Chapter 2837 is exploding

"Come, open your mouth."

Mu Yazhe holds a spoon.

"Sister-in-law, can't you eat it?" He glanced at the ice cream in his hand and made a nap. He laughed more ugly than crying. "I am full."

Mu Yazhe fluttered back and forth, "I can't take it if I can't eat it."

Hua Jin’s face was wrinkled, and she was crying. "Going around? Which one is going?"

Mu Yazhe proudly returned, "Hey. What do you say?"

"... um, I eat." Hua Jin looked like a dead man.


After eating two barrels plus two boxes of eight hi, what is the experience?

Two word evaluation: torture.

After Kam Jin took a vain footstep and got on the bus, looking at the front, Mu Yazhe put Yun Shi poem on the exclusive car.

I saw that he carefully buckled the seat belt for Yun Shishi, then got on the driver's seat, started the car, and went away.

He couldn't stand it anymore, licking his stomach and looking blue.

What is this ghost? !

This man is simply the number one wife.

These two are also true!

I don’t sleep in the middle of the night, run around to toss him? !

Feeling the head, how is he injured?

He is so good!


In the car, Yun Shishi nervously slammed the seat belt and swallowed with a sigh of relief.


Mu Yazhe raised his eyebrows, "Well?"

"You just put Huajin... How about..." Yun Shishi asked with some concern. "Listen to his voice, it seems to be very painful. How much ice cream did you feed him?"

Mu Yazhe, "All eaten."

Yun Shishi, "How much is it?"

Mu Yazhe, "Two barrels, plus two boxes."

Yun Shishi suddenly shudders.

Just think about the taste of ice cream on the scalp, how can you feel bad?

Her sudden obsession with ice cream is not so deep, and even a little nausea.

She nausea, and the purpose of Mu Yazhe has been reached and completed.

He asked, "Do you still want to eat ice cream?"

Yun Shishi hurriedly shook his head, "I don't want to..."

I don't want to. =_=b

Mu Yazhe suddenly reached out and held her hand, clasping her tight fingers.

Yun Shishi’s heart was warm, and he held his hand.

Perhaps it was only a long time holding the ice cream bucket, his hand was slightly cold.

He said nothing, but it was such a small detail, she suddenly understood his uneasiness and distress.

This is such a restrained man, putting everything in his heart.

Perhaps it is too much care.

I care too much, always afraid of losing.

Therefore, his cautiousness is only to better protect her.

"I will definitely be embarrassed in the future." Yun Shishi whispered.

"Well, hey."


Yun Shi Shi’s words turned. “You fed him so much ice cream, would he have anything to do?”

Mu Yazhe, "..."

Yun Shishi said nervously, "I will definitely have a diarrhea?"


When the bathroom came out, it was almost empty.

He dragged a pair of big legs that were numb and walked out, supported the wall, and went to the living room. The sky was already bright.

In the living room, Mu Yazhe came out of the restaurant and poured a cup of warm pure water to him. "Drink."

Hua Jin took over the water and leaned against the wall, his face resentful.

"I seem to be exploding!"

Mu Yazhe raised his eyebrows, "Is diarrhea?"

"Well, a little."

Mu Yazhe returned to the room and took out a box of stomach medicine to him. "Eat it."

The flower koi took a few seconds and took the pill box with great enthusiasm. "Thank you brother-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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