Chapter 2892 Mother and Child Reunion

In secret rumors, the Song family offended the Gu family, making such a thing, is also the hands and feet of the family behind.

However, some people say that Gu Jia is only collecting relevant criminal evidence. If Song Zhengguo did not do such a thing, Gu Jia could not deal with the Song family, and there was nothing in the middle of it.

In the case of Song Zhengguo, the investigations were still being carried out continuously, and those assets were also seized. The trial of him will be open for public trial.

Song Zhengguo couldn’t think of it, because this daughter, his own zhengzhi career, had so slammed a paragraph and ended in disastrous defeat. What he didn’t think about was that waiting for it would be a major judgment of death!

Of course, this is all afterward!


This time, Chu He actively rehabilitated, under the careful conditioning of Fu Bo, the body became more and more good, and the color recovered a lot.

Therefore, when she once again asked to see Xiaobao, Fu Bo did not shirk.

In the afternoon, Xiao Bao came home from the kindergarten, and Fu Bo hugged him. He said with a mysterious face, "Xiao Bao, Fu Bo took you to see someone, okay?"

Xiaobao looked curious, "Who?"

"Don't worry, you will know when you meet later!"

Fu Bo held Xiao Bao and walked into the room of Chu He before he opened the door. Xiao Bao was still confused. However, when he followed Fu Bo’s gaze, he saw standing in the room and wearing a piece. White shirt, uneasy Chu He, his face stunned, he was so shocked that he could not speak!

Chu He had a calm face and waited in anxiety. Fu Bo said that she would bring Xiao Bao over, and she waited patiently in the room. She was afraid of reuniting with Xiao Bao and would be stopped by Gu Jinglian, but she did not expect that. Gu Jinglian did not stalk from it, which made her somewhat surprised!

Seeing Xiao Bao, Chu He could not help but red eyes, the face that was not screaming, immediately showed a warm smile.

She immediately went over and took Xiaobao's face, looking left and right. Originally, Xiaobao was very thin, not tall, and there was not much meat on his face.

However, how long has it gone?

His face became fleshy and he grew up a lot.

Chu He had mixed feelings for a time, and forced him tightly, and the eyelashes were wet with tears!

"Xiao Bao!"

Chu’s throat swallowed and his voice was hoarse.

Xiaobao’s reaction to the aftermath, when she first saw her, thought it was a dream, until Chu He tightened him, felt the real touch, the temperature on her body, he realized that this It’s not a dream, it’s really happening!

at last……

Reunited with her!

A living mother, a mother who really exists in reality, not a dream, how can he chase, can not catch up with the back!


Xiaobao was so excited that "wow" burst into tears and cried and hugged Chu He, crying and falling apart.

"Xiao Bao thought that I would never see my mother again in this life! Hehe..."

Xiaobao cried sadly, and Chu He was even distressed. He took him from Fubo’s arms and hugged him in his arms, constantly kissing his forehead. "Mom misses you too."

"Oh... Mom, how did you find Xiaobao!?"

Xiaobao is aggrieved and disgusted. "Mom is so stupid! So stupid!"

When Fouber saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little moved, his eyes were a little wet, and his heart was touched and he felt even more infinite.

Although, this time, Xiaobao rarely mentioned Chuhe.

(End of this chapter)

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