Chapter 2876 is not enough to die

"I knew your daughter offended Gu Jinglian..."

Mu Linfeng took a sip of cold air and said with a slap in the face, "I will not agree with this marriage!"

Jiang Yan dreamed of a sigh, and all of them fell to the ground.


A bodyguard walked to Gu Jinglian and carefully said, "Gu, the person seems to be dying, will you continue?"

Gu Jinglian asked coldly, "Is it mad?"

"There is, but there are people who have already passed out."

The crowd slowly spread out.

Gu Jinglian fixed her eyes and saw that Song Zhengguo was kneeling on the ground. She was beaten and bruised, and her body was crumbling, as if she would fall down in the next second, and she would never wake up again.

However, Song Enya was completely fainted, and his face was blood, and his body was covered with bruises. His chest was also dropped on the ground. The whole person was terrible.

The bodyguard kicked her face with her foot and there was no reaction.

In the chaos, one of them randomly picked up a bottle of champagne, and against the head of Song Enya, he knocked it down. Song Enya suddenly fainted, letting him punch and kick, and did not have **** again.

Someone went up and explored the breath, but the breath was weak, but there were still vital signs.

However, people are not awake.

It’s not afraid of making a life, but this time, you have to ask Gu Jinglian’s meaning. If he orders to continue playing, he will continue to do so.

Gu Jinglian twisted her eyebrows and went to the side of Song Enya. She kicked it with her toes. Someone immediately squatted down and wiped the tip of the blood stained for him.

"Gu Shao, she is dirty, don't dirty your shoes."

Xiaobao also saw the horror of Song Enya, scared to immediately hug Gu Jinglian's shoulders, so the details of attachment, but Gu Jinglian's face slightly stunned, the lips can not help but outline.

He was surprised to be satisfied with the dependence of this little devil.

"Uncle...she won't die?!"

Xiaobao asked with fear.


Gu Jinglian is very confident. He has always had a number of people, and he will never easily make a life.

Therefore, he is very sure that Song Enya still has a sigh of relief.

"Uncle, don't fight!"

Xiao Bao licked his lips and couldn’t bear it. "Look at the poor!"

Gu Jinglian is cold and cold, "This kind of person is not worthy of pity."

Then he said nothing.

The next sentence is that it is not enough to die.

Xiaobao feels too cruel. It is already very remorseful to make people like this. Originally, for Song Enya, he hated and angered, but he could be taught by Gu Jinglian. He felt that this woman was pitiful.

Being beaten like this, I don’t know if it’s dead or alive.

"Uncle, let's go!"

Xiaobao pulled his shirt collar and said pitifully, "I don't like this place."

"Good. Let's go!"

Gu Jinglian was holding Gu Chengze, just about to go. When passing by Song Zhengguo, he thought of something. He looked back and looked at Song Zhengguo, who was beaten unconscious. He said with disgust, "Song family, expensive for the four famous doors, It’s famous. However, from tomorrow, the Song family does not exist.”

After that, he took Gu Chengze and went back without looking back.

Gu Jinglian walked with her hands and feet, and the guests couldn't take any etiquette and greetings. When they saw the door open, they quickly pulled back and retired!

The big wedding hall, all of a sudden!

(End of this chapter)

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