Chapter 2836 is inhumane...

Don't be so glaring at him anymore? Please, please!

He is also very innocent and tears.

In the frozen light of Mujazhe, Han Jin meditates in the heart of the Great Compassion.

Yun Shi poetry said in the side, "I don't know why, Hua Jin suddenly mouths, want to eat eight hi, I think, just can't sleep, come to accompany her for food! Ha ha!"

Mu Yazhe also learned that she sneered a little, "Oh."

Yun Shishi, "..."

Han Jin, "..."

Two people are silently pleading, you still don't laugh.

It’s better to cry than to laugh.

Yun Shishi was not guilty, but he listened to Mu Yazhe sitting down beside him. He turned to look at Huajin, lazy to look at him, watching him like a loving elder looking at his juniors.

The flower brocade is getting better.

"Brother, what happened?"

He looked at him and his tone became inexplicably gentle. "So I like ice cream?"

Despite this gentle tone, it falls into the ear, but it is very cold.

I always feel his eyes and words, and have other meanings.

Hua Jin couldn't help but shudder and nodded **** the scalp. "Ah."


Mu Yazhe stood up and left the seat.

Hua Jin also refused to go where he went, what to do, nervously grabbed the sleeves of Yun Shishi, and asked with a sad face. "Sister, I don't want to back this pot! My brother-in-law is so cruel, how can I teach me how to teach me?" What should he do to get a whip to smoke me?"

"No, right?! He won't start with you."

Yun Shi poetry is also too nervous, paused, and quickly comforted him and said, "You can rest assured that your brother-in-law is very gentle, will not marry you, and will not beat you, if he dares to beat you, I must stop in front of you. !"


When Hua Jin was suspicious, he heard the footsteps coming from behind him. He looked back in confusion and saw that Mu Yazhe had two large buckets of eight-ups in his hands and walked over to him and placed them in front of him.

"I invite you to eat."

Hua Jin petrified.

These two boxes of eight-happiness, there are five boxes of small portions!

In the eyes of Hua Jin’s empty eyes, Mu Yazhe sat across from him and looked at him calmly.

"Eat, not enough to buy, I treat."


Han Jin reveals a stubborn expression. "So much, isn't it?"

The poems of the clouds are invisible, only the tone of the flower brocade is heard, as if they are about to cry.

"You are not saying that you want to eat?"

Mu Yazhe is also a deep smile, "If you don't eat..."

The flower stared at him.

Just listen to Mu Yazhe’s voice and turn cold. "If you don't eat, don't blame me."



Yun Shishi’s poems are only sitting side by side, but what she can’t see is that Mu Yazhe is sitting opposite the flower brocade, holding a bucket of eight hi in one hand and a spoon in the other, a painful mouthful. , feed large chunks of ice cream towards the mouth of Hua Jin.

Hua Jin did not dare to have any resistance, and thought of his threat, I thought I still ate Baxi!

So, he bit hardened his scalp, one mouth after another, although the weather was hot again, but a bucket of food, the teeth still trembled.

Mu Yazhe opened a bucket of light and lightly, and sent an ice cream to his mouth, faintly ordering, "eat."


The flower brocade eyes twitched straight and took a sip, and the whole person was not good.

He Guang glanced at the eight joys on the table, and he mourned in his heart. It would not be to eat so much! ?

(End of this chapter)

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