Chapter 2782 Arouses Maternity 2

Gong Yi and Mu Yazhe took turns to guard her. Every night, the palace and Mu Yazhe always had to sneak again and again, she was willing to go back to bed to rest, but the TV is still unwilling to close.

She was afraid that she would turn off and she would never hear his voice again.

She knows, hey, miss, after all, it should be put down!

People go, no longer exist.

These videos are also fake and do not exist.

Gu Xingze is no longer there!

But every time I woke up, I heard that his voice was still there, and I felt peace of mind. Everything was like a magical road.

She still refuses to eat. She only wants to drink some water occasionally and eat a little fruit. Even a few of them are more gratified and satisfied than before.

At least, she is willing to try to eat.

However, Yu You is extremely worried that how long does this mental state last? !

Xiao Xue also came to the hospital to see her once. Gong Mi did not let her go in and disturb her, so she could only stand at the door and look at her from afar.

The mental state of Yun Shishi is not good, so the news of her hospitalization is rarely known.

Mu Yazhe protects her very well, does not let anyone to disturb her, and does not let anyone interfere with her rest.

Xiao Xue was her girlfriend. When she got the news, she insisted on coming over to see it, but standing at the door, she saw her in front of the TV, and her heart burst into tears.

"How did she become like this?"

Xiao Xue is very sad.

"She has been refused to eat?"

Yuyou nodded in pain. "Mummy has been reluctant to eat, and she can only rely on nutrient solution to maintain supplies."

Xiao Xue bite his teeth and is very uncomfortable.

The palace is standing on the balcony, and the mood is extremely suppressed.

He turned his head and glanced at the poem of Yun, and sighed heavily.

Looking at her so embarrassed appearance, Gong Min's heart is about to bleed.

Just then, the doctor suddenly came to the ward, and Mu Yazhe saw him, stood up and walked toward him. "What?"

"Mr. Mu, take your wife to do a detailed checkup?"

His abrupt words made Mu Yazhe suddenly think that it was time to do the inspection.

He went back to the ward, helped the shoulders of Yun Shishi, and asked softly, "Poetry, I will take you to the checkup, okay?"


"It’s been a long time, and I don’t know how the little guy is doing. The doctor said that it is necessary to do regular checkups."

Yun Shi poetry knows nodded.

The nurse pushed the wheelchair, and Mujazhe took her to the wheelchair and pushed her to do the checkup.

Half a day, all the checks were done. Mu Yazhe pushed the poems of Yun to the doctor's office, and the doctor was watching the report.

"Nine weeks of pregnancy, the fetus grows to 2.15 cm, the fetal head is larger than the carcass, the performance of each part is clearer, the skull begins to calcify, and the placenta begins to develop. The B-ultra-visible fetal sac almost fills the uterine cavity, the fetal contour is clearer, and the placenta begins. appear."

When the doctor finished, he said, "Hey, it's really hard to do! If she refuses to eat for a long time, it may affect the development of the fetus."

Mu Yazhe sighed, "How do you say?"

"Pregnancy is the key period for the fetus to need the most nutrients. If the mother lacks nutrition, it will affect the physical development of the fetus. If this time, the mood changes drastically, it will cause the cleft lip and palate."

(End of this chapter)

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