Chapter 2461 is, I am derailed.

Gao Nan did not seem to listen to her question. She raised her apple and raised her eyebrows. "You are not going to eat apples? Don't you eat?"

Xiao Xue thought that he was in a guilty conscience, deliberately avoided the topic, and pulled his lips with difficulty. "Gao Nan, don't evade the topic, okay? I am asking you seriously, there is no need to cover up?!"

Gao Nan looked at her face quietly, stunned, put the apple aside, and put the fruit knife on the table.

He suddenly hooked his lips and gracefully took the wet wipes and wiped the wet fingers. He said with no expression. "Where did I report to you last night? Xiao Xue, I am a prisoner, or what, need to be at any time. Where are you reporting your whereabouts?"

Xiao Xue’s face was a little stiff. “I don’t mean this.”

"What do you mean by that?"

The expression on Gao Nan’s face could not help but be a little cold. “You are inexplicably squatting at my door, a look of unspeakable, saying something to talk to me, I thought it was something important, and you asked me to report to you. Whereabouts? Xiao Xue, you are really interesting."

Xiao Xue looked at him in a complicated look, and he wanted to explain it in a panic, but he didn't know where to explain it!

How to see, this man has no half-dark look!

Could it be that poetry is lying?


She understands poetry and poetry, she will not deceive her, and will not lie.

Gao Nan’s answer seems to be somewhat suspicion of evasing the weight. Could it be that he is superficially calm and wants to fool this thing?

Just as she was thinking about it, she listened to Gao Nan and asked, "Isn't Yun Shi poetry talking to you?"

Xiao Xue was shocked and raised his head and looked at him. "what……?"

"You are not with her in the afternoon?"

Gao Nan said again, "It won't be what she blows in your ear, so you ran to ask me, where did you go last night?"

Xiao Xue was in a fog at the time.

"What did she say?"

"she was……"

"There is no need to cover up anything! You have to talk to me, isn't it for this?"

Gao Nan said as he walked to the bar, took a bottle of dry red from the wine cabinet, opened it, and took a cup, so he held the goblet lazily and leaned in front of the bar, sipping a sip, and then Speaking, "Let me guess... she shouldn't be telling you that I was with another woman last night, then derailed and did something to betray you. Um?"

Xiao Xue was awkward and his face was pale.

Silence for a long while, she nodded, "Well," he said, "Yes... she said this to me!"

Then, she looked up at him nervously and nervously and asked seriously, "Gao Nan, is she really talking?"

Gao Nan picked up her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders. "Uh-huh", "She said it is not fake."


He admitted so so cheerfully! ?

Xiao Xue is somewhat unbelievable. Why is this man so straightforward, even the basic cover-ups and excuses are not there, even without any cover, directly confess? !


"Do you want this answer? If you wish."

"Not!" Xiao Xue snorted in a crash, and suddenly his eyes were red. "I don't want to hear such an answer!"


Deny it!

Xiao Xue thought contradictoryly, preferring him to lie to her, or to cover up nervously, so...

At least that he cares about her feelings!

(End of this chapter)

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