Chapter 2877 is clear about the relationship!

Jiang Yan dreamed and slammed into Song Enya's body and carefully hugged her. However, only when she grabbed her shoulder, she only heard the sound of "嘎达", which seemed to be the sound of broken bones, which scared her face and even more. I dare not shake it.


Jiang Yan dreamed and cried, "call the ambulance! Send the hospital quickly! Send the hospital!!"

Mu Yuchen responded that he just wanted to take out the phone to dial the ambulance, but Mu Linfeng stopped it in time.

"Uncle, what happened?"

"Don't worry about this! Is it not enough?"

Mu Linfeng said with hatred, and said, "If I knew that Song Enya had offended Gu Jinglian, how can I let you get married?! Do you know that the current family is not the one that Mujia can compete against! That Gu Jinglian, The heart is hot, if you send Song Enya to the hospital of Mujia, the next day, depending on the nature of Jinglian, I am afraid that I will send the hospital to the hospital without saying anything!"

Mu Yuchen was shocked and collected the phone.

Mu Shumin also had a lingering fear and asked with trepidation. "Two brothers, look, this marriage..."

"Nature can't make it!"

Mu Linfeng snorted, "Yu Chen and Enya did not receive the certificate, and this marriage is not worth mentioning! It is such a trouble today, and the family is lost."

"The cameras of those media reporters have been smashed by the people of the family."

Mu Yuchen paused again and again. "When I wait, I will send someone to say hello and let them not write today's press release. It hasn't happened this thing!"

"Do you think the guests who come to the scene can't see your eyes?!"

Mu Lin whispered in the air, "When is the time, this biography ten, ten pass hundred, what is the face of Mu Jia?!"

Mu Shumin’s face was also awkward, and he was so angry that he glanced at Jiang’s dream and said, “Things that are not harmful!”

Jiang Yanmeng heard the snoring, turned his head and looked at Mu Shumin, his eyes showing the desperate hatred. "Mu Jia Erye, Shu Min, our family Enya have been labeled like this, you can not help but lining up!" I still said something cool in the side! I can see it, and the ability of you to go down the stone is not small!"

"You said these words in a few words, but also blamed the Mujia head!"

Mu Shumin was furious and angry. "If it isn't your daughter, this is a good person, will the family be so shameful?! I live so big, I have never lost my face! I am not at the bottom of my life. It is not your daughter who can't live without it! Who is offended? Ok, it’s offensive to Gu Jinglian?! This is good. The door of the Mu family has not yet stepped into the half step. It has caused us such a big evil. I also want to admit the family and the Song family. Who is Gu Jinglian?? Don't want to offend!"

Seeing the words open, Jiang Yan dream is not polite, and the mouth is not eloquent, "What do you want to offend?! I don't think you are offended! I really confirmed that sentence! Mu's away from Mu Yazhe, It’s no longer the one that once had a brilliant scenery! Look at the present Mousse, in front of the family, you must talk in a low voice, it’s a shame!”


Mu Shumin still wants to say something, Mu Linfeng immediately stopped her and replied, "What is it to say now?!"

"Yes... Second brother."

Mu Shumin did not understand the heart and hate, but because of Mu Linfeng, she could only hate Jiang Yan’s dream.

(End of this chapter)

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