Chapter 2878 Gu Jinglian's Means 1

Mu Shumin did not understand the heart and hate, but because of Mu Linfeng, she could only hate Jiang Yan’s dream.

Two, I am afraid that it is so stiff, Jiang Yan dreams naturally do not intend, and what is the intersection with Mu Jia can, my heart is also clear, because of such an accident, Mu Jia and Song Jia marriage, it is estimated that not counting Now!

Therefore, with you not letting me feel good, I will not let you be better, she speaks, and she is not welcome!

"There is nothing to say! This is not a former home! This is a good time when Yazhe was in the past, but Gu Jinglian would not be so bullied! This Gu Jinglian wants to make a fire, how to look at Yazhe On the face, there are concerns! But now Yazhe is gone, this Mujia used to be a lion. Now, it is more like a fallen lion who has been driven out of the ethnic group, but also wants to be a king?! Forget it! I also thought about how to pack up my mess and say it!"

Almost hysterically, these words were made, and Jiang Yan’s dream was just like this.

As everyone knows, Mu Linfeng heard this sentence, feeling a lot, blood and heart attack, the body actually shakes.

This is a poke into his heart!

This year, people who sing the ruined family are not in the minority!

Jiang Yanmeng’s words are undoubtedly crit!

Mu Yuchen quickly helped him, and he saw the face of Mu Linfeng embarrassed, but also angered his heart, and said to Jiang Yan, "Where do you think the Song family is good?! Jiang Yan dream, you don't want to face the face! Gu Jinglian said, Tomorrow will make the Song family a past tense! You have to figure it out, how should you live!"

Said, he helped the wind, and left!

Mu Shumin also took people away!

The venue was empty!

Jiang Yan dreams of grievances, but now things are in crisis, she can not care about the words of anger and admiration, only to make a phone call, and half an hour later, the ambulance rushed to the car and lifted everyone into the car. .

Along the way, the medical staff for Song Enya and Song Zhengguo checked the injury, the injury is serious, but the vital signs are stable.

Jiang Yan dreams are worried, as if the sky will fall down, desperate!

If Song Zhengguo had a long and two short, she didn't know what to do!

In addition to Song Enya, she was afraid that she was weak and had a miscarriage before her. She was afraid that she couldn’t help herself. Fortunately, the medical staff said that there is no danger to life, and it must be confirmed after a series of inspections.

Her heart is seven up and down!

Two people were sent to the hospital. Song Zhengguo and Song Enya were sent to the emergency room one after the other, leaving Jiang Yan to stay outside the operating room and wait hard.

She did not bring cash, but when she entered the hospital and revealed her identity, the hospital immediately said that she would do her best to rescue.

Jiang Yan dreamed a few phone calls to the Song family, and soon after, Song Jianjun hurried with him.

At this time, Song Zhengguo was introduced to the operating room and transferred to the intensive care unit. Song Jianjun looked at his younger brother and became this appearance. The doctor told me that there was no other injury, that is, a severe concussion, and the body was broken. A few bones are not life-threatening, but Song Zhengguo’s age is hurtful, and he is afraid to raise it for a while.

Jiang Yan dreamed of fear and fear, but did not know what happened to Song Enya in the rescue room. When he was sent to the hospital, he was full of blood, fearing that there was something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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