Chapter 2462 his true face

"But, what you hear is the fact." Gao Nan did not evade, frankly, "I was the birthday party of Ji Yan last night, I did derail, and betrayed you. Well, not only Ji Yan, you are not in the country before. During this period of the world, I was bored and I had several women. Although there are several ones/nights/loves, there is no long-term development, but it is also derailed."

"Gao Nan..."

Xiao Xue saw that he was so eager to admit that the heart was even more stinging.

- You really know the man you love! ?

- He doesn't care about your feelings at all, what do you care about?


The words of Yun Shishi still echo in the ear.

Xiao Xue squatted down his head, and his heart hurts a little.

Was the original injury the feeling?

It turns out that heartache is this feeling? !

Once upon a time, when I was in college, the girls in the class fell in love, and when they went to KTV to drink, they drunk, they held the microphone, and they sang love songs with tears and tears, and they always felt so sad. Very emotional.

However, it was her turn to be hurt. She was so sad that she suddenly realized that it was not a bad feeling.

There is a kind of despair, the end of the world.

"Why are you doing this to me!?"

Xiao Xue asked with a heartache, "You are not saying, you only love me a woman, only one in my heart?"

"Do you believe in such a ghost?"

Gao Nan did not agree, even laughed very badly, ignoring her sadness and loss, the lips and corners were very glaring, "Xiao Xue, I am with you, I believe that you are mine." Marriage object. It is too difficult to find a family that is satisfied with the object, and just right, your performance, my parents are very satisfied, they nod their heads, I have no opinion. Anyway, I am to my wife There are no special requirements. After all, there is no difference in changing to any woman."

"Gao Nan, you have no heart!?"

Xiao Xue suddenly stood up and glared at him. "Do you have no heart, don't feel sad, don't feel pain!? Similarly, if you do these things, don't you think, if I know, I will How sad is it?? I don't want you to love me, stay with me, but if you don't love me, you can talk to me! I don't know any man who is stalking, no. Love is not love, I will not pursue it, and I will not want you to do it! But if you do this, isn’t it playing with my feelings?”


Gao Nan suddenly smiled and suddenly put the goblet on the side, slowly walked to her front, looked down at her, but seemed to remember to condescend, "playing? Xiao Xue, you are sure that the person who plays with emotions is me, Not you!?"

"You..." Xiao Xue gasped his lips and stared at him. Some doubts, "What do you mean by this?"

"Legatively, can't you understand?!"

"Since you are my girlfriend, you are a woman, but there is no basic awareness! What are you playing with the image of a fierce woman?! With me on the bed, just let you down your appetite!?"


Xiao Xue was stunned by what he called.

What is the reason for this! ?

This man is more shameless than she imagined!

Is this his true face? ?

(End of this chapter)

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