Chapter 2891 I am broken, not broken

Gu Jinglian endured forbearance and was patient.

Xiaobao was careful at this time, carefully cleaning up his wounds, and then wiping a little potion, and taking the gauze to wrap it around.


Xiaobao is delighted.

Gu Jinglian opened her eyes, but saw his arm wrapped in gauze very thick, and he gave him a bow, which is very young.

Such a thick dressing technique also made people think that he was broken.

Gu Jinglian looked like a face, "Is this what you call experience?"

"Where is there a problem?"

Gu Jinglian said coldly, "I just broke my skin and my bones are not broken."

"I'm afraid that if you hit a hard thing in the wound, such as the corner of the table, it will hurt. If you have a thicker bag, you won't be."

Xiao Bao is very intimate to explain.

Gu Jinglian is speechless.

When Fu Bo came in, he saw Gu Jinglian being tied with a scorpion-like arm. His face was colorful and he spent a long time, and he laughed at the face.

"Master, have you broken your hand!"


Gu Jinglian is even more angry. "You laugh again and pull your tongue out."

"Oh..." Fu Bo was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth and smiled.

Xiaobao was frustrated, his face was crumpled, and he was very sad. "Is it so ugly?"

"Hey, what do you say." Gu Jinglian licked his butt, "Go and go to sleep."

"Hey! Dog bites mung bean cake, I don't know good people!"

Xiaobao smashed and smashed and went back to the room.

Gu Jinglian and Fu Bo looked at each other and asked tacitly, "What is mung bean cake!?"

Fu Bo asked, "Master, don't you have to repackage it for you?"

"no need!"

Gu Jinglian’s face is awkward, “trouble!”

Said, he got up and went back to the room.

Fu Bo snickered behind him, this lord, it is really a matter of heart, this is where the trouble is, this is reluctant to tear it down.

Despite the dislike, after all, is it true that his own son is bandaging?


On the following day, the news reported that the news of Song Zhengguo’s fall, Ji.. The Commission found a lot of unidentified cash and gold bars in Song Zhai, and even found out the property that Song Zhengguo purchased overseas.

In addition, Song Yun analysis was also taken away for investigation.

It is said that the reason why Song Jianjun was spared from being attacked is because he broke out other hidden assets of Song Zhengguo.

This shows that it is abandoning the pawn, Mingzhe preserved!

Once the news was announced, the whole city was shocked!

Song Zhengguo is the city of the capital. Chang, who showed up in front of the public, has always been a clear and honest appearance. However, he did not expect that he was so greedy with such a large amount of gray assets. After the final check, the final liquidation of the inspection. In total, there are more than a billion!

Among them, not even Song Zhengguo’s investment in unknown sources!

In addition, Jiang Yan Meng was also taken away to investigate, this incident was once a huge momentum, and even alarmed the top.

Song Zhengguo triggered a series of butterfly effects. It is said that following his connection, other people were uprooted. The zhengfu of the capital experienced a big reshuffle overnight.

The other report has also attracted attention.

Song Enya, who was originally engaged with Mu Yuchen, is now in the hospital and is seriously injured. Because of delays in treatment, excessive blood loss, sudden brain hemorrhage, it has become a vegetative person, and there is no possibility of waking up in the future. Unable to conclude.

(End of this chapter)

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