Chapter 2374 is alone

She picked up her luggage and walked into the hostel.

When I walked in, the hostel’s counter was empty. She shouted for a long time and finally came from the separated black house.


A middle-aged man walked out with his slippers and just walked over to the counter. When he saw a young girl who was pure and beautiful in front of the counter, she could not help but be a little surprised!

Yucheng is a very small city, and small is rarely known.

Most of the people living here are born and raised in the city. The city is very small and poor and backward. Therefore, only the people of the city have been rushing to the metropolis, but they have not said that people in the city will go there.

Unless it is a visitor.

The boss looked at her and stayed for a while.

He has lived so old, and he has never seen a girl who has been so marked!

Surrounded by mountains in the city, the girl who grew up in the city of Yucheng learned to go up the mountain to catch cattle and sheep, and the skin was rough and rough by the wild winds in the mountains. I didn’t know how to wipe skin care products. The middle-aged women of the 30s and 40s did not make much difference. The messy hair, the clothes in the squatting, did not trim the margins.

But this girl, at first glance, is born well.

Decent clothes, good face, excellent skin, tender and clear, especially eyebrows, exquisite painting, although it is plain, just a little trace of eyebrows, but beautifully shocking!

What a beautiful!

The boss silently felt a cry, but he saw Meng Qingxue looking thin and weak, and his face was also pale and morbid, and he could not help but be curious.

"Little girl, where did you come from?"

Meng Qingxue did not return to him, but asked at the door, "Boss, there is no room here."

The boss groaned and said, "Yes! Are you alone?"

"Well! It's a person."

"Listen to your accent, not like the local city of Yucheng. Is it a person to come to Yucheng?"

"No, it’s passing by, I will leave tomorrow morning."

Meng Qingxue was full of vigilance and did not talk too much with the boss.

The boss who has been driving for so long, every day, greetings with all kinds of passers-by, naturally knows how to observe and understand that she is wary of him, so she no longer asks!

"Check out your ID card."

Meng Qingxue immediately rummaged through the bag, but suddenly thought of something, she suddenly thought that if I use the ID card to register, will Mu Yuchen find it here?

When she thought of this, she was frightened and frightened. She couldn’t help but gently put her hand on her lower abdomen and raised her head. She smiled and said, “I’d like to forget to bring it on my body, must I have an ID card?”

"How can I not go with my ID card when I go out? I need an ID card to register at the hotel." The boss said, suddenly suspected, "Little girl, have you grown up?"

"I am naturally an adult! Twenty years old!"

She explained nervously.

The boss smiled and said, "I haven't figured it out! I can't get an ID card! Even so, this is a hundred miles. Besides me, there are not many hotels. It is difficult to take a taxi. You will live first. Let's go."

Meng Qingxue grateful, "Thank you boss!"

"Standard room, 60 pieces a night, deposit a hundred."

Meng Qingxue secretly screams, is the price here so cheap?

Just 60 pieces a night.

In the capital, staying for one night, it is also 300 blocks.

Wouldn't it be a black hotel?

(End of this chapter)

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