Chapter 2782 Arouses Maternity 3

Originally, there was no cloud poetry with any emotional ups and downs. When I heard this sentence, my eyes flashed a bit, and my eyes finally recovered a few focal lengths.

"What about the little guy now?"

"The little guy is very strong, and there is nothing unusual, but, going on, there must be many adverse effects on her body and children."

The doctor paused and said, "Even if it is in the mother's body, it will be born, the innate resistance will be weaker. If the mother's mood changes drastically during pregnancy, it will easily cause the child's personality sensitivity/sensitivity. But I Worried, this way, the fetus will stop developing, or even abortion!"

"Abortion!?" Mujazhe looked tense. “Is there a nutrient solution?”

“This is not a sufficient nutritional supplement. Moreover, mood swings are also a big factor!”

The doctor put the film of B-mode on the backlight board. He pointed to the film, a very small group, and said to him, "This is the fetus, it is now normal, very strong! The average little guy, but Can't hold this time!"

Mu Yazhe glared at the small group, holding his thin lips, his eyes could not help but red.

That is his child...

Maybe it's a pretty little princess!

He has been thinking and wanting to have another daughter with her, but now the child is falling from the sky, he thinks that this is probably the best gift that God has given him!

But why, he wants to keep her, but there is a great sense of powerlessness!

Mu Yazhe turned suddenly and leaned slightly, holding her shoulders and asking carefully. "Poetry, have you heard it?! Have you heard it? If you don't eat well, you don't work normally. So torture yourself, the child will die sooner or later!"

Yun Shi’s poems suddenly widened their eyes, and the pupils violently contracted and looked at him, but they could only see a ridiculousness.


"The little guy in your stomach, nine weeks, she is still so small! It's still so small... she has been growing strong! But..."

He hearted her into his arms, and for the past few days, he was not suffering.

For her, the child in the belly, isn’t it a fear?

All the time, I am scared.

"Enough! Is it enough?! Even if it is a punishment, it should be enough?!"

A hot teardrop fell on her cheek.

Mu Yazhe glared at her back neck. For the first time in her life, a man who used to be arrogant, shed tears in front of her.

"Don't torture yourself anymore, okay?! You torture me or punish me! Don't torture yourself anymore!"

He choked, "Poetry, I love you so much, I love this little guy in the belly! Don't torture yourself again! Look at me, look at me..."

He took her face and forced her to look at herself.

"It doesn't matter how you punish me. The child is innocent, don't punish her, okay? Um?"

He was hoarse and eager for her response.

What came up was a tear that fell from her eyes.

Mu Yazhe hugged her tightly. "I can't lose you, and I can't lose her... I don't know what to do with you. You wake up, wake up..."

He asked her out of control.

Ask her to be awake and ask her to open her eyes and look at the fetus in the film.

He even forgot that she could not see it at all.

Yun Shi poetry slowly returned to the gods, slightly biased his head, turned to the film, the sight was a fog.

(End of this chapter)

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