Oh, why am I still doing it? I know, she had an accident and was burned by fire. In the hospital, I went to see it some time ago. She once again, listening to the doctor, the situation has recovered well."

Although Lu Jingtian is said to be a good girlfriend of Song Enya, however, like the girlfriends of their circle, it is said that the relationship is good, but in fact it is just the same thing.

The relationship between two people can only be said to be very close, but not to the point of pushing the heart.

Coupled with the recent situation of the Song family, Song Enya is physically and mentally exhausted, and his mentality has undergone great changes. He is not so concerned about anything.

"It's not this! It has been happening for a few days..." Jing Tian jumped to the building and committed suicide. Do you know this?"

Song Enya nodded in his heart, and suddenly reacted to it, suddenly widened his eyes, "What!?"

"On the night five days ago, she jumped from the roof of the hospital and committed suicide!"

Jiang Yan dreams, "The day after tomorrow is her first seven, Lu family is ready to carry out the farewell ceremony, are you ready to go?"

The news came too suddenly. Song Enya was not prepared for the time and was stunned.

"How is it possible? Mom, is this news accurate?"

"Of course!"

Jiang Yan dreams, "I also read the obituary published by Huanyu Company in the newspaper to confirm this! The day after tomorrow is her farewell ceremony. You and her relationship are so good, you should attend."

"But... no..."

Song Enya hesitated, "I am going to get married soon. This is a funeral, a happy event, some taboos, and a bad luck."

"If you don't go, it doesn't matter, it's not an important thing. I call Lu Jia, and I say that you are sick and say a few words."

Song Enya nodded.

"I don't feel well, go back to the room first."

Jiang Yan dreams to catch up with a few steps. "Is dinner supper? Do you want to bring dinner to you?"

Song Enya did not answer, and walked up the stairs in a deserted manner.

Jiang Yan dreamed of her back in dismay, and sighed with a deep sigh.


At night, the sky is like a splash of ink.

A bus slowly stopped at a stop sign, the door opened, and a woman took some simple carry-on baggage and slowly walked out of the car.

When the door is closed, the bus goes away.

Meng Qingxue looked up and glanced at the stop sign.

Yucheng Center Platform.

Yucheng - a small township that is less than two hundred kilometers away from the capital.

She twirled a few shuttle buses. I still didn't know where to go, but I accidentally saw the name of the station, Yucheng?

Yucheng - Yuchen.

The ghost made a difference. She bought a ticket to the city. Before she got on the bus, she bought some bread and water at the station and kept it on the road.

For a ten-hour drive, all the way to the bumps, coupled with her early pregnancy reaction, eat things, such as spit out.

Fortunately, several women in the same car as she learned that she was pregnant, especially taking care of her, is not too tough on this road.

After getting off the bus, the road was a country hostel, maybe there is a certain history, and the two corners of the signboard are not bright.

Meng Qingxue looked around. At this point, taxiing should be a difficult matter. In short, before finding a house, it can only be settled in the hostel.

(End of this chapter)

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